Chapter 7

Li Mi moved several emperors to discuss the strategy to meet the enemy. Xu Shiji said: "The Sui army will come again, and there will be brave generals. It will be turbulent. We need to set up the main building to reassure the hearts of the people and obey their restraint. Then Soldiers do things in order to defeat the enemy." At that time, Shiji said, "Li Xuansui, the son of Shangzhu Kingdom, is a master of famous scholars, and he can be the master." Everyone said: "This is very true."

Mi said: "How can I dare to take this job?" Zhai Rang said: "It's justified to establish the title of the master. Otherwise, it's just a thief's momentum and it's hard to resist the enemy. The public is now wise and brave, and everyone is inferior. If you don't take this post, we will all die at the hands of the traitor. Please don't resign."

Therefore, in the autumn and July of the 13th year of Daye, the altar was built in the south of Gongyi, with a radius of nine miles, distributed in five directions, each with a banner, and everyone lined up in order.Shiji invited Li Mi to go to the altar, enter the crown, and sit facing the south to be congratulated by everyone.In the first year of Yongping, he called himself Marching Marshal Wei Gongfu.Zhairang was granted the title of Situ, Shan Xiongxin and Xu Shiji were appointed generals, and each led his troops.Fang Yanzao and Bing Yuanzhen are the chief historians, and Zu Junyan is the record room.So in the south of Zhaowei and north of Jianghuai, all the bandits responded, worshiped the officials and nobles, and made each lead their own people, set up camp books to lead them, and the number reached hundreds of thousands.It is forty miles away from the city of Luokou.Yanzao was sent to lead [-] troops from six counties in the east.Tian Maoguang, the general of the guard army, was sent to make machine stones, which were called general guns as a siege tool.He also appointed Meng Rang as the general manager, and made Wang Bo his deputy.Secretly ordered the two men to ride [-] horses at a handsome pace, and take the title by night to reach the outer gate of the eastern capital. They burned thousands of residential houses and looted tens of thousands.So the residents of Dongdu were panicked and moved into the city.But when Chai Xiaohe was captured, he felt kindness not to kill, so he surrendered to the secret.Xiaohe supervises the censor Zheng (Wang Yan) as his sister-in-law, and has an uncle-in-law affection with (Wang Yan).The secret order Xiaohe said it, (Wang Yan) then raised the city to surrender. (Wang Yan) arrives, greeted by descending ranks secretly, and rejoices with each other.Feng Xiao and Qu Hujun, (Wang Yan) are right long history.Mi said: "I think Pei Renji is brave, and now he is at the king of Yue. It's a pity that the pearl fell into the mud. If I get this man, why worry about the world.

" Zheng (Wang Yan) said, "don't worry, general."I am from the same hometown as Renji, and I know him well. He is brave but not scheming, and he forgets righteousness when he sees profit.With a three-inch tongue, he said that Renji surrendered to the general, is it possible?

" Mi said: "Excellent, why do you go and talk about Renji? "(Wang Yan) said: "But if you use gold and jade to tie your heart, you will definitely come and vote for the general." "Secretly asked Xu Shiji and said, "Is this possible?" Shiji said: "The general wants to take over the world, why should he cherish gold and jade." "Mi Xinran with it, (Wang Yan) and Xiaohe came to Renji.

It turned out that every time Pei Renji went to destroy the bandits, he got military funds and rewarded soldiers and soldiers.Xiao Huaijing, the censor of the supervising army, suspected that Renji had rebelled against him, so he was not allowed to reward him.In the Battle of Cangcheng, Renji did not come as expected, for fear of offending.In the midst of doubts, a sergeant came to report that there were two generals visiting each other.Inki, please see you in the account.After sitting down and having tea, Renji is responsible for filial piety and forgetting the king, dare to come to see me again.Xiaohe said: "I also know that I am ashamed, but seeing that Yue Wang Dong is young and weak, I know that if I am not an established person, I will be punished if I enter, so I have to invite my brother-in-law to surrender. Now Li Mi undresses me and pushes me to eat. Both of them are dead. How can you be under the king of Yue if you are given a high position and will accomplish things in the next day?" Zheng (Wang Yan) said: "Your brother has the talent to drive the sea, and there is no one in the world who does not respect him.
Moreover, meritorious service is not rewarded, and those who are guilty must be punished. How can soldiers be secure in their posts?I look at Li Mi today, he is a hero of the age. "Renji said: "It is expected that this is not the master of the Ming Dynasty. "(Wang Yan) said: "There are several people standing in front of you, and if you look at them all over the place, they are not as good as Li Mi."Li Mi was respectful and respectful, benevolent and virtuous, with excellent rewards and punishments, and eventually became an emperor. "(Wang Yan) took gold and jade to Renji, and Renji said in surprise: "What do you mean by this?" " (Wang Yan) ordered Chi to retreat to the left and right, and said: "This is Wei Gong's long-time admiration for public morality, and he ordered a certain two people to give this gift as a dedication.The former was defeated, but he did not send him to pursue him. Duke Wei also had his intentions for the king. " Jia Runfu said: "Wei Gong sees love so much, Ming Gong will go to attach it. "Renji said: "I hate Xiao Yushi for not being willing, how can I vote for him?" "Runfu said: "Xiao Jun is like a chicken on the perch, with a knife on the ear of Minggong. "Renji followed him, but sent Runfu and Xiaohe and (Wang Yan) first to the secret camp and asked to surrender. Mi was overjoyed and named Runfu to join the army, so that Runfu would also report to Renji. Renji was stationed in a tiger prison at this time. On the occasion of Xiao Huaijing's secret statement, Renji rebelled against the Sui Dynasty and returned to Wei, and it only happened sooner or later. Renji knew it, so he hid a sharp weapon and went to the army. Huaijing watched the book by candle, and when he saw Renji coming suddenly, Huaijing said: "You What are you doing here? "

Renji said: "I am the man of the world, and I act loyally, so I am not troubled by you?

Huai Jing said, "Why do you change your mind?" "Renji: Go forward, cut off Huaijing's head with one knife, and shouted to the left and right: "Xiao Huaijing plotted against me without mercy, and I have killed him."Those who are willing to follow me are here, and those who do not follow me will go by themselves. " When the army shouted, everyone turned to the right. The leader of Renjiti saw Runfu, and Runfu said: "One should report to Duke Wei to pick up the general first. "

While Renji packed up the army and horses in the tiger prison, Runfu reported to Li and secretly led the army to meet him.Renji presented Xiao Huaijing's head, and Mi Mi dismounted and entered the account hand in hand. Mi first bowed down and said: "Mi now wins the general, like a draft seedling, and he gets his rain." Ren Jinami sat down and worshiped, saying: "Ren Ji Today, I abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and I wish to repay it with dogs and horses." Seal Renji as the Shangzhu state.Renji's son, Xingyan, was brave and good at fighting, and he was also granted the title of Shangzhu Kingdom.Renji persuaded the secret to pay more gifts and thick coins, and asked for the land of the four directions, saying: "I have heard of a sage, who is from Dong'a, Dongjun. He is nine feet three inches long, has a beautiful beard, delicate features, and extraordinary courage. His surname is Qin, and his name is Qiong. The name is Shubao." Mi said: "I have also been famous for a long time." So he sent people to ask questions in the village, and Mi secretly greeted him with a car.

Qin Qiong came to see her, and she was overjoyed.Qiong asked Renji, "Why did you recommend a ignorant and ignorant man to Minggong by mistake? There is a wise man in your hometown, why don't you invite him to help?" Renji said: "Who is it?" Qiong said: "A man from Dong'a, Jeju Also, the surname is Cheng and the name is Yaojin, and the name is changed to Zhijie." Renji said fiercely, "I lost my calculation." That is, he was recommended to Mi, and Mi hired him to Luokou, where he and Qiong were both named hussars.There are also Luo Shixin from Taiyuan and Zhao Renji from Jeju. They all led the people to the Secret Service, and the Secret Service was the general manager, so that each department was in charge.The denser you get this number of people, the bigger the momentum.Secretly sent Pei Renji and Meng Rang [-] soldiers to attack Luodongcang, break it, burn Tianjin Bridge, and plunder.

Dongdu sent troops, and the turbulence came suddenly.Sima Yang Defang was killed by Sui soldiers, Renji was defeated and returned to Gongyi.Misui led [-] troops, defeated the Sui army in the old city, and returned to Luocang.They moved troops to attack Yanshi and Jintang, but they could not overcome them, so they returned to Luokou.The guard Chai Xiaohe said: "The land of Qin blocked the mountains and led the river, and died with the back of the neck, and the Han won it and became the king. Today, the Duke uses Zhai Rang and others to protect his Luokou, and the Duke puts on his armor and walks towards Chang'an. The people do not go to the suburbs." Welcome? It is a levy rather than a war.

All the attached soldiers are strong, and then go eastward, pointing at the heroes, and the world will be fine.If it is too late now, I am afraid that others will be the first. " Mi said: "I have had this heart for a long time. Gu Wu's subordinates are all from Shandong.Moreover, all the generals are bandits, and if they are not unified, they will be wiped out if they lose.It's better to move to the prefectures and counties first, to find out their pros and cons, and then to make troubles, which is a perfect strategy. "Xiaohe said: "Minggong's magical strategy is beyond our reach. "

At that time, there was no food in the eastern capital, and the cloth and silk piled up like a mountain, and the cloth was burned to burn it.The king of Yue sent people to carry the rice back to Luocang into the city, and sent troops to garrison Fengdu, Shangchunmen, and Beimanshan, and divided them into nine battalions to prevent secrets.When Ruyin and Huaiyang came to surrender, they returned to Luocang.Duan Da led the army to refuse, and left in defeat.The secret is to order Zu Junyan to make a call to arms, counting the ten crimes of Emperor Yangdi, so as to reach the counties.The call-to-action said: Li Mi would like to announce to the world with great righteousness: Emperor Yang took over the throne with fraud, and his crimes were overwhelming: killing his brother and trying to make him a prince is one of the crimes.Killing one's father to stand on one's own feet is the second crime.Forcing the Chen family to rape his father and concubine is the third crime.Taking away your sister-in-law as the queen is the fourth crime.Opening the Longlin and Yongji canals, and tens of thousands of people died due to poverty, is the fifth crime.Building Xianren Palace, asking for golden treasures, and accepting Luoyang all, is the sixth crime.Setting up more than forty houses in the Li Palace, with thousands of people in the palace, performing moonlight night tours, cutting ribbons for flowers, and the seven crimes.Listening to slanderous appointments, disregarding loyalty, daily flirting with eunuchs, endless sexual intercourse, these are the eighth crimes.Wandering around excessively and ignoring political affairs are the nine crimes.

The government is troublesome, the tax is heavy, the people are exhausted, and the money is wasted, and the starvation fills the gullies. If the department does not provide rescue, it is the tenth crime.With these ten crimes, why do you rule the world?If you run out of bamboos in the Nanshan Mountains, the crimes of books are endless; if you cut off the waves of the East China Sea, the evils are endless.The secret order does not dare to be self-defeating, but wants to choose a virtuous person to be the king, fight against thieves with righteousness, hope to rejuvenate the teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and together secure the Sui Dynasty and save lives.When the call to action arrives, it will be implemented as soon as possible.

After Li Mi's proclamation went, there was a commotion in counties and counties.At this time, King Dong of Yue, the eastern capital, saw that Milei was invading, so he reported to the prefectures and counties, so he sent Taichang Chancellor Yuan Shanda to visit Jiangdu and said: "Li Mi is besieging the eastern capital, and there is no food in the city. If your majesty returns quickly, Crowds must disperse. Otherwise, Dongdu will be destroyed.

"Sandayin sobbed, and the emperor changed his content. The internal historian Yu Shiji said: "The king of Yue is young, and this generation lied to him.If it is as said, where did Yuan Da come from? "The emperor was furious and said: "You are a good villain, dare to delay and humiliate me!" "Because he was sent to Dongyang to urge luck, Shanda was killed by a group of thieves. After that, no one dared to hear about it as a thief.

In May of that year, the emperor ordered the general of You Xiaowei, Tang Gong Li Yuan, to stay in Taiyuan. With Hu Benlang, Wang Wei, and Hu Yalang, Gao Junya, as his deputy, he dispatched soldiers from the thirteen counties of Guanyou to punish the bandits.Unknown how.

General batch: Li Mi was congratulated on the altar, and the name of the building was changed to Yuan, and Li Mi became an emperor.Who knows that the emperor has his own truth!
Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie are heroes who can help the world, and they must be used by the masters who help the world.

The ten crimes of the emperors are used as a call to arms, and the words are strict and righteous, and we cannot but be convinced by them.

(End of this chapter)

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