Chapter 8

Li Yuan, whose name is Shude, is a quiet and quiet man who discusses major issues, and he is also a native of Chengji in Longxi.His ancestor, Li Hu, served as an official in Wei and made meritorious service, and was granted the title of Duke of Tang.Father Bing, who succeeded him as a noble, was born in Chang'an.The body has three breasts, the nature is generous and benevolent, and it is also named Tang Gong.Marries Dou Yi's daughter and has four sons: Chang Jiancheng, Ci Shimin, Sanxuanba, and Siyuanji.A woman is suitable for Chai Shao.

Shimin was four years old, and a scholar said differently after seeing it: "The appearance of the dragon and the wind is the appearance of the sky and the sun.

When he is young and crowned, he will be able to help the world and the people. "The scholar has resigned. Yuan is afraid that his words will leak out, causing people to chase and kill him, but he does not know where he is going. Because he thinks that he is a god, he immediately adopts his words, so he is called Shimin.

During the great cause, Emperor Yangdi broke through the siege at Yanmen, and Emperor Yangdi used wood to fasten the edict from the siege, threw it down the Fen River, and recruited troops to help.In the sixteenth year of Shimin, he went to apply for recruitment and was under the general Yun Dingxing.

Said Dingxing said: "The captives who dare to surround our emperor think that there is no help. Now it is advisable to line up our army and divide it into dozens of miles, so that they can see the banners in the daytime and hear the drums in the night. He will doubt me. I think it is the best, then You can walk away without hitting. Otherwise, if you know what I am and what is true, you will not know whether you will win or lose."

Dingxing follows it.When the army arrived in Nao County, the Turks waited to ride. Seeing that their army was coming endlessly, the Guochi announced the beginning and end. Khan said: "The rescue is coming." Then he led away.He is smart and heroic, has great ambitions, and can be a corporal.At that time, the world was in chaos, and thieves and thieves came up in droves. Knowing that the Sui Dynasty would perish, they neglected wealth to support scholars, and recruited heroes to win their favor.Marry the daughter of Changsun Sheng.The younger brother of Sheng's family, named Shunde, is currently serving as You Xunwei, and Liu Hongji is serving as You Xun's attendant. They both avoided the Liaodong War and fled to Jinyang to be good to the people of the world.Dou Cong, the left relative, also fled to Taiyuan. He had always had a gap with the people of the world.

At that time, there was a man whose surname was Pei and whose name was Ji, whose style name was Xuanzhen. He was from Sangquan and was the deputy supervisor of Jinyang Palace.

Another person, surnamed Liu, named Wenjing, styled Zhaoren, was also from Pengcheng and was the county magistrate of Jinyang.The two were good friends and stayed together that night. When they saw the beacon fire from Hunan in the city, Pei Ji sighed and said: "The poor and the lowly are so poor. How can we survive when we are in chaos and separation?" You know, why worry about poverty and lowliness?" When he saw the people of the world, he was amazed, and said Ji Ji said: "The son of Tang Gong is very human. He is open-minded like Henkel, and his martial arts is the same as that of Wei Zu. Although he is young, he is talented in the world. . ” In the early days of silence, Li Mi rebelled, and Wen Jing was married to Li Mi, tied to the prison in Taiyuan.The people of the world looked at it privately in the prison, Wen Jing was delighted, and challenged him with words: "Today there is great chaos, and it cannot be determined by Tang, Wu, Gao, and Guang." The people of the world said: "How do you know that there is no one? But people I don’t know your ears. The person who came to see you is not like a woman. She wants to discuss major issues with you because of the way of the world. Try talking to me.” Wen Jing said: “Now the Lord is going south to patrol the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, and soldiers fill Heluo. Li Mi besieged the Eastern Capital, bandits and thieves gathered, Dalian prefectures and counties, small mountains and swamps, almost tens of thousands. At this time, there is God to drive and use it, and if you can speculate, if you fight hard, the world will not be enough It's settled. Today, the people of Taiyuan are avoiding thieves and entering the city. They have been quiet for several years. Once the heroes who know them are collected, they can get tens of thousands of people. If you add the soldiers under the command of the lord, they will be tens of thousands. Under one order , Who will ignore it. Take advantage of the emptiness to enter the customs and order the world, and in less than half a year, the emperor's career will be completed." The people of the world laughed and said: "The king's words are right with me.

" Naiyin arranged guests and trained soldiers, but Yuan didn't know it.

After a few months, Wen Jing was released from prison, and the people of the world would send out, fearing that the Duke of Tang would not obey, and dared not speak for a long time.Wen Jingmou said: "Zun Gong is the most respectful of Pei Ji, and he is the only one who can motivate him to act." The people of the world paid millions of dollars to pay Longshan to make Gao Bin clean, so that he could win with Ji Bo, pretending to lose.There are many victories in silence, knowing that it is the intention of the people of the world, and they are overjoyed, because they are getting close to the people of the world, and the people of the world tell them with affection.Ji generously promised, "Don't worry, this is all up to me.

But in ten days, things will be harmonious. "

On the same day, they all scattered and retreated to their private houses in silence. Sleep and food were all abandoned, and there was nothing to do.One day, I went into Jinyang Palace, pretending to be panicked, Zhengzhi Zhang and Yin Erfei were playing with flowers at the side of Qingyun Pavilion. When they saw Ji suddenly approaching, they said, "Where are you from?" Come to fold flowers to enjoy your ears.

Concubine Zhang said with a smile, "flowers are worn by women. What's the matter with you?" Ji said: "Do you think men can't wear them?"Everyone has the heart of love and desire, but there are differences between high and low, worry and joy.

The ministers come to fold flowers, and discuss with each other if there is something to do. The concubine said: "What knowledge do we girls have?"

What's the deal? Ji said: "Special gift for wealth." Concubine Yin said, "What do you mean by sun exposure?"
Ji said: "No."Today the Sui Dynasty is in disarray, and the lord is touring Jiangdu, enjoying himself so much that he forgets to return.On behalf of Wang Youchong, there is no master in the country, and there are many heroes from all directions, with many blasphemy.It was recently reported that Liu Wuzhou, the school captain of Mayi, was called Khan according to Fenyang Palace, which was very beneficial.Thinking that Fenyang is not far from Taiyuan, if soldiers come here, who can defend them?Although the minister is a deputy guard, he is weak in intelligence and strength, and it is difficult to protect his whole body. How can you be safe? "The second concubine was shocked and said: "What can I do like this?If it is as said, my sister will die. Ji said: "I have a plan to protect it." "The concubine said: "It is at stake now, and I would like to implement good strategies to prepare for it. Ji said: "Stay behind Li Yuan, there are tens of thousands of people today."

His son Shimin is an invincible hero.Yin recruited heroes from all directions and wanted to do great things, but because of Yuan's refusal, he didn't dare to use troops for a while.I predict that the world will belong to this person soon.The two of you have been in the idle palace forever, without seeing the sun, and it has been many years.Why don't you take this opportunity to serve Yu Yuan, one is to turn misfortune into blessing, and the other is to be a concubine after a long time, so rich and noble, wouldn't it be beautiful. The concubine said: "My sister has also cherished this heart for a long time, and it is really hard to say."And I'm afraid that this person will uphold integrity, and when he sees abandoning things and venting, he will be comfortable at that time? Ji said: "I'm afraid that if you two are not strong, you will not be able to accomplish anything."

"The concubine said: "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow.Only my sister and you know about this matter, so that there is no danger of extermination. Ji said: "Ji's plan is foolproof."Li Yuan and I are very kind, and we drink all day and night.You can have a banquet in the leisure room on the side of the palace. I invite him to drink, and you two will serve music.This person is addicted to wine and sex, and he will never see it. When he is drunk, the two help him into the palace, so that he will be consciously convicted, and if he wants to make a big event, he will be harmonious, so why is it so difficult? "The discussion has been made.

The next day, the second concubine was about to get a few pearls, so Pei Jimi sent them to Li Yuan.Yuan was overjoyed and went to the palace to express his thanks.Prepare delicacies and delicacies, good wine and fine fruits, and set up outhouses.On the left side at dusk, invite Yuan to drink together and let him sit high.The second concubine stood by and followed the music.Yuan was shocked and said: "You are the ear of a small minister, and you are the mistress. Why do you respect me wrongly? If the matter leaks out, the family will be destroyed." The concubine said: "Fang today, there are no heroes, but stay behind. It is not respectful. The job of staying behind, respect the talents and virtues of staying behind." Li Yuan repeatedly pushed back and avoided the table.Ji Sui said, "The four of us are the only ones who are ignorant in the evening night. Why do you doubt it?"

So the four of them sat together and drank happily.When the wine was half drunk, I sneaked out from the banquet.Yuan also drank several cups by himself, as if they were playing with each other. The concubine challenged her and said: "We two have no master now. If we want to serve and stay behind, are you willing to accept it?" Report." Unknowingly drunk, he could not stand on his feet and fell to the ground.The second concubine said: "You have too much to drink.

"At this time, the drunken eyes were hazy, and she didn't care about it. The second concubine then helped her to the dragon bed, covered her face, and slept with her in a very friendly way. When she wakes up, the sky is already clear. Yuan saw lying on the dragon bed The bed was covered with a yellow robe, and she jumped up in amazement, and said to the concubine, "You two have done a good deed and caused my death. What crime have you committed together? "The second concubine said: "My lord, please don't be afraid. This is the end of the matter. If you only want to do big things and protect wealth and honor together, what harm will it do?" "Yuan's heart is determined. Liquan sees this, and there is a poem that says: Gaozu is called a sage master, and the hatred of adultery court ladies is hard to get rid of.

It's not because of many changes, but only for Tian Wengzuo and Li Dynasty.

Li Yuan has been in and out of the palace since then, and has nothing to do.It was the time when the Turks invaded Mayi, and Yuan sent Gao Junya and Wang Rengong to reject them, and they were defeated.Yuan was afraid and offended, and was very worried about himself.The people of the world opened their screens to the left and right, and said to Yu Yuan, "the Lord has no way today, the people are poor, and the outside of Jinyang City is a battlefield. If the adults keep the rules, there will be bandits and robbers, and there will be severe punishment. , It’s not like obeying the will of the people, revitalizing righteous soldiers, and turning misfortunes into blessings, this is the time God has given.” Yuan was shocked and said: “How can you say this? If things leak, you will die without a place to bury yourself.

Now I will take you to sue the county magistrate. Xu Yu of the people of the world said: "The people of the world look at the sky and people like this, so they dare to speak."My lord must want to sue me and sue the officials, but he dare not resign to die. "Yuan said: "How can I bear to tell you, I am so shocked by your heart.Be careful not to export it so that outsiders will know it. "

General batch: The people of the world apply for recruitment, and the sudden soldiers leave without attacking, which can make people so frightened.When Wen Jing saw it, she recognized him as a talent for life. It can be said that she has eyes.The second concubine served Yuan, and she was extremely friendly. How could she know that she would be the emperor in other days, so she served her?
Chapter 1 The people of the world said that Li Yuan raised troops the next day, and the people of the world said Yuan again: "Recently, there are rumors from boys: 'The Yang family will be destroyed, and the Li family will be prosperous. The dynasty and the family are destroyed. Today, thieves and thieves are becoming more and more common, and they are all over the world. The lord is ordered to punish the thieves. Will the thieves be wiped out? If the thieves can be wiped out, the meritorious service will not be rewarded, and the body will be in danger. Only the words of yesterday can save the disaster , This is a perfect strategy, I hope you will not doubt it." Yuan Nai sighed and said: "I think about your words all night, and it is very reasonable. Today, you will destroy the family and die, and you will also turn the family into a country." The people of the world Thinking of it as an urgent plan, he set up a seat in another place and secretly invited people to invite Yuan.Yuan was drinking from the night of Pei Ji, and when he was half drunk, Ji said to Yuan calmly, "Erlang raises men and horses in the shade, trains them day and night, and wants to do great things. He is serving the public for Ji's sake. He is afraid that he will feel offended by this." What is the public opinion?" Yuan said: "My son sincerely intends to do this, and it has already happened, so what should be done, we must obey."

It was a day when the wine was gone and people dispersed, and the people of the world became more suspicious when they saw Yuan's reluctance to mobilize troops.Suddenly, it was reported that Emperor Yiyuan and Wang Rengong of the Sui Dynasty could not resist the invaders, so Liu Wuzhou occupied Fenyang Palace and sent envoys to Jiangdu.

Yuan heard great fear, Shimin Yu Ji, and Liu Wenjing said to Yuan again: "The land of public domination is not complete. The current department will fail, and only then will it be punished by crime. The matter is already pressing, so why not plan it?"
In addition, Jinyang's scholars and horses are strong, and the palace supervisors have huge savings.On behalf of Wang Youchong, the heroes of Guanzhong rose together. If the king traveled west with a drum, he stroked it, like searching for an ear in a bag. "Yuan Ranzhi, that is, he wants to make a big plan. Emperor Hui sent his envoy Chi Yi to forgive Yuan and Wang Rengong, and Yuan's plan was slowed down. Dali Sizhi Xiahou Rui said to Yuan: "The emperor's seat is uneasy today. If you visit the market to get old, you must Who cares if there are real people who start from their own points? " Sima Xu Shixu, Sikai warrior Luo, former Xunwei Tang Xian, and Xian's younger brother Jian all persuaded Yuan to raise troops.

At that time, it was built and Yuanji was still in Hedong, so Yuan was delayed.Liu Wenjing said that Pei Ji said: "If things happen first to control others, then they must be controlled by others. Today, the Duke is the palace supervisor, and the palace servants serve the guests. When the court hears about the death of the Duke, why mistake the Duke of Tang?" Ji was very worried, Repeatedly forced Yuan to raise troops.

Yuan Nai sent Wen Jing to pretend to be an imperial edict, and issued it to the people of Taiyuan, Xihe, Yanmen, and Mayi counties, and attacked Koryo for more than [-] years in three years.Because of the fierce human emotions, there are many people who think about chaos.And when Liu Wuzhou occupied Fenyang Palace, the people of the world said to Yu Yuan: "The adults stayed behind, but the thieves stole and took possession of the palace. If you don't build a big plan early, the disaster is coming." Yanggong, our generation's crimes should be exterminated, so what can we do?" Gao Junya was terrified.Wang Wei said: "Wisdom depends on Tang Gong, bravely rely on the generals, and I and Gao Jun are only obeying restraint." Yuan said: "The imperial court uses troops, and they all obey festivals. Today, the thieves are within hundreds of miles, and Jiangdu is within three thousand miles. In addition, the road is dangerous, and there are other thieves occupying it, and the soldiers of the rubber pillars in the Yingcheng City will be like giant slippery hogs, it will not be perfect!
In a dilemma, why should we do it? "Wang Wei and all the generals said: "The common land is also relatives and sages, and the same country shares weal and woe. If you want to care about thieves, you can specialize it. "Yuan repeatedly pushed back, deceitful as a last resort, and Fang Shi said: "The bandits are huge, and the soldiers are small and difficult to fight. First, we should gather heroes so that we can use our troops. "Nai ordered Shimin and Liu Wenjing, Changsun Shunde, Liu Hongji, etc. to recruit soldiers, and went to gather far and near. Within ten days, nearly ten thousand people were gathered. Still secretly sent envoys to Zhao Jiancheng, Yuanji in Hedong, and Chai Shao in Chang'an. Wang When Wei and Gao Junya saw the large gathering of soldiers, they were shocked, and suspected that Yuan had different ambitions, and called the warrior Lo, saying: "Both Shunde and Hongji went to war and rebelled, and the court pardoned them and reused them.Receiving this great favor, An De Congyuan general soldiers, for this rebellion? " Wanting to accept two people to ask about their crimes, Luo said: "Both of them are guests of Tang Gong. If you ask about their crimes, there will be different opinions.

"Wei and others stopped. It was the plan of the two of them that they wanted to murder Tang Gong together because he prayed for rain and went to the shrine.

The people of the world conspired with everyone to make an urgent plan, and privately ordered Sima Liu Zhenghui to go to the detention center first, and first sue the two for rebellion. Hou Yuan, Wang Wei, and Junya were watching the matter. Your Excellency will look at it." Yuan looked at Wang Wei and ordered all the officials to look at the case together.The political council refused, saying: "The accusation is for Gao and Wang, the deputy staying behind, but Tang Gong can see it." Yuan Jing said, "Is it true?" Privately summoning the Turks to join the bandits, is that really the case?" Junya swore, "The rebels are coming to kill me!" Then she got up and got up.The people of the world have deployed troops to block the road, and Wen Jing, Shunde, Hongji and others are holding it together.Yuan immediately ordered the army to say: "Wang Wei and Junya privately summoned the Turks to invade the border, and now it is true." So Zhiwei and Junya were in prison.When the Turks led tens of thousands of soldiers to invade Jinyang, Yuan ordered Pei Ji to lead his troops to prepare, and opened all the gates of the city.Turks suspected that they did not dare to enter, and the crowd suspected Wei and Junya called them, so Zhanwei and Junya took advantage of it, and the Turks plundered away.What after all?

General comment: Heroes do things, don't need to be imprisoned by a single envoy, and get humiliated by sitting down, wise men don't do it.Yuan's move has not yet been made, since it was built, and Yuanji is still in the east of the river.Jun Ya and Wang Wei privately summoned the Turks to invade the border, but they were not beheaded in favor of others.

(End of this chapter)

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