Chapter 28

When Li Mi, the fourth general of Yin Kaishan's solo battle, came to Chang'an, the emperor treated him very generously, and if he held a big banquet on the third or fifth day, he ordered all the counselors and warriors to stand beside him, treat Li Mi with affection, and divide the seats at the banquet.When it was sent back, a hundred pieces of silk brocade and gold and silver utensils had been dispatched.Although the emperor saluted like this, Li Mi's heart was not at ease.It turned out that when Li Mi surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, because the King of Qin went to Longxi to conquer Xue Rengao, he was not in the court, so he was surrendered; if the King of Qin was included, would he allow him to marry Li Mi as Princess Dugu?
However, Xue Rengao is said to be the son of Xue Ju. In the 13th year of Sui Daye, Xue Ju collected tens of thousands of people and horses, and they were based in Longxi.Later, in August of the first year of Wude, he died of a protruding eye tumor.Ren Gao was 16 years old, with both civil and military skills, and his sex was just right to kill, so he became the father and led the crowd.When he was the prince first, he was at odds with the generals and was jealous of each other.

And when he came to the throne, everyone guessed and feared each other, and because the country was weakened, the emperor ordered the king of Qin to raise troops to fight against him.

The king of Qin took orders, and the next day, dispatched troops, so Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were the right and left military advisers, Ma Sanbao was the vanguard, Liu Hongji and Yin Kaishan were the guards, and 15 elite soldiers were dispatched to the Western Qin Dynasty.

The sentry horse reported to Rengao, and Rengao was shocked, so he asked the officials, "Li Yuan sent his son Shimin to invade the country for no reason. Who would dare to lead troops to resist?" Chen Siyue said: "If the Tang Dynasty attacks, you must not Bows, arrows, cannons, and rocks are not allowed to shoot randomly. Tang soldiers came thousands of miles away, and it was difficult to stay long. When the food was exhausted, they were attacked with soldiers, and they could be captured with one drum." Ren Gao said: "I have a hundred thousand troops, and the soldiers are fine. There is enough food to resist the enemy, how can we wait for the soldiers to come to the city and sit and wait for death.

So he didn't listen to Si Yue's words, and ordered Luo Zonghu to be the marshal, Han Jian to be the vanguard, Liang Shicheng to be the deputy, Deng Gui and Xu Hua to the left and right teams, Zheng Qing and Li Rugui to be the escorts, and led [-] elite soldiers out of the city. The horse that Ren Gao rode He was more than ten feet tall, and his name was Xiao Si. The second time he was sent out as a teacher, his horse neighed with grief. Zheng Qingjin said: "In ancient times, princes and princes went out on expeditions, and they must ride on horses produced in their own country. Because their horses were born in their own country, they know their hearts and comfort them. Lessons learned, obedience guides the way, so all battles are invincible.Now that we are facing a great enemy, it may be disadvantageous to ride a horse of different births. " Ren Gao scolded and said: "This horse is my favorite, so there is no need to say more. "Then look forward to the Tang Dynasty and advance. When I met Gaoqi, I went to the village for sixty miles. The next day, Han Jian was challenged, and Tang sent Ma Sanbao to meet him. The two fought for more than [-] times, regardless of the outcome, and led the troops back to the original Fortress. Rengao asked Han Jian, "What is the strength of Tang soldiers? " Han Jian said: "Tang soldiers are hard to beat, and their fighting spirit is ten times braver than our soldiers.

Ren Gao scolded and said, "How can there be such a thing?"I am watching the battle. "The next day, when the two armies faced each other, Rengao snatched it out, wearing a red robe and gold armor, a helmet inlaid with treasures, a long spear in his hand, and a small horse on his body. salute. "The king of Qin also put on a gold armor and a beaded helmet, leaned back on the horse and replied, "Who blamed you for coming?"Knowing that my heavenly soldiers are pressing down on the border, and I am quick to welcome and surrender from afar, how dare I lead my troops to resist the enemy? "Ren Guo scolded and said: "Every man is a traitor, how dare he be shameless!"Both are officials of the Sui Dynasty. You are the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, and I am the Western Qin Dynasty. What is the name of the army that invaded the world?Although our country is small, there are hundreds of thousands of powerful soldiers, how can we be afraid of you! "After saying that, he was furious, patted his horse and held a gun, and went straight to the king of Qin. The fight was not perfect, Ren Gao's horse was not used to fighting, and the defeated soldiers went south. The king of Qin was forced to the foot of Dazhou Mountain. Hua, formerly Han Jian and later Zheng Qing, fought against the King of Qin. The King of Qin was trapped at the foot of the mountain.

Suddenly the shouts from behind the mountain rose loudly, and a group of people rushed to them.A general in the lead shouted repeatedly: "Don't hurt my lord!" Everyone regarded him as Tang general Yin Kaishan.Kai Shan is holding a big axe, dancing like flying.Deng Gui saw that Kaishan came bravely, and the four generals armed with four kinds of weapons abandoned King Qin and came to fight Kaishan.Kaishan did not love to fight, he entered the siege, rushed left and right, as if entering a land without people, blocked him from front to back, and rescued the king of Qin to escape.The four generals chased after each other, fought and left after opening the mountain.After walking less than five miles, Liang Shicheng and Feng You led troops to block the way back.Although Kai Shan was seriously injured, he worked hard and fought against the six generals alone.Although the six generals trapped the king of Qin, they dared not approach him when they saw the bravery of the mountain.From noon to You, Rengao's soldiers gradually surrounded several heavy soldiers, and he opened the mountain to tell the king of Qin, "Qin's soldiers are so big that they cannot stop for a long time." Then he took off his heavy armor to cover the king of Qin, and raised his ax to fight the six generals.The six generals met the enemy together and killed more than [-] times. Liang Shicheng drew his bow and looked at the King of Qin to shoot an arrow.It turned out that the king of Qin saw it clearly, bowed his head to receive the arrow, returned the shot successfully, and fell off the horse.Deng Guilun slashed with his saber, Kaishan shouted, and cut Deng Gui off his horse first.He walked two miles away with the king of Qin, and the four generals chased after him with all their strength.

When he was in a critical situation, he suddenly heard a loud shout from the north of Dazhou Mountain, and a group of men and horses came running. Kaishan recognized Liu Hongji, the Tang Banner, and ordered the King Baoqin to go forward. He reined in his horse to block the Qin soldiers. Who dares to be the first to cut it into two pieces!" Qin Bing looked back at each other, daring not to approach.Ma Sanbao also yelled sharply: "Those who have the courage to fight first, why not delay?"

After chasing and killing for a while, he won the armor and horse and returned.Liquan saw this, and there is a poem praising it: Rengao confronted the high land, opened the mountain and faced the enemy alone.

An ax moves a soldier's heart, and a hundred stone bows will make one feel terrified.

Dragons roll in and out of the big week, rushing towards the Qin formation and howling tigers.

The King of Qin has no heroic generals, who will fight to escape the siege and return triumphantly.

The opening of the mountain not only protected the king of Qin from returning to the village, but Shi Yue and Wang Chang all came to the meeting because of their defeated troops.King Qin looked at the generals and said: "If there is no opening of the mountain in this formation, it will be in the hands of several people!"When the king of Qin saw it, he sighed and ordered a banquet to reward Kaishan.Fang Xuanling said: "Qin's soldiers are victorious, and tomorrow they will be challenged." King Qin said: "How can we break them?" He ordered Liu Hongji to lead an army to lie on the bank of the mud stream in the northwest of Gaochai, listen to the fire as a signal, and capture Qin soldiers.He also ordered Bai Xiandao to lead a soldier to lie down at the foot of Dazhou Mountain to intercept Qin's rescue troops.He also ordered Shi Yue and Wang Chang to lead [-] soldiers each to copy out from the back of Qin Bingzhai, and seize their food, grass and equipment.He also ordered Ma Sanbao to lead five thousand cavalry, and King Baoqin personally challenged him.The dispatch is over, and all the generals will go ahead with their plans.Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Li Jing raised fire on the top of the mountain and ordered the generals.

The next day, Qin Binguo came to challenge.The king of Qin put on his clothes and went out with Ma Sanbao and others.When Rengao heard that the King of Qin was coming out again, he bullied him to be cowardly, so before he went out to fight, let alone attacking the King of Qin directly.

The king of Qin met the enemy, and he could not count the number of kills. The king of Qin was defeated, and Ren Gao chased after him.The king of Qin fought and left. Xuanling saw benevolence on the mountain and chased him into the mud stream, so he set off artillery.Tang soldiers rose everywhere, Liu Hongji led his troops to meet the King of Qin across the ravine first, Han Jian and Luo Zonghu pressed in behind, the horses were thin and weak, and couldn't jump the ravine, and both people and horses were trapped in the mud.The mud was several zhang deep, and he couldn't stand up. Hongji let out a sharp cry, and he came out with two hooked and sickle hands, knocking Han Jian and Luo Zonghu upside down and capturing them.

Rengao was behind, and when he saw that the first two horses were stuck in the mud, he did not come to chase them, but reined in their horses and returned.Zheng Qing and Xu Hua heard that the two had been captured and were about to kill them, but Yin Kaishan blocked their way and beheaded Zheng Qing under his horse.

Xu Hua was about to enter when he was about to die, but suddenly the soldiers reported back, "Tang soldiers raided Dazhai, burned my food and grass, and took away all my clothes, armour, and equipment."

At this time, Kaishan was chasing behind, Shi Yue and Wang Chang were in front, and the three generals attacked, beheading his lieutenant Sun Bo.Huali fought out, and Tang soldiers clashed left and right at the foot of Gaochai Mountain. The Qin people were unable to rescue each other from head to tail, and the soldiers were defeated and beheaded thousands of times.Rengao and his generals entered the city and firmly closed the city gate.The king of Qin led two thousand light cavalry to chase after him, and said to the generals: "You must not lose the momentum of breaking the bamboo." Then he entered the city, surrounded by several layers, like an iron bucket, and the water could not leak out, and the shouts were loud.Rengao watched from the top of the city. Tang soldiers were spread out in all directions, neatly distributed, and the army and horses were majestic.In the middle of the night, the soldiers guarding the city said to each other: "The Tang soldiers are very sharp today, and it is difficult to be an enemy.

Is Rengao the opponent of King Qin?It is better to surrender to the king of Qin and avoid the pain of the sword if you die at the end of the day.

"Even throwing away each other's arms and armour, striving to surrender themselves.

Rengao saw that the soldiers were eccentric, each had no fighting spirit, and he had exhausted all his plans, so he opened the city gate and surrendered.The people in the city welcomed the King of Qin into the city with fragrant flowers and candles.To appease the soldiers and civilians, according to their household registration, grain and rice, gold, silver, colored silk, and pearls and jade titles are in the treasury, stop taking Rengao and Luo Zonghui to Chang'an to meet the king, and the rest of the generals will stay in their original places.Let Li Jingquan guard his city, waiting for the imperial decree to decide.On that day, the king of Qin held a banquet to reward the three armies.Liquan's poem says: The war horses roll in the world of mortals, and Ren Gao has no plans for dung officials.

It wasn't because the people of the world had far-reaching plans, how could they destroy the Western Qin Dynasty in one go.

Prince Qin entered the Western Qin Dynasty, and a small school had already flown to Chang'an to report victory.The emperor was overjoyed and called Pei Ji and said: "Qing taught me to accept the surrender of Li Mi in the past. Today, if the people of the world achieve their ambitions, it will not be conducive to Mi."

Ji asked why, the emperor said: "The people of the world are incompatible with the secret book. Every time you want to avenge the secret book, you can't get it. Today, when you return to the court, you are full of energy. Seeing the surrender of Lian Nami, and his wife as a princess, his heart heals." If you are angry, you will not tolerate it. What is your plan? Conspire with me." Ji said: "This matter is very easy. I just ask Li Mi to meet the King of Qin hundreds of miles away, and perform all the courtesies. How can anyone greet me with courtesy? Kill him suddenly? Although the king of Qin is angry, he will understand his meaning when he sees it. When he enters the court, his majesty will give him a good word, and it will be harmless." The emperor said: "Your words are reasonable, and it is also a good strategy." Urgently ordered to declare Entering, the emperor called Li Mi and said: "You have never met the people of the world face to face since you came here. I am afraid that the people of the world will miss the old hatred, which will not be good for you. You can be far away, and do your best to be courteous. Don't make any mistakes.

"Secret said: "I surrender myself to worship, expecting the reward of dogs and horses. This matter is entirely entrusted to Your Majesty Tianwei. "

The emperor said: "It's okay, you can go quickly." The secret speech retreated.After all how?
General comment: Rengao's army was defeated and went south, Qin Wang took advantage of the victory and pursued, did he expect his four soldiers to fight and be trapped at the foot of Dazhou Mountain?Fortunately, he was brave enough to open a mountain, and he was alone with the six generals. He protected the king of Qin from the siege, and wiped out the Western Qin with one blow.I don't know whether the day when the king of Qin played a triumphant game, whether he still cherishes the past and hates it closely.

(End of this chapter)

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