Chapter 29

On the same day the King of Qin humiliated Li Mi, Li Mi led more than [-] soldiers from Chang'an, and headed north until Binzhou.The sentry horse reported that the King of Qin was approaching, and Li Mi hurriedly asked Zu Junyan, "The King of Qin has a question, how can I answer it?" I don’t dare to do harm to the king.”

Mi said: "This is very kind."

The two were discussing, when they suddenly saw a group of men and horses rushing towards them, and they panicked and the crowd approached to meet him.

But see: the golden drums are roaring, the sound of cannons is shaking the ground, teams in brocade clothes, and clusters of colorful hats.There are eighteen general managers on the left and right, and the swords and halberds are evenly arranged on both sides.The first few lines shouted loudly, and the prince sat down in the middle and turned back.

The secret and the generals will stand in different classes, and the music officials will play repeatedly, and the drums and zithers will welcome them.The general immediately shouted: "I am not the king of Qin, but Changsun Wuji and Liu Hongji. The king of Qin is still in the future. Who are you? You can wait for him." Li Mi heard the words, and he was angry and annoyed: "The king of Qin is waiting for you." How thin am I!These two pretended to be princes and came to pick them up with me, especially to embarrass me so much.

If you want to wait but don't accept it, you are afraid that your lord will be offended; if you accept it, you will be ashamed and hard to hide.

The generals were annoyed, when they saw a group of men and horses lined up, the barbarians were dazzling, the swords and halberds were fierce, the flags were divided into five colors, the phoenix was rising, and the shouts were gradually moving forward, avoiding the gold medal on both sides.

Li Mi secretly thought that he must be the king of Qin, so he stood with his hands folded, greeting Qianqiu.Immediately they laughed and said, "We two are Yin Kaishan and Bai Xiandao. If the king wants to meet the king of Qin, he will sit behind the curtain and sit high. The king can go forward to meet him." Hearing this, Li Mi beat his chest and fell his feet. He sighed and said: "A man cannot stand on his own, he is subservient to others, and suffers this humiliation. How can he stand in the sky and the earth!" He wanted to draw his sword to kill himself, but Wang Bodang rushed forward and said, "Why is your lord looking for death like this? During the Warring States Period, King Goujian of Yue was defeated by Fuchai, king of Wu. After ten years of gathering together, and ten years of lessons, once the army is raised, the state of Wu will be destroyed. The king should not lose his greatness because of his smallness." Mi said: "I am also a great man, how can I suffer from this foul smell?" Bo said on the day: "The current situation If so, please think about it, Your Majesty."

At this time, Li Mi's anger subsided a little, and suddenly someone reported: "A yellow flag was blown up in front of the wind, and the word 'King of Qin' was written in a large book. The person who comes this time must be the King of Qin." He had no choice but to wait on the side of the road.Suddenly a group of people and horses arrived, with flying flags shining brightly, connected with treasures and horses, and the horses with silver manes were like jade unicorns.The wrestlers led forward, and followed behind with their fans. Shi Yue and Tao Wuqin made progress according to the team, while Wang Chang and Qiu Shiyin pressed their bridles and walked slowly.The four generals recognized Li Mi, and each said on the horse: "Your Majesty, don't blame your impoliteness!"Bodang came back three times and five times, only comforting him with words of patience.

It turned out that the King of Qin heard that Li Mi had voted for the Tang Dynasty and wanted to avenge his past. The emperor ordered Li Mi to come and pick him up.At that time, Ma Sanbao and Luoyang Shi lined up as guards on the left and right, like heavenly kings.Seeing that it was the King of Qin, Li Mi told him, "Your Majesty, if you are far away from me, please don't blame me." The words continued, and the King of Qin recognized him as Li Mi. Hitting an arrow, the secret generals Zu Junyan, Zhou Chen, and Wang Bodang fell to the ground in fright, their faces ashen.Mi knelt behind, cupping his face with both hands, as if trembling.The king of Qin saw the three of them fighting in a group on the ground like a dog, so he took his arrows, pointed at Li Mi with the tip of his bow, and scolded: "You are a traitor, who taught you to come here? , to avenge the prison, and fear that the lives of these three people will be affected, saying that I can't hold anything. I spare your life for a while, and I have the right to entrust you with a dog's head on your neck. I think it will only be sooner or later." With a loud shout, Li Miwei retreated in fear.Qin Yu drove into Chang'an.The next day, the Tang emperor was played face-to-face: "Thank father, Wang Hongfu, Xue Rengao and Luo Zonghui have been captured and imprisoned in the prison car, waiting for the imperial edict.

"The emperor was overjoyed, and immediately ordered the warriors to come out and kill Cao Cao in the city. On that day, the emperor gave King Qin 1000 taels of gold, 500 taels of silver, and [-] pieces of Shu brocade.

But he said that Li Mi retreated back to the Xing Mansion in embarrassment, restless day and night, and worried about his appearance. He privately said to Uncle Wang that day: "You taught me to return to the Tang Dynasty, and you spoke deeply of the great virtues of God and Yao. Now when I see the King of Qin, his body is like a thorn, so let me sit down. What can I do if I don't feel comfortable at the table?" Bo Dang said, "Bend down and keep your points, wait for the right time, and don't fight with fate." When the day went away, Li Mi's heart became depressed, and there was nothing he could do.

It was Ye Yueming, Misi was so heroic in the past, dominating Kim Yong, but today she is so controlled by others, she burst into tears.Suddenly seeing a person coming in from outside, he laughed and said, "My lord, why is this so? Why don't you discuss with me and suffer yourself?"

The secret question said: "What I suffer is controlled by others." Jun Yan said: "Why don't you go to Shandong to recruit soldiers and soldiers, and taking Wang Shichong is like picking up mustard ears. It is not the ambition of a man to take great achievements under others. " During the discussion, a man came in suddenly and said: "I know what the public and others are planning. I will also go there and help a horse for a while." Mi is very happy, please sit down and ask, it is Jia Runfu.The three of them discussed together, and Runfu said: "I'm afraid that the Emperor Tang will not allow His Majesty to go.

" Mi said: "I have gold, silver, pearls, jade, family members, and soldiers as pledges there, so I must not doubt it. "The next day, I went to see the emperor secretly and worshiped under the que. The emperor asked why, and replied: "Since he surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, he has paid a lot of debts, and he has not made up for an inch of merit.The people in Shandong today are all people trained by Su Su under my command at that time. I ask you to take them to their land and caress them to help the country's prestige. Only Your Majesty can see.

"The emperor said happily, "what you said is very correct. If you want to go, you must have a soldier to help you in case of accidents. "Mi said: "It only needs the hands of ministers to take Wang Bo as enough to win. "The emperor sent Bodang to go with Li Mi.

On the same day when Li Mi got the decree to return to the mansion, he packed up the saddle horses and wrapped up the rice as a plan.

Princess Dugu stepped forward and said secretly, "Why is your lord so hasty? It seems to be frightened.

"Mi said: "I have something that you don't know. "Princess Dugu said: "May I ask for details.

" Mi said: "I want to go back to the Tang Dynasty, but I only worry about you here, so I am worried. "

Dugu said: "What do you mean? My brother treats you well. He is extremely rich. What's wrong with him? Where do you want to go?" Secretly said: "Although the Lord's favor is great, how much does your nephew shame me? Today The situation is not in balance, so I went to Shandong to collect soldiers and make troubles at any time." Dugu said: "I regard you as a good person and serve the country wholeheartedly. Why is this disloyalty and injustice today?
Such a person, the dog does not eat its meat, how can it be said? At this time, Li Mi's nature was like a flame, and he drew his sword and slashed at the opposite side. Dugu's head fell with the sword. Kill the princess?Misfortune is imminent! Mi Jing said: "I was irritable for a while, and things have come to this, what do you care about?"Conspire with me. "Bo Dang said: "This matter must not be leaked. Your Majesty hastily closed the room with the people on the left and right, and did not communicate with him.

Li Mi agreed. The next morning, before dawn, Mi straddled a silver-maned horse, armed with some steel knives, and Wang Bodang accompanied more than [-] people out of the north gate and galloped away.

The north gate flew to report that Li Mi had seized the gate and left. More than [-] Qingqi riders all looked northward.On the left side of Shenshi, people from Xingfu came to tell King Qin that Li Mi had killed Princess Dugu.The ministers were astonished, and one general stood up and said: "Li Mi killed the princess and went away from the Tang Dynasty. He must turn back to Shandong. He is a tiger and hurts people. I am willing to capture Li Mi and His Highness alive with three thousand cavalry." Master Sheng Yan, the general manager of Youzhou.The King of Qin said: "This thief has betrayed righteousness and ungrateful, how can he not avenge his aunt's revenge. It is too far away now, so hurry up."Three days later, I arrived at Ma Huichuan to see if I could catch up. Seeing that Li Mi and Bo Dang were not far away, Master Yan shouted, "Let's go, Li Mi! The King of Qin is here." Puma came.The wind above was blowing the banner of King Qin's army and horses.

Master Yan yelled and said, "You killed Princess Dugu, but you came here. I was ordered by the king of Qin to catch you." Mi said, "I have no enmity with you. Why are you so persecuted?" He scolded and said, "I'm a traitor, how dare you talk too much!" Immediately shouted loudly: "Wang Bodang! I want to shoot Li Mi to death, so you can come and help me so that you don't die." Bodang said: " Live as a minister of Wei, and die as a ghost of Wei, how can a loyal minister be afraid of death!" Then he took up his sword and wanted to fight the king of Qin.The king of Qin shouted loudly, and all the soldiers fired their bows and crossbows, and the arrows rained down like rain.Bodang was so anxious that he couldn't fight, he hugged Li Mi's body with his life, let alone raised his head, and covered him in every possible way.Poor Li Mi, Bo Dang and more than 62 people died at the foot of Mahuichuan Xinggong Mountain in Buyishi.Mi died at the age of [-], in November of the first year of Wude.The historian has a poem that says: Li Mi is the king who laughs at the overlord, but who knows that he will die today.

How many heroes in ancient and modern times, that loyal minister is like Bodang?
Liquan Shan Zan Bodang said: "The son is lucky, once Bodang rests."

With hatred for Anguo in his heart, his eyebrows are locked in temples and temples.

He is heroic and loyal to the bullfight.

So far, the soul and soul still circle the Phoenix Tower.

Li Mi was decapitated by Master Sheng Yan and sent to Chang'an.The emperor was overjoyed, and he was about to order Li Mi's head to order the four gates to give all the gold, silver and silk colors accumulated in the Xing mansion to King Qin and Master Yan.After Mi's death, he guarded Xu Shiji in Liyang without any affiliation.The emperor sent Wei Zheng to say that the Shiji is the number of scholars and horses with registered permanent residence in counties and counties, and they will come down with a table.The emperor was overjoyed, so he gave the surname Li and added him as General Zuowei.

In April of that year, the emperor had a banquet for his ministers, and while they were drinking, he suddenly reported to He Rubi, the governor of Guzhou, saying: "Wang Shichong of Luoyang has repeatedly violated the border and attacked the subordinate town of Tiangu Prefecture.The emperor ordered the king of Qin to lead a hundred thousand troops to fight against the enemy.The king of Qin took the order, and immediately dispatched people to look at Luoyang.Just as they were leaving, they sent horses to report: Liu Wu and Zhou Xingbing invaded the border, disturbed Bingzhou, and the front was very sharp.The emperor said: "Let's teach Qi Wang Yuanji to guard the city tightly, and wait for the people of the world to conquer Wang Shichong, move troops and merge the state, so as to reject Zhou Wu." After all, what?
General batch: It may be called dense like Xiang Yu, but it is not.Xiang Xing dominated the world for five years, and thousands of soldiers fought in close company, but he could not take the eastern capital.In the chaos of Shixuangan, Mishou persuaded Guanzhong to take Guanzhong; as for self-reliance, he could not go west with a drumbeat, and it was appropriate for him to perish.However, to be courteous to the virtuous and win scholars, is it Tian Heng's disciple?He is more worthy than Chen Sheyuan.It is not a traitor to make secrets, and his talents cannot be tolerated by Shiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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