Chapter 41

But Tang Liu Zhan of Baibiguan said that the king of Qin watched it for a long time, and said from left to right: "you can go back early." As he was walking to the foot of Beishan, he heard the sound of a cannon behind the mountain, and a group of people, about [-] people, poured out.The first general shouted, "Li Shimin, leave!" The king of Qin saw him as a black-faced Hu Han, nine feet long, holding an iron whip, and came forward to pat his horse.The king of Qin knew that he respected morality, so he felt frightened, and spread out his rear team, and the king of Qin immediately waited in front of the mountain with his spear.Respecting virtue came, he asked sharply, "Which one is the people of the world?" The king of Qin said, "Aren't you respecting virtue?
" Jingde said: "I am Shuozhou Yuchi Jingde, and the world hears my name like thunder. Since you know me, why dare you come here?I came here to catch Li Shimin. " Qin Wang said with a smile: "Who knows you, a shameless dog and a wild thief?Dare to boast here.Only I am the King of Qin. Since you lead men and horses, and I will fight against you, I am not a hero; since you want to catch me, how can I be afraid of you? "

Jingde said: "If all the people like you come, I can't take away half of my whip." Suddenly the horse raised the whip and took the king of Qin directly.The king of Qin also came to meet him with his spear. The two horses met, and the battle was not counted. The king of Qin pulled the horse away.Jingde suddenly came with a black horse.

Look to catch up, the whip is coming from behind.The king of Qin walked around the tree, Jingde pinched a whip on the tree, pulled up the whip hurriedly, and wanted to strike again, the king of Qin rode a jade horse and had gone fifty paces away.Jingde rushed over with a bridle, and a general turned out from the side of the hillside, shouting: "Don't hurt my lord, Ma Sanbao is here!"Sanbao and Jingde fought endlessly, the saber techniques became disordered, the warriors tortured and attracted more than a dozen riders, Jingde abandoned Sanbao, and the soldiers came to torture them.The warriors battled together several times, and the barriers were uncertain, so the Pegasus left.Seeing that the soldiers were abused and defeated again, Sanbao fled for their lives and scattered in all directions.Jingde patted his horse and rushed to five miles away, suddenly Xiang Shanzhi and Qiu Shili came out from behind the mountain to block the way.The two generals said: "We have been waiting here for a long time!" Then they attacked with swords and horses, and the enemy lived in Jingde.The battle was endless, and both generals were defeated. Jingde saw that the king of Qin had escaped, and was alone at night. He was afraid of being counted, so he shouted loudly: "I won't chase you, you stinky brat. My whip is dirty. You can learn from it. Complete martial arts, let's fight together." Then he led his troops away.

The king of Qin led the four generals back to Jiexiu, and the king of Qin immediately ordered the generals and said: "The army of Ding Yang and respecting virtue is really strong. If it is not rescued by the public, it will almost fall into the hands of the thieves. It will not be able to take the lead. Wait until you In the camp, don’t rush to say that I have made mistakes in the battle with Jingde, for fear of disturbing the hearts of the soldiers. Now that we have discovered the truth, we have a plan to defeat the enemy.” The generals said: “I respect my orders and dare not leak them.” The army returned to the village.The next morning, the King of Qin was sitting in his tent, and he called the generals to ask, "I heard that the Liuwu Bureau has not received foreign aid, the food and grass have run out, and the soldiers have no fighting spirit. I want to enter the Baibi Pass to open the throat. This pass is now It is tightly guarded by Song Jingang and Jingde, but it is actually difficult to attack, what is your strategy?" Cheng Zhijie responded, "Your Highness, don't worry about Wu Zhou, the great driver is in Taiyuan. In the past few days, I have found a small road that can steal the cypress. He and King Kong guarded the pass in their own right. They just marched forward and surrounded Taiyuan. Wu Zhou must take back the soldiers in the pass and go to save his heart. Why worry about Baibi? Once the Baibi was broken, the soldiers attacked Taiyuan together. What is the difficulty in taking Wu Zhou?" The King of Qin said: "It is very good to talk about gold, since there is such a road, why not say it sooner?" Zhijie said: "It will be found out in a few days." The King of Qin said: "It is not too late , as long as tonight is over, it will start to pass.

"Order Cheng Zhijie to lead the first army of Chang'an Dao as the outpost, Ma Sanbao to lead the first army of Liquan Road as the rear outpost, and the king of Qin led [-] elite soldiers as the central army. He left the six official troops, but ordered Yin Kaishan to lead the camp and not move. Reject the soldiers of Baibi.

There was Qin Shubao by his side from time to time, but the king of Qin ignored it completely.Shubao couldn't bear it for a while, but said sharply, "Your Highness, why treat others so poorly? Since Qin Qiong was in the Tang Dynasty, he hadn't achieved half an arrow. He has been so generous that he can't repay him. If you want to defeat the enemy now, don't use it at all. This is the reason." What do you mean?" Qin Wang said: "Brother Qin, don't blame me. I wanted to annoy my brother and his party. There are some reasons for arguing." Shubao said: "What is the reason? Please see the order." Qin Wang said: "King Kong ordered Jingde to guard the pass. There is an enemy of thousands of people, it is very important, I am afraid that you are not an opponent, I will not say anything, I will leave you to fight with Kaishan and respect virtue." Shubao said; "Everyone praises virtue like a heavenly man, and I regard it like a chicken tile Dogs can’t bark, they’re useless. I’ll go with Your Highness, first take the head of Liu Wuzhou, and then attack the two Jingde.” Yin Kaishan said: “There is no joke in the army, and Shubao should not be taken lightly.

"Shubao said: "Dazhang Tian's words are like arrows, how can there be a play? King Qin said: "You can lead 5000 troops to go ahead and lie down on the South Road of Baibi Pass to prepare for the enemy's soldiers who respect virtue."I led the officers and soldiers to the Kansai trail. "

On the left side at dusk, Shubao took orders and went to ambush in Guannan first.The king of Qin said to the generals: "You wait for the second watch to make rice, and the third watch takes advantage of the moonlight night to set up the village. People hold a piece of paper, and the horse reels in the mouth. Walk quietly. I will open the way in person, and you will advance in turn." Then he taught Manzhai to report.

It turned out that after hearing the news, the meticulous staff went to the gate to report to King Kong.King Kong was overjoyed and said: "This fellow, if you steal the path and force me to Taiyuan, you must have food and grass behind you. After I stop you, how can you do it? I have no plan, and I have a plan." Immediately send orders, teach Jingde soldiers are all ready to go to the enemy. Tonight, the second watch will also make food, and the third watch will leave the pass. They lie down in the bushes under the trees, waiting for the King of Qin to pass the Yanhou Road.Look at the night, the King Kong army is full of food and clothes, quietly leave the pass, scatter in ambush, only listen to the sound of drums.

But it is said that Jingde led a dozen naked generals to get off their horses and lie down in the village. It was about three o'clock when they saw that the king of Qin was in front of him, with his spears and horses, and quietly led the army forward.Jingde saw it clearly, so he taught them to beat the drums together, and all the soldiers ambush.When the King of Qin was on his way, he suddenly heard the sound of gongs and cannons fired at the outpost Cheng Zhijie, and he heard horses neighing at the rear post Ma Sanbao, and his heart was frightened.A group of men and horses from behind snatched it up and shouted: "The people of the world will die, I will wait so hard for you!" When the king of Qin looked back, the general had a leopard head and eyes, a black face and a red beard, and he rode a crow with a bamboo-jointed iron whip. Dead horse.Shuozhou Yangshan was also born. His surname was Yuchi, his name was Gong, and his courtesy name was Jingde.

The sound of gongs boomed all around, and all the troops came to kill.When the King of Qin saw Jingde, he was at a loss what to do. After several battles with his horses, the King of Qin reined in his horse and walked towards the high slope.Jingde chased the King of Qin single-handedly, just like a shooting star chasing the moon.

But he said that Ma Sanbao, the rear guard, was fighting with Xun Xiang, the general of Wu Zhou. Suddenly he saw Jingde chasing the King of Qin. Go and rescue!" Shubao was shocked when he heard this, and asked Sanbao in a panic, "Where is King Qin now?" Sanbao was so frightened that he couldn't answer, and only looked at Liu Jun with his finger.Shubao complained repeatedly, so regardless of the three armies, he mounted his horse in a panic and killed Liu Jun in the formation to rescue the king of Qin.Just when General Liu Han Kui came to greet him with a knife, Shu Bao didn't say a word. He just beat General Kui off his horse and charged Liu's array.Suddenly a soldier came out of the thorn bushes and shouted, "General!" Shubao asked, "Who are you?" Asked about King Qin's news, the army replied: "But King Qin was chased by Jingde, and he fled to the north."

Shubao saw that Pegasus came looking north.Turning around the hillside, I suddenly saw a fierce general, wearing an iron helmet, wearing a green robe, wearing a black oil armor, holding a bamboo steel whip, riding a snow-hoofed black stallion, controlling a galloping horse on the hillside, Faith is the shape of Heisha God.There is a poem in Hou Jingxuan, the single number respects the hero and says: The general is heroic and fierce, crowning the three armies, and he has never been so brave before and after.

In the past and the current Jianshui, Yuchiduan had tens of thousands of enemies.

When Shubao saw the image of the black general, it was exactly the same as the axis portrait hanging on the wall of the Qin mansion. He was known to respect virtue, and the King of Qin was pursued by him.Nai immediately shouted and said, "General, where is my master, the King of Qin?" Jingde said, "Who knows who is your master? It's just a village of wild men, and I drove them up the northwest slope. Who are you? What are you doing here? " Shubao said: "I am the world-renowned general Qin Qiong. I think you are the slave of Yuchi Jingde's shameful dog. Because you chased the king of Qin, I came here to escort you. I will fight with you. You die or live." Chizhi said: "Tang generals with thousands of members have been slaughtered by me. You young general have fouled my whip."

Shubao was furious, he straightened his mace, and Jingde raised his whip to meet him. The two generals fought more than a hundred times, regardless of the outcome.Jingde thought to himself: "Tang will have no members to fight with me. Now this thief is so bold and has the means." Then he feigned defeat and left.Shu Bao flew after him, and we'll see how the two of them will win or lose.

General comment: Jingde suddenly raised his whip, and had to be rescued by Ma Sanbaolundao, King Qin almost fell into the hands of the enemy.Baibi Pass is the throat of Wu Zhou, and if you want to attack it, it is as strict as King Kong's order Jingde.Shubao is willing to take Wu Zhou first and then attack Jingde. It is not a joke. Therefore, the king of Qin was chased many times and survived, and the power of the treasure is the most.

(End of this chapter)

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