Chapter 42

Seeing that he could not win Shubao, Jingde made a plan, cheated and made Shubao chase after him. He wanted to use the trick of dragging the whip, but Shubao came close and returned to the horse to whip him.When Shubao saw Jingde go away, he was wary. When he saw the whip coming and flashing, and the whip passed through the ear, Shubao returned to his horse and walked away.But Jingde came again, Shubao hit Jingde back with a mace, but Jingde dodged again.The two generals returned to their horses and fought for more than a hundred bouts, and the spirit of the two generals doubled.

But it is said that King Qin was being chased by Jingde, and suddenly he saw Shubao flying a horse to rescue him, and fought with Jingde, greedily watching the two generals fighting bravely, forgetting the way to escape, immediately on the high slope, watching the two generals fight, I believe that the hero is invincible.He sighed and said: "It's a real beam! If you use it again, the blessing of our country in Tang Dynasty, how can we worry about the grass and thieves in the world!" But [by Jingde] saw the king of Qin watching the battle on the high slope, and wanted to capture him Fearing that Shubao would come to refuse, he lied to Qiong and said: "I have fought with you for more than two hundred rounds, and my strength is great, but this horse is not good enough, so each of you will rest your horse for a while at the bottom of the slope. If I compete with you again, I will not take advantage of the momentum to chase you away."

Shubao listened to him, and retreated down the slope to rest.In less than half an hour, I could only hear the noisy voices on the high slope, and no one spoke.Joan thought to himself: "Could it be that respecting virtue earns me here and arresting my lord?" She hurriedly got on her horse with a mace, and went straight up the hillside.Shubao was shocked and shouted sharply: "Don't hurt my lord! Qin Qiong is here!" At that time, King Qin had gone far, and saw Jingde chasing after him, shouting: "Don't go, boy Tang Li Shimin!" On the hillside, we drove another way until we reached the south of the boundary of Meiliangchuan, and there was a big stream in front of us blocking the way.The name of this stream is Hongni Stream. It is about three feet wide, and the water flows through the Yellow River, and its waves are very rapid.King Qin walked to the edge of Hongni Stream, but there was no boat to cross, and he was terrified.Seeing a big stream blocking the way in front of him, and Jingde cavalry chasing after him, the King of Qin said, "I'll give up!" Then he said: "The emperor and the queen of the land, if the people of the world have the blessing of the emperor. This horse jumped over here. If there is no such blessing, people and horses will fall into the ravine today and die." After praying, he whipped the horse three times and shouted: "Yumane Yumane, I pay you with my life, you can work hard!" The words were not finished. , the horse jumped three feet and flew to the east bank.Later, there is a poem saying: On the day when the son Liangchuan fled, the dragon horse was bestowed by God.

The hero's iron cavalry rushed after him, but the tumbling cold wave blocked his way.

The running water sends the sunset mercilessly, and the horse in front of the road controls the silk rein.

May I ask who was lucky in the Tang Dynasty? Flying the whip and jumping over the stream, the little King of Qin.

The King of Qin shouted on the shore: "Do you submit to me? God bless me. If I am not the one who is destined, how can I get through this stream?" Jingde said angrily: "Is this worthy of praise? I wish you had a horse and jumped over it. , but I can’t?” With three whips on the black-tailed horse, it flew past and stood on the bank.King Qin was shocked when he saw this, he reined in his horse and left, and Jingde chased him again.Behind him, Shubao followed straight to the edge of the ravine. Seeing that the ravine was deep and wide, the clear water was surging, Jingde on the other side chased the King of Qin just to fight for a short distance away. With a loud shout, he was whipped three times, and his horse also jumped over and stood on the opposite bank.Later generations have an ancient article, singly praising the three jumps into the stream, saying: The Sui government is unruly and the monarch is weak and cowardly, and the common people in the world are miserable.

There are many pirates and bandits, and the people in the city walls are half withered.

Liu Wuzhou, the only husband behind the mountain, rose up to frighten the princes.

Gao Huang was furious and the banners came out, and the world was worried about fighting with soldiers during the day.

The jade dragon flies on Meiliang River, and the heroes follow him urgently with whips.

The murderous aura shakes the mountains and moves, and the two win the round and the drums urge them.

Today, Chuanpanliang sighed, and there was no trace of horses on the water surface.

At that time, the business was empty, and there was a cold day on the green poplar branches.

Shubao jumped over Jianxi and went straight to Jingde.

But Jingde catches up with King Qin and hits King Qin with his whip. Purple mist rises, red light flickers, and two bolts of lightning shoot out.It turned out that the real son of heaven, assisted by Bai Lingxian, King Qin was pursued by Jingde, and he was protected by an eight-clawed golden dragon.Jingde was shocked when he saw it, so he pressed his whip in his hand, pondered for a long time, and was about to beat again, when suddenly he heard a horse flying from behind, shouting loudly: "You must not be rude to respect!" Jingde then abandoned the king of Qin. Hurry up and go back to Malaysia to fight Shubao.The two fight again, and the outcome is still undecided.But King Qin reined in his horse and looked up to Gao Po to watch the two generals fight.Seeing that the king of Qin would not leave, Shubao couldn't win. Shubao made a plan, cheated and defeated three battles, and came to catch up with Jingde, intending to use his back to slash.

Jingde will know what it means, and will not rush.The two sat down and their horses were exhausted, and each took a rest.Suddenly, I saw the golden drums beating in unison in the north, and a group of troops flashed out.Jingde said to Shubao: "My two generals, ask the sky to buy divination." Shubao said, "What's the use of buying divination?" Come, you will go back; if you come to rescue the soldiers, I will return." Shu Baoran said.It was already dusk on the left side, and the wind and rain came suddenly. I saw the banner of Cheng Zhijie, the general of Tang Dynasty, floating in front of us.When Jingde saw him, he reined in his horse and said to Shu Bao, "Forgive your lives, and we will fight again in the future." After saying that, he put on his bridle and left slowly.

But he said that Cheng Zhijie led people and horses to him, and asked where his respect was, Shu Bao said, "That's true for those who are going all the way." Zhijie was furious: "I swear to kill this thief!"The King of Qin kept yelling: "Don't chase him! This man is a hero in the world, and I have a plan to surrender him tomorrow." Then he led the troops back to the camp with Shubao and Zhijie.It is unknown what happened next.

General comment: Jingde, Shubao and heroes are peerless, so the spirit of the two generals will be multiplied after a hundred battles.

To the south of Liangchuan, there is a big stream blocking the way. This is the autumn of Qin Wang's life and death; and Yuzong jumped over, and Jingde can no longer do it.It turned out that Bai Lingxian, the true destiny son of heaven, helped Yun, even the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth silently took care of Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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