Chapter 50

In July of the third year of Wude, when Shan Xiongxin cut off his gown, the King of Qin was in the West Mansion, and all matters, big or small, were decided by himself, so the affairs of the army were under the command of the King of Qin.Suddenly it was reported that Wang Shichong had entered the bandits, and soldiers were stationed at Jiekou.So he ordered Ma Sanbao to be the vanguard, leading 15 elite soldiers, and accompanied Yuchi Jingde to serve in the army.The soldiers arrived at Danshui and set up camp.At that time, the generals of Liu, Wu and Zhou came down first in search of their prime ministers, and the king of Qin made his old people join the camps for use.The pawn reported that the generals had first surrendered with respect for morality. Doubt and search for a person were one, fearing that there would be a change, so they told the king of Qin that respect for virtue was the same as seeking the same. , for fear of unexpected events, it is advisable to prepare for it.The king of Qin believed it was true, so he imprisoned Jingde in the army, but he didn't go in and out with him.

Qu Tutong and Yin Kaishan said to the King of Qin: "Respect for morality and bravery is unrivaled. He is not willing to bow down to others. Now the king is imprisoning him, and his heart is full of resentment. If he keeps him, he may cause future troubles. It is useless to raise him, so it is better to kill him." The King of Qin said: "No way. If respecting morality is rebellious, how can it be evil after looking for a phase?
And respecting virtue is extremely loyal and righteous, and I treat you well, so what's the matter? " Then he ordered him to release him, and because he brought Jingde into the dormitory, he gave him ten catties of platinum. Qin Wang said: "I was in darkness for a while, listening to the words of the generals, and suspected that I wanted to betray me.I am detaining you falsely, but I want to test your heart and the ear of a special show.A big man is in the same mood, don't mind with petty dislikes, I will never believe in slander to harm loyal people, you should understand it.If you want to go, I will help you with this gold, and show your love for working together for a while. " Jingde said: "I am grateful for the kindness of the king, and vowed to wipe out the sea, and repay my virtue with a picture.When people in the army saw that a certain came here for the first time, their intentions were mostly inconsistent, and they always had nostalgia for old grievances, so they suspected that a certain had a different intention, so they specially slandered him to arouse the king's anger. "Qin Wang said: "You should try your best to help each other, and when the world is peaceful and peaceful, you will become famous. At that time, you will be a prince and you must be above all generals.

"Jingde said:" I would like to give the rewards of dogs and horses, and we will work together to achieve a great cause. "The king of Qin was overjoyed, he respected virtue and thanked him, and left.

But it is said that the King of Qin gathered people in the stronghold to discuss the matter of the army. The King of Qin said: "I heard that the elm nest is not far from here. It is a hunting place, and there are a lot of secluded birds and monsters. I want to go hunting there. Is it possible?" Xu Shiji said: "No, the land north of Shui is Wang Shichong's stronghold, which is only sixty miles away from Yuke. If there is an ambush, what can I do?" Qin Wang said: "The fate is mine, why should I be afraid?" Put on a belt, put on a horse with a spear, and lead five hundred cavalry out of the stronghold.

Go to Yuke until you reach a flat battlefield with a vast surrounding, which is a very scenic spot.There is a flying phoenix on the left, and a waterfall spring on the right. In the past, the Yellow Emperor left a stone chamber, and Wei Xuanwu built the imperial mausoleum.The king of Qin looked around, admired him, and looked back at the generals, saying: "I want to go to the north of the water to see Wang Shichong's stronghold."Fu Lu's small army reported to Wang Shichong, saying: "The king of Qin led five hundred riders until Yuke came to see the stockade." Shichong said, "This must be Li Shimin's trick to lure the enemy. Don't pursue it." , nine feet long, with wide arms and a girth, said in a sharp voice: "If you don't capture it at this time, you will avoid future troubles. When will you wait?
"Everyone sees it as Shan Xiongxin. Shichong said: "I'm afraid it's the conspiracy of the people of the world. "Xiong Xin said: "If you are so confused, when will Shengmin see Taiping evil?Although a certain person is not talented, he is willing to lead the army to capture the people of the world and send them under his command. "The generals said: "General Shan is really a fierce general, and if he is captured, he will surely win."

Shichong then asked Xiongxin to lead five thousand elite soldiers in front, and asked Duan Da to lead five thousand horse infantry behind to prevent an ambush. Shichong himself led one thousand troops to the third team to respond.

But it is said that King Qin looked at it for a long time, and Bai Shirang said, "you can come back early." As he was passing the valley mouth, he could only hear the dust rising from the hillside, and the sound of golden drums and shouts were endless.When the first one came, he shouted, "Don't go, the people of the world!" The king of Qin looked back and saw countless people and horses, all playing the flag of Zheng.The king of Qin spread out the men and horses, and immediately waited for him at the foot of the slope with his spear horizontally.First came the general's family, whose surname was Yan and whose name was Yi. He was the deputy general of the state of Zheng. He was also brave.The king of Qin greeted him with a spear, and the two fought incessantly. The king of Qin was timid, so he reined in his horse and ran away. Yan Yi followed him with a flying horse.After a glance, the king of Qin pulled the bowstring full and shot an arrow back, which hit Yan Yi's face, and fell off the horse in response to the string.Shan Xiongxin's men and horses arrived behind him. He saw King Qin shoot Yanyi off his horse, holding a jujube lance, and then the flying horse drove away.But it is said that the king of Qin walked into the valley and stream, and he could not walk for more than a mile. There was a high mountain in front of him, blocking his way.Rein in the horse and go back, looking at thousands of armored men and horses, stationed with Xiongxin, guarding the mouth of the stream.It turned out that Xiongxin Su knew that the ground was a dead end stream, and there was no way out, so he immediately guarded it here.

Sure enough, when King Qin came out of the ravine, he saw Xiongxin at the mouth of the ravine, so he reined in his spurs and walked obliquely.Xiongxin patted his horse and chased after him, only to see one person galloping towards him, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Don't hurt my lord! Xu Shiji is here." It turned out that both Xiongxin and Shiji became brothers under Li Mi's hands, and they got along very well. .When Li Mi was defeated, Shiji and Mi voted to the Tang Dynasty. Xiongxin fell ill in Jinyong City. Shichong went to comfort him in person, and then served in Zheng.Seeing that the King of Qin was approaching, Shiji galloped forward alone, grabbed Xiongxin's robe, and said, "My brother, don't you come here unharmed? I remember how I used to be with you, and I have taught you so much. I am still grateful. I am here today, so why chase after embarrassment?" My lord? My lord is your lord. You can look at my younger brother and beg for the life of King Qin." Xiongxin said: "In the past, we lived together in the same place, and we were brothers at first. People, in order to repay our lord, be safe and compatible?" Shiji said again: "I have a very deep friendship with you, and I am no better than others. Don't you remember the righteousness of burning incense and making oaths at the Longmen array in the past, and eating five soul soup together?"

Xiongxin said: "This is a matter of the state, and it is not a matter of Xiongxin who dares to be selfish. I will spare you from dying today, and I will give you a little bit of sympathy." Then he cut off his robe with a sword, reined in his horse and whipped him, and came back to catch up.Later generations have a poem that says: Taoyuan is like a brother, but it may not be true to make friends in the world.

Xiongxin cuts his robes and cuts his grace and righteousness. It must be known that the owner will not favor himself.

Shiji saw Xiongxin cut off his robe and went to chase the King of Qin, he galloped back and shouted: "Generals! My lord is in trouble!" At this time, Jingde was washing his horse in Luoshui Bay, when he suddenly heard a horse flying from the northeast corner. Come forward and see it as the world's achievements.Jingde hurriedly asked why, Shiji said: "My lord was chased by Shan Xiongxin and forced to go to the valley of the five tigers, rush to rescue him!" Hearing this, Jingde didn't say anything, he was naked, his horse was not as good as a saddle, and he ran away naked with a whip. go.

But it is said that the king of Qin walked into the valley, and the road was narrow and it was difficult for people and horses to walk, so he abandoned his horse and walked.Just when the trees on the side of the mountain were very shaded, it was very good to cover them, so they pulled up the mountain trees.Xiong Xin Ti Li's Pegasus arrived, but the King of Qin disappeared, and there was no movement, except for a jade-maned horse roaring in front of him.Xiong Xin secretly thought that he would not go far, so he searched around.After a long time, the King of Qin shouted from the tree, "Has Shan Xiongxin ever seen me?" Xiongxin hurriedly raised his head to look at him, and it turned out to be the King of Qin.Xiongxin said: "I think you have thrown yourself into the stream and died, but you are still here. You will come down the tree early and offer your master with me. Please be rewarded for your merits. Otherwise, although you have wings soaring to the sky, you will not be able to fly out of this net." He said, "Did the thief see you shooting Yan Yi to death? Although you have a thousand plans, they are not as good as I can make a bow. I have a magic arrow, which hits a hundred shots and hits a hundred hits. Are you not afraid?"

It turned out that Xiongxin knew that the arrow of the king of Qin was capable of a hundred steps, so he didn't dare to approach him, but only guarded from afar on all sides.Fan You, deputy general of Zheng, said: "The other arrow has been exhausted, so you can quickly cut down the tree." So he recruited a team to surround the future.The King of Qin was in danger, so he waved his hand: "It's not my rescue!" Xiong Xin turned his head, and saw a general rushing from the side of the hillside, with a face like iron and a voice like thunder, shouting: "Don't hurt my lord Yuchi Jingde is here." Jingde leaped with his whip and slashed his horse horizontally, fighting against Xiongxin. Although Xiongxin was brave, after running for several miles, he was finally exhausted and caught off guard. rise.Jingde then dropped his whip, and followed Duoxiongxin's iron spear to stab him horizontally.Xiongxin gallops away, and Fan You rounds his saber to attack Jingde, and Jingde only stabs Fan You under the horse with one spear.Seeing that the two were defeated, Zheng Bing gradually disbanded.Jingde rushed from left to right, killing a bloody road, covering the wings of King Qin, walked out of the encirclement, and went straight to Wulingba.Seeing Tao Wuqin immediately throwing his spear at Bashang, Jingde said: "Tao Zi respects you and protects Your Highness first, and I will go and kill the thieves." After saying this, he led the cavalry back to the old road.

While walking, I saw a general holding a sword in his hand, leading dozens of horsemen to come.Jingde didn't even talk, and went straight to the general.Just handing over the horse, he only captured the general in one go, and the follower ran away.That person will be Chen Zhilue, Wang Shichong's confidant who carries the sword with him.The army and horses behind have arrived, and the horse army and infantry are all over the mountains and plains, and they are all surrounded.Jingde penetrated through the siege without any fear, he only cared about fighting, coming and going and conflicting, like entering a land without people, he could only get out of the siege.

Suddenly there was a cannon sound behind the mountain, and the drums of the front army shook loudly.When Jingde looked at it, he saw that the wind rolled up a large banner, which was the banner of Tang Dynasty, and it was Qu Tutong who shot Qu Tutong.He led the soldiers to come, fought back the siege, met Jingde, and said: "Everyone is afraid that the King of Qin and the general will make mistakes, so I specially ordered a certain soldier to come to meet them." The three armies rushed out together.Later generations have poems to prove it: the savior of Yuke was a hero, and he broke through tens of thousands of siege.

In the 24th year of the true emperor, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty was all due to Yu Chigong.

Song Xian has "Elms of the Elm" as evidence: the grass of the elm is spotted like blood.What's the matter with borrowing from Shi Gong?Because of Yuchi's first battle, the flag fell.Shichong's soldiers will fly their souls and enter the siege to protect their size.So far, this blood still exists, and the hero is empty to regret.

At that time, Wang Shichong heard that Tang soldiers rescued him, and he watched it from Gaofu. Seeing that there was no obstacle to the conflict of respect and morality, Shichong asked the left and right in surprise, "Who is this?" General Yuchi also respects virtue." Shichong said: "The fruit is a hero!"

The place where Shi Chongling is located should not be taken lightly, but he didn't know that Tang soldiers came from behind him in three directions. In the center were Qu Tutong and other soldiers, Ma Sanbao on the left, and Cheng Zhijie on the right.

Zheng Bing was defeated, and the corpses were scattered all over the field, and the river was stained with blood.Shichong escaped alone, and all the troops scattered.On that day, Jingde received [-] soldiers and led them back to the camp, winning a complete victory.

General comment: In the army, Jingde was tabooed by the generals, and they fought to kill him. Fortunately, King Qin did not believe in slander, so Zhongliang would not be killed.Shan Xiongxin compelled Fuyu's nest and Guanshichong's stronghold. If there were no respect and morality to whip the enemy and break through the siege, how could the king of Qin ridicule him?
If Xiongxin cut off his robes and judged righteousness, this is nothing more than a friendship between brothers, so it is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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