Chapter 51

Yuchi Gong, Wang Shichong, the savior of Yuke, got out of trouble, walked out of the valley, and looked back, there were about a hundred people.

After another trip, they were approaching Xincheng, when a group of people blocked the way, Shichong said, "I'm done with you!
"Looking closer, Fang recognized Xu Lin's army horse, and Shi Chong felt at ease. Xu Lin took up the battle and said: "Although I know that I am defeated, I dare not stay away, and greet me nearby. Shichong said: "I have lost my life in danger, and I won't meet you!" "Connected to the new city, and then Duan Da also arrived, and all the defeated troops returned to the new city with the first army. Shichong ordered the generals and schools, and there were many wounded in the middle. Shichong ordered everyone to rest and stayed overnight in the new city. The next day dawn , Shichong called Xu Lin and said: "I am going back to Luoyang temporarily to pack up the army and horses, and I will come for revenge.You can protect the new city, but if you have a priority, report to the future, and I will lead the troops here, and you can guard it with your heart. So he got on his horse and led more than two hundred people back to Luoyang overnight. Shichong sent Xu Lin to guard Beiguan as a horn to guard against Tang soldiers.

But he said that all the generals who would protect the king of Qin returned to the camp, all worshiped and congratulated him.Those who followed were terrified and panicked, and they all worshiped with tears in their eyes: "Have you never violated your style?" King Qin laughed and said: "If it wasn't for respecting virtue and striving forward, it would have been trapped by this thief." Everyone was stunned.The King of Qin, Gu Wei Jingde, said: "If it is according to everyone's opinion, you will betray me. Now that you can protect me from harm, how can you repay me so quickly?

" Then give Jingde a box of gold and silver as a reward for his work. Jingde said: "The enemy is not destroyed, how dare you expect to give it? "Respect is about to bestow rewards on the soldiers, so the king of Qin loves and respects him more and more. Taking Luoyang is really a trick to lure the enemy.Unexpectedly, the thieves arrived suddenly, surrounded by all sides, Shan Xiongxin led the lance straight to the people of the world, if he hadn't respected virtue to seize the lance and stabbed the thief to death, he would hardly be able to meet his father. Tang Zhu said: "Where does Wang Shichong live now?" "Qin Wang said:" Later, Qu Tutong led the troops and defeated Zheng Bing. " Then he introduced Jingde to see it. The Tang Lord said: "My son's victory in the army depends on your ability to seize the lance. In the future, the portrait of Ling Yan will be the first. "Jingde said: "It all depends on your majesty's great blessings, and how powerful I am. " Tangzhu was overjoyed and rewarded again. Tangzhu said: "Your physical strength is extraordinary, I know it, but I don't know that Qing can win and avoid lances in the battle. Which of the two methods is more difficult?
"Jingde said: "The one who avoids the lance without injury is the skill of the eye, which is my own ability;Comparing it with a minister, it is really difficult to win a lance.

Tang Zhu said: "Of course."His words are reasonable. "

Before he finished speaking, Qi Wang Yuanji stood up and said: "I see that Jingde's words are all falsehoods. You think that people in the Manchu Dynasty are all civil servants, so you boast so much, but we can't make people do it?

What ability do you have? I am willing to go to the edge and compare the outcome with you. "It turned out that Yuanji was good at using lances on horseback, and he was conceited of his ability. When he heard that Jingde boasted so much, please compete with him. Jingde said: "It is not empty to learn [-] methods of spearing horses since childhood. send.However, in theory, Your Highness is a monarch, and your ministers are slaves, how dare you compare with Your Highness? "Yuanji said: "No matter the rank or rank, it's only about the method of lance. Please still ask my brother, King Qin, to put on all the clothes, just like fleeing from the nest.槊 no?
"Jingde said:" May the death penalty be pardoned.Respecting morality is very heavy, afraid of hurting your body, he only removed the sharp edge with a wooden lance, and pretended to refuse, and let His Highness add a sharp edge to meet him, the minister has his own way to avoid the lance.

Tang Zhu said: "I tried to observe the martial arts of the two to see the pros and cons, but suddenly I got hurt." " Jingde took a wooden lance, removed its edge, and ordered the sergeant to lead a black-headed horse to the gate. Yuanji was furious, got on the horse and held a big iron lance and shouted: "Do you dare to compare lance with me? " When the King of Qin heard about it, he also put on a flying horse, with eight steel snake spears on his head, and rode out on the horse, saying: "You can use a lance, but I can't use a spear? " Qin Wang reined in his horse and left. Yuan Ji chased him with a lance, intending to stab him.

Flashing up to Jingde, he shouted: "Don't hurt my lord! Respect is here." Yuan Ji then abandoned the king of Qin and came to fight Jingde with a lance.Tang Zhu said: "Don't be rude! Come and listen to the restraint." So all three got off their horses, put down their weapons, and knelt down.Tang Zhu said: "Jingde is a real tiger general, and the two of you are incomparable in martial arts. Now that Jingde is appointed as the commander of the marching capital, you can take this position."

Respecting virtue and thanking him, he was about to go out of the court, only to see King Qi Zou saying: "Jingde was born in a humble family, so he won a small victory, so he boasted, and often gave him a heavy job. I am really ashamed of this." Tang Zhu said: " With this great service, Fang was given a great job. How come you were taken away?" Yuan Ji said: "He knows that I am cowardly, so he dares to rescue me without worry. I have heard that Shan Xiong believes in Zheng's tiger general, how can he respect virtue and single-handedly draw a horse? Xiang Wanjun, to save the King of Qin? I really don't believe it." The Lord of Tang said, "Seeing the heroism of seizing the spear, how can you not believe it?" Yuan Ji said, "There is a general named Huang Taisui under my command, who is also brave. In the future, father and emperor can lead a hundred officials to the imperial garden to compete, and if Jingde can win Huang Taisui's spear again, I will definitely believe it." The Tang Lord obeyed.

But when the king of Qin returned to the west mansion, Jingde said: "Today, I tried the lance. I saw that the king of Qi was really harmful to the king's heart. Only my quick hands can save me. Now the king of Qi will play the imperial garden and try again. I think there will be more bad luck in the future, my lord. You should be on guard." Qin Wang said: "I have also thought about this matter deeply, and I will rely on my tiger's power to move forward in the future, and we will protect wealth and honor together in the future." Jingde said: "I will attack it." Discuss the affairs of the people of the world.Zhang Da, a counselor, said: "King Qin's achievements conquered the world, and the people of the world return to admire his virtue. All the generals under his command are brave men. If you don't get rid of them early, the great position will not belong to you, and future troubles will arise. It is better to be in the imperial garden in the future. Order Huang Taisui to pursue and kill him, and the big thing is settled." Yuanji followed him, and then told Huang Taisui: "In the future, you must go forward and chase the King of Qin with all your strength. This is your merit. I am afraid that the Holy Majesty will see the crime, and I will take it personally.

"Tai Sui took the order and retreated.

The next day, the Tang Lord brought all the officials to the imperial garden. After the visits from left and right, they were divided into shifts, and then Jian Jian, Yuanji, King Qin, Jingde, and Huang Taisui all arrived.The Lord of Tang said: "Today is a test, just focus on the law of respecting virtue and lance, and don't hurt each other. If you don't follow orders, use military law to judge." I saw the king of Qin wearing a horizontal spear and standing in front of the formation, going left and right, like a horse walking in a elm nest like.Huang Taisui pretended to be Xiongxin, held a lance and yelled, "Where are you, King Qin? Do you recognize my Shan Xiongxin?" King Qin walked forward, Taisui followed closely and stabbed the lance.The King of Qin was shocked and rushed to avoid it with a spear, and said, "Why do you have such malice and want to stab me evil?
"Tai Sui said: "By the order of King Qi, I want to come and kill you.Today I only know that there is a lord, but I don’t know that there is a king; if I don’t kill you, I will die too. Seeing this, the King of Qin complained repeatedly, reined in his horse and whipped his horse, and fled for his life until he reached the mulberry forest.Don't be rude." Tai Sui turned his head and saw Jingde coming naked, so he abandoned the King of Qin and came to fight Jingde. , Can't afford to struggle. Jingde came over with the lance, and stabbed Tai Sui and fell off the horse to death. Later generations have poems praising Jingde: Jingde won the lance three times in the past, and he was indeed invincible in the imperial garden.

It is necessary to break Qi Wang's gallbladder, this is the first achievement in the prosperity of Tang Dynasty.

Jingde replied to the Tang Lord: "Tai Sui wanted to harm the King of Qin, so I killed him." Yuan Ji was furious when he saw the performance, and approached him and said: "The King of Qin ordered Jingde to kill my beloved general. Respect virtue to repay Tai Sui's life." The king of Qin said: "Seeing that you sent Tai Sui to harm me, I dare to excuse my crime here. If you respect virtue and don't kill Tai Sui, my life will also be lost at the hands of Tai Sui." Tang Zhu Said: "Your two brothers are close relatives, they are close relatives, they help each other in good and bad times, they help each other in adversity, and they live up to their relatives. How can we help each other before me? What is the righteousness?" Yuan Ji said: "Yuan Ji wants to harm the King of Qin. The Lord of Tang said: "This man has the merits of a savior. I respect him very much. I should pardon his sins and show his loyalty." Yuan Ji was silent for a long time, without any regrets. Words can be answered.On that day, all the officials guarded the holy car and returned to court.Later, the King Qin brothers became enemies because of this.

But it is said that King Qin returned to the West Mansion, and all the soldiers came to see him. Jingde said: "Your Majesty, have you seen the scenery of the imperial garden? If your Majesty speaks today, I will kill King Qi." Your Majesty, if you see a crime in anger, don't be irritable for a while; how about the brotherhood, how can you bear the harm?" Jingde said: "The king treats the king like a passerby. He regards this man's tricks, and he will continue to do so. It’s not a small disaster.” The King of Qin said: “The world is uncertain, and family members should not harm each other. Don’t worry about it. But Wang Shichong of Luoyang, Dou Jiande of Leshou, Zhu Can of Nanyang, and Xiao Mi of Jiangling, who are worthy of worry, count them here. That's all.

"Jingde bowed again and said: "The king is benevolent and holy, and he is magnanimous, and he is beyond the reach of ministers and others.

"Suddenly it was reported that Wang Shichong had come to invade the bandits again, and the King of Qin immediately posted a plan to take Luoyang, so he led the army out of the pass. See how hard you work?
General comment: The king of Qin was guaranteed to return to the camp, and everyone respected virtue and seized the power of the lance, and rewarded them accordingly to reward them for their work.The matter of seizing lances and avoiding lances on the battlefield is difficult and easy, and you can't argue with them. The king of Qi thought it was a lie, and then played it in the imperial court to see how he used it. He knew that he wanted to harm the king of Qin.The king of Qin said: "The world is not settled, so family members should not harm each other." What a benevolent and holy word!
(End of this chapter)

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