Chapter 55

Chu Zhucan's drunk cooking Duan Que said that Zhu Can of Chu State, who occupied Nanyang in the third year of Wude, was attacked by Yang Shilin and Tian Zan, the leaders of Xianzhou, and went to fight in Huaiyuan.Can was defeated, Qi led the disabled to Jutan, and sent envoys to beg for surrender.The Lord of the Tang Dynasty believed that Charm was fond of eating human flesh, like birds and beasts, and refused to allow him to surrender.

Can then slaughtered Jutan and went to serve Zheng.Lord Zheng also knew that Can was a man of inconsistency and indecisiveness, and would not accept him if he had a wrong heart, but he pretended to be a sympathetic ear, so he named him General Long Su, so that Can could still live in his place.

Hearing that Lord Zheng was defeated, he was discussing with his servant when Meng Xiaoyi was reported suddenly, so he asked him to come in and ask him.

Xiaoyi said: "Lord Zheng's defeat was in a hurry. He saw that he was living in the city, surrounded by Tang soldiers on all sides. Wang Minggong thought about the old feelings and tried to rescue him with the soldiers of Jutan. It is better to cut the land and pay each other, if it is too late , Zheng will be trapped." Can said: "I have a good relationship with Lord Zheng, and now we are in danger, and I can't help it. You retreat to the post court to rest, and wait for me to discuss with everyone to start an army."

The next day, Can took Qiao Hong as the leading vanguard, and Zhi became the deputy vanguard. He personally raised [-] elite soldiers, left Jutan, and came to Luoyang.The soldiers marched to Queshan and set up camp.The sentry horse reported to the Tang camp, and the king of Qin gathered people to discuss and said, "Now that Zhu Can is leading his troops to Queshan, what is the general's strategy?" He was captured with one drum." Qin Wang was overjoyed and said: "I have Uncle Treasure, so I can rest easy." Before the words were finished, a person said loudly: "Don't need Uncle Treasure to be a laborer. Although a certain person is not talented, he has not done an inch of merit with the king. I would like to go to Que Mountain and use my three-inch tongue to tell Zhu Can to retreat, so that he can come and surrender without drawing a bow or arrow." The King of Qin regarded it as Duan Queye, a regular servant on Sanqi.The King of Qin said, "How do you say that?" Duan Que said, "Zhu Can once had an acquaintance with a certain one, but a certain one stayed in Guanzhong and hadn't seen each other for a long time. If he goes there now, he will have to get a golden pearl to tie his heart. This man is courageous but without strategy, and he forgets righteousness when he sees profit, so he will retreat and join the king.

"The king of Qin gave 1000 taels of gold, several pearls, a jade belt, and a line of charm.

Indeed, he rode a horse to Queshan and sent people to report to Zhu Can.Can go out, connect to meet each other, can said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, where did you come from?" Indeed said: "I served in the Tang Dynasty, and now I am a regular servant of Sanqi. Wen Xianqi led the army to rescue Zheng, and the king of Qin specially Send a certain person to report: Shichong is dying, and I hope that the soldiers will not be rescued. I will offer a thousand taels of gold, the fee for communicating with the soldiers, a few pearls, a jade belt, and the right to enter the virtuous deed. Waiting for the pacification of the Eastern Capital I would like to give each other a reward." After hearing this, Can handed it over to see, and sure enough, the gold was divided into several ingots, the pearls were brilliant, and the jade belt was exquisite.The bead is placed on the plate, which looks like a shooting star chasing the moon.Zhu Can was overjoyed when he saw it, and he said, "I met Lord Zheng by chance. If we meet in good or bad luck, we will help each other. If we are in trouble, we will help each other. If it is impossible to save, we will stop. I have no enmity with the King of Qin. Because Lord Zheng sent an envoy, he also promised to cede the land." , I was stupid for a while, listening to his deceitful words, and stirring up people.

Now, dear brother, my brother, my righteousness is as important as a mountain, so I should suspend my army according to the armor, and make peace with your two families.

What's more, with this treasure, how can Charm repay it? "Quely said: "A certain person came here for his loyalty, how can he hope to repay him? "

Can treat each other with wine, and when the wine is full, he really jokes: "Your eyes are protruding, why are they red?
Can said: "To be honest, I like to eat human flesh, that's why I have such red ears." "Quely said: "You have a lot of people, how about a certain taste? Can said: "If you are addicted to alcohol with human flesh, it is like bad pork. Its taste is very delicious, and all kinds of meat are incomparable." "He was really shocked when he heard the words, so he swallowed Zhu Can's face with wine in his mouth, and cursed: "You crazy thief!Returning to the court as a slave, will he be able to devour people again?You are not human, but inferior to beasts. Dogs and sheep do not eat their own kind. How can humans eat human flesh?Insulting this thief, see if you dare to eat me? Can said: "I treat each other with sincerity, why should I be humiliated too much?"If you want to eat your flesh, it's not difficult. I kill people like ants, so what a pity! "Can shouted loudly, and all the soldiers rushed in. They took their seats and captured Duan Que and dozens of followers. They were ordered to kill and cook them. After a while, the cooks came in to offer cooked meat, and Can ordered them to share food with each other. Later generations have a poem that says: Zhu Can has always been famous, but he is very ruthless in cooking people and eating meat.

In the Tang Dynasty, Duan really regretted when he was in danger, and he bullied his friends with a horse.

It was night, Zhu Can lay drunk in the tent, woke up the next day, put on his clothes, and Duan Que disappeared.Can asked the crowd: "Where is the old man?" The left and right said: "Yesterday, the king played with each other while drinking, and he was already addicted to alcohol." Can said: "Is there such a thing?" The left and right said: "The king has ordered, who dare not obey " Can was shocked and said: "I was mistaken by wine! Cooking is not a pity, but people say that I have no tolerance for others. Under the darkness, I will bear this good friend." Qiu Da, the counselor, said: "The king hurts Duan, It’s a big disaster.” When Can asked why, Da said, “This man is a distinguished scholar of the Tang Dynasty, who boasted in front of the King of Qin because he had made a pact with the Great King since he was a child and was expected to be able to perform meritorious deeds.

The king not only received his gold beads, but also killed his envoys. As soon as the king of Qin knew about it, he urged his troops to avenge him. When the powerful people rushed to him, how could the soldiers of Chu be taken care of? Can said, "what can I do like this?" "

Da said: "Today, if you advance, you will live, if you retreat, you will die. The law of war says: 'Attack those who are unprepared, surprise them', but when the king of Qin does not know that he is dead, he still hopes that I will come to surrender, and he is not prepared. Break it down for a while, and then retreat to make a final plan. This is a perfect strategy." Can said: "What you see is right." Before I finished speaking, I saw a beautiful woman coming out from behind the screen and said: "The matter you are discussing , I have known it for a long time, and I have my own strategy to defeat the enemy, why don't you plan it with me?" Let's see who this person is?
General comment: Zhu Can is a human being, like a beast, so the Tang Lord refused to accept his surrender, and led his troops to rescue Zheng in the next day.Tang Sanqi, who often served Duan Que, was envoy and Jin Zhu used to talk about charm, and he was very happy when he saw it. He also played with drinking and eating his meat while cooking.If the king of Qin knew about it and immediately urged his troops to take revenge, what would happen?I'm afraid that the words of the beauties behind the screen are not enough to rely on.

(End of this chapter)

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