Chapter 74

Li Shiji sacrificed to Baiyu Mountain, but said that there was a long river in front of Baiyu Mountain, the river was very fast, and the white waves were surging, and the car drove along the bank.Suddenly, I saw an old man coming from the opposite side of the mountain holding a stick. His description was very different. His white beard was like snow.The emperor said: "Who is the old man?" The old man said: "I have lived in Guanzhong for a long time, but because of the military chaos, I moved here. I have admired His Majesty's Tianwei for a long time, and I am honored to meet you. I beg to help us, and I am grateful." The emperor said: " In this barren land, where the barbarians are infested, if there is such a strange person, they all speak ominous words." He hurriedly sent people forward to capture him, and the words continued, Jingde raised his whip and wanted to strike him, and the old man went away in a breeze .The emperor urged the men and horses to move forward.

After a long journey, I arrived at the border of Sixiang City early, and watched dozens of old people leading sheep and carrying wine. The music was loud and clear, and they came to greet each other.The emperor asked, "Who are you?
What virtue do I have, dare to work hard to eat the pot of pulp to welcome it? "The old man said: "I am also from Haixi. In the past, Sui Zhengdong was defeated here, and my soul could not return home. "After the old man said that, suddenly the cloud covered, and the strong wind blew up in all directions, flying sand and stones, collecting dust and covering the sun, and the soldiers could not enter. In an instant, the sky was clear and the sun was clear, and the wind died down. Everyone looked at it, and the old man didn't know what to do. Go. The emperor was horrified, and asked Wu Heida, "What's your opinion if the scenery is like this?
Let me know. Heida said: "The minister also told your majesty that there used to be monsters here that caused disasters. Because Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty conquered the East and lost millions of soldiers here, the mountain was piled up with dead bones, so it was named Baiyu Mountain."

The mad soul and resentment persist, and as a result, there are many troubles, and those who live here must sacrifice them. ?The emperor said: "What is the sacrifice?" Heida said: "In the old days, the villagers built a big sacrifice on the top of the mountain, and they surpassed these for seven days and seven nights; they sacrificed cattle and sheep, and it was naturally quiet within a year.

Now His Majesty can only offer sacrifices to it. "The emperor then sent Li Shiji to perform the sacrifice, killing cattle and horses. That night, Shiji set up an incense table in the wilderness outside the city, spread offerings, lit up 49 lamps, raised flags to attract, and displayed cattle and sheep sacrifices on the ground. At three o'clock, Shiji Ji Dingguan and a sash came to sacrifice, and Shi Hao read it. The sacrificial text reads: On September 19, [-]th year of Zhenguan in the Great Tang Dynasty, the commander-in-chief of the march, the left servant, shot Li Shiji to present the sacrificial ceremony, and enjoyed the sacrificial ceremony. The generals, local gods, and ghosts of the Liao Kingdom: Gaisuwen of Koryo murdered the emperor and rebels, conspired against the law, stalked the tail to revitalize the monsters, and acted in chaos with the wolf's heart. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was mighty and victorious over the five tyrants, named Ji Sanhuang, determined the universe in the midst of war, established the state in the midst of fighting, and drove across the sea on his own. It is the trend of losing apes. The generals and soldiers of the Er Sui Dynasty are all heroes of the mountains and rivers, heroes of the world. They practiced martial arts and joined the army. In the middle, the soul hides the darkness, and each uses his heroic force; or because of the wounded by the spear and sword, the soul returns to the long night.

With aspirations of loyalty and filial piety, life ends before the knife and axe; with integrity in mind, bones are abandoned in the dust.Live with courage, die with fame.You and other heroic spirits are still alive, if you are willing to conquer the Liao Dynasty with your tribe, manifest your holiness in the shade, and return to the court after triumph, I ask you to build a temple and mold your whole body for sacrifices every year.Today, let's talk about showing our heart, and give each of you wine and food to enjoy a meal.Woah!Fu Wei still enjoys it.

After reading the sacrificial texts, the golden drums sounded together, and the world's achievements were honored to offer wine and food.Suddenly saw the flames.

Thousands of ghosts, some with head but no feet;When Tang soldiers saw it, they were all horrified, and then threw all the sacrifices into the wild.At dawn, the clouds and fog converge, and the road is silent.

After driving away from Homesickness City, Li Ji led the army to Wangzhen Nanguan.

But it is said that the surname of Zhennanguan's master is Jiao, and his name is Jipeng. He once hunted with the Liao master on Dashi Mountain, and suddenly drove out a fierce tiger, and went straight to the front of the imperial court. , Therefore, the Liao Lord used it as a general and led a thousand troops to pass.Hearing that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had arrived, they beat drums and gathered the army, all of whom were dressed in armor and weapons in their hands, and spread out to the left and right.Ji Peng was fully dressed in armor, mounted a horse with a gun, led the army to the pass, and met the enemy at a distance of twenty miles.That day Li Shiji was urging his troops to advance, when he heard a report: Liao general Jiao Jipeng had led his troops twenty miles away from the pass to resist the enemy, he had a blue face and red hair, extremely brave.Shiji personally led his troops to meet them, and all three armies rose up, with the army and horses in front, and the food and grass behind.Shiji handed down the general's order to hand in the grain and grass before the carts were exhausted, and then the army would be the vanguard to guard them.

On that day, when the former army shouted and asked people to watch it urgently, it was reported that Jiao Jipeng, the Liao general in Zhennanguan, had arrived.Everyone said: "It's better to retreat and defend Sixiang City." Shijijiao retreated, and the Liao general cut off his route again, and the Tang army was scattered.Shiji used the flag to point out that Tufu could be avoided, and people and horses rushed to Tufu.The achievements of the world make people undress and unload their armor for a short rest, and let their horses go.Jiao Jipeng's army came under cover, and the generals said: "The Liao soldiers have arrived, what can we do? You can quickly collect the horses and return to Sixiang City." One man stopped quickly and said, "This is just a way to bait the Liao soldiers. Why retreat?" Shi Ji regarded it, It is Changsun Wuji.Shiji hurriedly looked at Wuji and smiled, Wuji knew what he meant and didn't say anything else.

Jipeng's army was successful, and came to grab horses again. The sergeants did not follow the team and separated from each other.It turns out that after this time, they only cared about getting things and didn't care about fighting. The army and horses surrounded the future. Jipeng stood up and fought, and the soldiers trampled on each other.Shiji pointed at Tufu, "Jiao Jipeng is a famous general of the Liao Dynasty. Who can capture him?"The second general rushed to him and shouted: "Jipeng, don't go!" Jipeng turned his head, and the second general arrived, so he took his gun, picked up his bow and set up an arrow, and shot Duan Zhixian.Wang Sunyue shouted: "The thief will stop shooting arrows!" When Zhixian lowered his head in a hurry to hide, he shot the gray tassel on the head with an arrow. With his front hooves down, Zhixian landed on the ground.

Ji Peng patted his horse back, and Wang Sunyue swung his big ax hurriedly to catch and fight.The two men will fight for more than [-] times. Duan Zhixian goes far away. Wang Sunyue sees the army and horses behind Jipeng. Wang Sunyue turns the horse's head and walks away. Coming here, it was Xue Rengui in white robes, with a bow and an arrow, and the arrow arrived at noon, just in front of his friend, turning over and falling off his horse.Rengui then jumped off his horse and moved forward to take his head.Later generations have a poem that says: Rengui helped the poor in the past, and when he went to Zhennan Pass to do meritorious service.

The fire dragon comes out unhindered, and the arrows shoot continuously, so don't chase after it.

Aspirations and prestige are eternal, and heroism is unique.

Although there were thousands of generals in the Tang Dynasty, who was more brave than the king?

Shiji saw Rengui shoot arrows at Jipeng on Tufu, drove people around to hide and kill, the Liao army collapsed, and recaptured the heavy horses.Rengui held his halberd forward and shouted loudly. The Tang soldiers rushed to the pass, and the soldiers disarmed and surrendered.The achievements of the world make people come forward to report victory to the emperor.It was the day I left Zhennan Pass and led the army to look at Baiyan City.How about the unknown outcome?
General comment: When the car was driving to see Baiyu Mountain going forward, an old man came with his stick, and went away in a breeze.How can this be hit by a whip?When encountering such a heroic spirit, he will not be obliterated, so why not sacrifice it for writing?There is Jiao Jipeng, the leader of Zhennan Pass, who is also a famous general of Liao Dynasty.

No one who is not benevolent can be the leader, with great ambition and prestige, it is said that he is invincible through the ages.

(End of this chapter)

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