Chapter 75

The red-robed and white-robed army horses in Baiyan City were setting off, when it was reported that a rescue army had arrived in the south, and the name of Mo Lizhi's red-robed Gai Suwen was on the flag.Shiji asked who would dare to meet the enemy Su Wen, Xue Rengui stepped forward and said: "Someone is willing to go." Shiji said, "Since you are a pioneer, you can't move lightly." With five thousand soldiers, hand in Zhixian to meet the enemy.He asked again, "Although Duan Zhixian has gone, who will go to meet Zhixian if it is inconvenient for him to be spared?"

Let's say that Zhixian led the army forward and met the Liao soldiers. The two battles faced each other. Tang general Duan Zhixian put on his whole body and immediately put his spear in front of the formation.When I saw it, I saw Gai Suwen, a general of the Liao Dynasty, coming out of the battle, wearing a golden crown with bundled hair on his head, a red brocade battle robe on his body, a chain armor, five flying knives around his waist, bows and arrows bent left and right, and a big ax in his hand. Rouge horse.When Zhixian saw this, he was panicked and frightened.Su Wen scolded sharply: "Grass bandits! Don't shrink your head and run away, dare to break the border and die?" Zhixian said: "I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in China, the lord of benevolence and morality. His mighty virtue is spread all over the world, and his name is spread in Huayi. You are an anti-corruptor from Koryo, who killed the lord and took the tribute. Today, there are 100 million soldiers in the sky, and thousands of generals. You will kill the anti-crown. How dare you show off your power and come to beg for death?" Su Wen was furious, and he straightened his ax Xian.After several battles, Su Wen cut Zhixian off his horse with one axe.Tang general Su Dingfang sees Zhixian killed, so Pegasus greets Su Wen.The two generals fought for [-] bouts, Su Dingfang was exhausted, he reined in his horse and entered the formation in a panic, Su Wen charged straight through the formation with his axe upright, Tang's soldiers were defeated and scattered in all directions, Su Wen's formation seemed to be deserted.The defeated soldiers reported back to Shiji, Shiji panicked to the emperor, and the emperor sent generals Pei Xingjian, Li Simo, and Wang Sunyue to lead an army of [-] horses to the enemy Su Wen.

The Liao soldiers have arrived at the foot of Baiyan City, and they meet the Tang soldiers. The two battles are against each other.Gai Suwen went out, Li Simo greeted him with a gun.When the two horses meet, the two generals will fight for [-] rounds, regardless of the outcome.Su Wen feigned defeat, and left as soon as he looked at the battle.Simo flattered his horse and drove away. Wang Sunyue and Pei Xingjian thought that Su Wen was a trick, so they rushed out of the battle and shouted: "Don't chase, it's a trick!" When Hule returned to his horse, Su Wen shot back at Simo with his bow and arrow. He lay on the saddle with his back in pain.Su Wen rushed with his axe, but he had to save Simo and return to the battle.Su Wen immediately drove the troops to kill, the Tang soldiers were damaged, and there were many dead.Xingjian and Sun Yue led the army back, and Simo came to see the emperor with arrows. The emperor said: "I have heard for a long time that Gai Suwen is brave and invincible, and his reputation is well-deserved." Everyone was shocked.The emperor removed the arrowhead for Simo and sucked blood for him personally. The soldiers were all sentimental when they saw it.Hou Jingxuan's poem said: "The battles are unstoppable, and Simo meets the Emperor Tang with arrows."

Parents are loyal to sucking blood, which makes the whole army feel sad.

Li Simo is of Turkic origin, and his original surname is Ah.In the 13th year of Tang Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong bestowed the surname Li, and he was registered as Marquis of Nishu.Libi Khan bestowed the drum poison, so that he led it to plant and return to the old department.

In the 18th year of Zhenxian, Xue Yantuo hated him and attacked him several times.Simo has hundreds of thousands of people, and he can't care for them. He crossed the river in the south, and please be in the middle of Shengxia.Taizong Xuzhi, the group of officials said: "Your Majesty wants to make an expedition to Liaozuo, and put the Turks in Henan, not far from the capital. Isn't it a future trouble? I wish to stay in Luoyang and send all the generals to the east." Taizong said: "Yi Di It is also human ears. Its feelings are not different from those of China. It is okay to rule with virtue, but if you neglect it, you will be against it. And if he does not go north to Xue Yantuo and return to me in the south, his feelings can be seen." Simo lost the crowd and entered the court lightly. At that time, Emperor Taizong named him General Youwuwei, and even conquered Liao Dynasty.

Seeing that Duan Zhixian had been killed and Li Simo shot, the emperor summoned Shiji to discuss.Ji said: "It must be Xue Rengui." The emperor said: "Good." He called Rengui to see him.Ji said: "General Gai Suwen of the Liao Dynasty defeated all the generals in a row. He is too brave. You try it, and then Yuchi Baolin arrived.

"Rengui happily got on his horse and led the army into formation. Against Gai Suwen, Suwen had a golden helmet and a red robe and a red armor, and sat on a rouge horse; Rengui had a white robe and silver armor, and a white horse with an iron halberd. Immediately raised his voice and shouted: "Killing the king and rebel, junior cattle herder, why don't you come down sooner?

Su Wen asked Hei Simi, "Who is this?" Mi said: "I have heard about Xue Rengui in white robe for a long time, so I think so." " Su Wen laughed and scolded Rengui, Rengui said: "Since you know my name, you should shrink your head and run away. How dare you come to resist the heavenly soldiers and talk nonsense?" Su Wen said: "You are only a pawn of the Tang Dynasty, but it's a pity that I killed your rats with an axe." "After saying that, he danced his ax and took Rengui directly, and Rengui slapped his horse to meet him. From Chen to noon, the two generals fought more than a hundred times, their spirits multiplied, and they did not rest. Rengui came back to see Shiji and asked, "I have not won or lost the battle with Gai Suwen. In the future, I will swear to capture this thief, and I will show my ambition. " Later generations praised Xue Rengui's poem and said: "The silver helmet shines on the sun and the armor deceives the frost. Who can be a young hero?"

The moon carving bow is dedicated to lice, and the flying horse is suddenly Kangzhuang.

The soldiers with murderous aura all over the sky are mighty, and the voices of the ground-moving troops are loud.

God bestowed Martial Stars to help Li Zuo, and the generals were self-improving.

But Gai Suwen took his troops back to the stronghold, and said to Hei Simi, "People say that Xue Rengui is brave and invincible, but I believe it today." It is not surprising." Su Wen said: "There is a powerful man behind him. If I don't kill this, how can I control the enemy? I promise to kill him in the future." The next day, he got on his horse and led the army forward.Rengui also led the army, and the two battles faced each other, and the two generals came out together. Su Wen said: "I have to decide the outcome with the common people, and I can't accept the army." Wen puts five flying knives aside to attack Rengui. When Rengui sees it, he shoots five divine arrows. When the arrows hit the knife, they all fall to the ground.Rengui turned back his horse, took his halberd and left, Su Wen came after him.Seeing Su Wen rushing away, Heisi was afraid of making a mistake, so he also came later.Su Wen yelled: "The thief general! Where are you going?" It turned out that Rengui had feigned defeat, so he took him in front of the saddle, took out the bow and set up the arrow, and was obsessed with eyes. Seeing Rengui taking the bow and arrow, he shouted: "The thief general Let the arrow go!" But when Su Wen looked up, the arrow had already arrived at the sound of the bowstring, and he couldn't dodge it in time, and an arrow hit his arm, but he fell off the horse.

Renguile returned to his horse and tried his best to come.How is life?

General comment: Li Shiji is not good at using people.When Su Wenchu ​​arrived, Rengui invited him to go, and he was used to win. It would be a pity to send one more Duan Zhixian away!
In the 89th round, Xue Rengui's arrow shot a flying knife to Gai Suwen's right arm, and was rescued by Hei Simi.Seeing that the arrow hit the target, Rengui rushed over with confidence, followed by Baolin's leader to raid the formation, defeating the Liao army and retreating dozens of miles.Only the sound of the Tang army's gongs was heard loudly. Rengui came back in a hurry, fearing that the rear army would be in danger.It turned out that the Duke of E was afraid that the two of them would be lost, so he specially asked for gold to withdraw the army.When Rengui asked what was the accident, Jingde said, "I see that Gaisu Wen is both wise and brave. Although he was hit by an arrow, he was afraid that there might be fraud, so he hurriedly withdrew the army."

Rengui said: "If you don't accept the army, I will have killed this man." Rengui was so annoyed that he took the army and went to the village.But when Su Wen went back to the village to pull out the crossbow, he was bleeding profusely, his right arm was bruised and he couldn't move.

Heisi was flustered, and discussed with the generals, saying: "The lord will hurt his right arm, and An Neng can resist the enemy. The generals of the Liao Dynasty will lose eighty-nine out of ten. It is better to retreat and return to Anshi to be a general." The words are exactly what I want." Then he entered the account and asked Su Wen about the arrow sores.Seeing Su Wen sitting on the tent, feeling pain, Su Wen asked: "What do you want to say?" Shi Yuan said: "To see that the marshal's right arm is injured, but I am afraid that it will be inconvenient to face the enemy. The Liao army is currently weak. Tang's soldiers are powerful, and they want to discuss their divisions. They will return to Anshi to take a rest, and make a good strategy to defend them." Su Wen said: "Tang took this city, only for the eyes. If I retreat, he will drive forward; you and others will work together. Stand together and wait for my sore to heal, and make up your own mind." Xiao Dihu said: "Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, and it is not enough to be weak. I am going to Fusang Kingdom to be very kind to our king. We should stick to the dangers and seek to fight. , Send a person straight from the small road to Fusang to ask for help, promise to make peace, and Fusang will surely raise troops to attack the latter, but attack them with regular soldiers, and everything will be defeated." Su Wen followed his plan and immediately sent envoys to Fusang.

It turned out that the king of Fusang was called Qitian Khan, and there were three fierce generals, who were originally three brothers: the first day was named Tianque Wang Yuanlong, who was named Taibao; the next day, Tianguan King Yuanhu was named Duwei;Yuanfeng has blue eyes and yellow hair, is one zhang long, has a bronze body and iron bones, and uses a big ax to open mountains.That year, Gai Suwen sent envoys to the country with the book and Jinzhu. They first met King Tianmagpie and King Tianguan and gave gifts. Then they led the envoys to see the king, saying that Goryeo sent someone to ask for help and wanted to withdraw the Tang soldiers.Khan asked, "How about this?"

King Tianque said: "Korea promises to make peace and withdraw Tang soldiers. It is reasonable and Yiwei." The king discussed with Yuanhu and Yuanfeng, and set up his army and horses to rescue Goryeo.Yuanlong and his brothers talked about this, and raised 15 troops, mostly armed with bows, arrows, short spears, caltrops, meteor hammers, etc., so he resigned from the king, and the three led the troops to meet the enemy.

The sentry horse reported to the Tang camp. Shiji heard that the Fusang country was mobilizing troops and asked who would dare to take part in the camp. Qin Huaiyu and Yuchi Baolin were willing to go. Shiji said: "Although you two are going, the route is not familiar." Shiji Ji called Wu Heida and said: "You have lived here before, and you can be a guide for the country road. Send [-] soldiers to go with the two of you."

First of all, Qin Huaiyu led his troops forward. After several days of marching, he met Fusang soldiers early.When Huaiyu led more than a hundred riders up the hillside to look, he saw Fan people lined up with bows, arrows, guns and knives, just like a jungle.

Huaiyu had no strategy in mind to defeat the enemy, so he went back to the village to discuss with Heida and Baolin.Baolin said: "I don't know whether the soldiers are true or not. You will know when you see the battle in the future." The next day, the army was divided into three groups: Huaiyu was in the middle, Heida was on the left, Baolin was on the right, and the soldiers of the three routes followed.But seeing Zao Diao flags coming all over the mountains and fields, they were all horse troops first.Among the herd of horses, Prince Yuanfeng, holding a big ax in his left hand, a animal-gathering card in his right, and two sabers in his belt, rode like a dragon horse, coming to clash.Huaiyu recruited soldiers from the Three Routes to advance.Suddenly Fan's army was divided into two sects, and Yuanfeng touched the beast card, releasing countless ferocious beasts, unicorns, and lions in the middle, all breathing fire from their mouths, and the smoke and flames billowed into the sky, rushing in like a tide.Tang Bing was defeated, Heida and Baolin retreated first, Huaiyu was surrounded by Fusang soldiers in the army, and went straight to the northwest corner.

Huaiyu rushed left and right in the formation, but he couldn't figure it out. The beasts came rushing in. Tang soldiers didn't care about each other. Huaiyu looked into the valley to find his way.Looking at the night, I saw a gust of wind coming from the flying tiger flag, and the officer in front held a big axe, and shouted sharply: "Young general, don't go!
I am the son-in-law of Tianhan King. " Huaiyu was terrified at last, and couldn't hold back. He ran away looking at the valley with his horse, but was rushed by Yuanfeng, who slashed at him with an axe. When he got up to look, he saw Zhang Liang and Changsun Wuji rushing out from the back of the mountain in person. Wuji drew his carved bow and shot an arrow, which hit Yuanfeng's left arm and saved Huaiyu. Yuanfeng also retreated. Huaiyu and Huaiyu returned to the village together. Baolin and Heida went on to say to them, "This army has no plan to defeat it. I will guard the gate of the village. You two go ask the marshal to use a plan to defeat it. "

The three of them came to see Shiji and prepared to talk about it.Shiji then called Xue Rengui and said: "Do you know the way to defeat the army?" Rengui said: "Fu Sang is a stranger, but he only needs to use his courage. How do you know the method of Sun Wu? If I go out in battle, I can succeed with just one arrow. " Just as he was talking, people reported that the Liao soldiers were fighting, and Rengui was furious. He raised his halberd and rushed his horse to the front of the battle.Yuanhu, the king of Tianguan in the Fusang Kingdom, led his army out to meet Rengui, and fought with Rengui for more than [-] rounds. Rengui pretended to be defeated and fled. , fell off the horse.

Rengui jumped off his horse and took his head. He got back on his horse and fought before going out into battle.

But when the sentry reported to the Liao camp, Yuanfeng, the son-in-law, knew that Yuanhu was defeated, so he led his troops to hold up the axe, holding the animal gathering card, and came suddenly on horseback, cursing: "Rengui, I swear to kill you to avenge Yuanhu!"

When Rengui saw him, he first told the soldiers: "This thief has a bronze body and iron bones. He cannot be pierced by a sword or shot by an arrow. He also has a gathering of beast spleens, so it is difficult to break the enemy. He can only be tricked. This is how to lure him.

" So he straightened his halberd and stood in front of the battle, shouting sharply: "You wild thief, you want to come and fight with me, have you not seen Yuanhu's death? "Yuanfeng said: "You are a child with a yellow mouth. If you dare to talk too much, you can only kill Yuanhu. How dare you be me?" " Then he straightened his axe and struck at Rengui, who came to meet him with a halberd. The two horses met, and the battle lasted for more than fifty bouts, with neither winner nor loser. Yuanfeng held down the ax in his hand, and was about to impress the animal-gathering card, when suddenly a group of pigeons in mid-air The bird flew by, and the sound was loud and clear, Rengui shouted: "Yuanfeng wild thief!Watch me shoot the pigeon. "Yuanfeng looked up and was shot by Rengui, which hit Yuanfeng's throat and died.

It turns out that this strange person has copper and iron all over his body, which cannot be cut, but only a three-inch throat, which can ventilate the lungs and lungs.Rengui ordered the soldiers to release the pigeons, but Yuanfeng was brave and intrepid, not knowing what to do, and raised his head to look up, so Rengui shot it.At that time, Tianmagpie Wang Yuanlong was in the formation. Seeing that his second brother had been shot to death by Rengui, he also sat down on his horse and came to fight Rengui with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.Not five times, Rengui dragged his halberd and left. Yuanlong grabbed his horse, leaned on his spear, took arrows and shot them, Rengui repeatedly pulled them with his halberd, and they all fell to the ground.Yuanlong failed to hit three arrows in a row, so he fired his gun and rushed forward with all his might.When he arrived, he was shot in the face by Rengui with an arrow, and he fell off the horse and died.Liao general Shi Zhu'er came after him, chopped down with one knife, Rengui couldn't cast it in time, abandoned all bows and arrows, flashed the sword, captured Shi Zhu'er alive and returned to the battle, regained his halberd, and sat down to kill him.Fusang soldiers have always heard the name of benevolence, and seeing such a hero, who dares to fight, the horses shouted everywhere: "Let's go!"

They all walked around one after another, dragging backwards.Rengui rushed into the Liao army formation with a single halberd, no one dared to fight.Later generations once had a poem that said: Millions of braves cross the sea to march, and the white robes are noble and prestigious.

Zhixu shot the two brothers with arrows, despising the Liao soldiers and Xi Qing.

Fan Juxuan of the Song Dynasty praised Rengui and said: "Great body, Ge Shixiong, supported Tang Lord to establish Liaodong."

The road that can reduce the smoke and dust overseas is all in the three arrows of Tianshan Mountain.

Seeing Rengui's victory, Shiji led the Tang soldiers to cover up, and the Fusang soldiers were defeated and fled back to their home country.Shiji and Rengui took the army back to the village, Shiji called Rengui and said: "Your hero, who is famous in Yixia, shot three generals in succession today in front of the battle, and killed a strange man with a bronze body and iron bones, which is rare in the world.

"Rengui said: "One is the emperor Hong Fu;

General comment: The Liao army was defeated, but they turned to the Lord of Fusang for help.It turns out that there are three fierce generals and brothers in the country, all with bronze bodies and iron bones, bearing the undue courage of ten thousand men, they came to meet the enemy, even if they were pregnant with jade and precious forests, they could not break them, but the only benevolent and noble rose up vigorously, and every time they shot an arrow, it might hit them in the face The door, or its throat, should be stringed to death.However, those who support the Tang Lord and settle Liaodong, I don't call it the power of a million braves, but the power of a single arrow in a white robe.

(End of this chapter)

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