Chapter 76

On the day when King Yugu of Koryo came out and surrendered, the emperor was overjoyed to see Rengui defeating the Liao soldiers, so he rewarded him heavily.The emperor said: "My generals are all old, and I think of newcomers who are brave and brave. There is no one like you. I don't like Liaodong, but Qing." Flee to Goryeo.Tang Bing then captured the villages of Baiyan City.Su Wen came to see Koryo Wang Zang, and said that the rescuers were killed in battle and Baiyan City was lost.Wang Zang was furious and wanted to kill Su Wen. Su Wen said: "I beg another army to go to fight, and I will kill the general of Tang Dynasty. If I lose, I would like to behead my head and give orders to the Lord." Su Wen got on his horse and led [-] soldiers. The army left Korea and asked to resist the enemy again.

But Xue Rengui persuaded Shiji to enter the army, but Ji said no, Rengui said: "A certain beg for an army, go to the sentinel." Shiji immediately ordered Rengui to lead five thousand riders to Wang'an City, just to meet Su Wen, and the two armies opened up. , Su Wen sent Duguqi out to confront Rengui.The battle is not two rounds, a halberd is stabbed under the horse, Su Wen fights with Rengui for thirty rounds from the round of swords, and returns defeated.Knowing that Rengui had defeated Su Wen, the emperor immediately urged the army to reach Xiazhai in Anshi.Seeing the danger, Su Wen and his generals set fire to all the warehouses, houses, and city walls. At three o'clock in the night, they led the people to open the south gate and leave. The emperor ordered the generals to pursue them.

But when Su Wen was leaving, suddenly a Biao army cut off the way, and Li Simo, the leader of the Tang Dynasty, confronted Su Wen. After several battles, Qin Huaiyu's army arrived again.Su Wen was lonely and could not resist, so he took his way back to Koryo.

At that time, all the Liao soldiers were killed by the Tang soldiers, and only a hundred or so cavalry followed.After killing for a while, there were only a dozen or so horses left. When they came to the city of Koryo and called to open the door, Tang soldiers approached. Strong, to force the Tang people and horses to conquer and seize the land of Liaodong. Now you have lost troops and can’t retreat from the enemy. What do you want?” He ordered the soldiers to shoot down random arrows, Su Wen returned to his horse with a knife, and waited to find the way to Fusang and go.In less than a house, an army flashed out from among the woods, and the leader, Xue Rengui, blocked the way.The Su Wen people were exhausted and unable to resist, so they turned around and left.

Suddenly, he saw a general turning out from the bottom of the hillside. It was Wu Heida, who said, "Su Wen is here, why don't you surrender?" .Emperor Anger said: "This thief insults me and insults me. I am unfaithful as a minister. If I go, I will turn against it. It will be useless to keep it."

Knowing that Su Wen was punished, Wang Zang erected a lowered flag on the city.The next day the gates of the city were opened wide, and the emperor and ministers were bound face to face, and the left and right sides supported the public servants, and they went out of the north gate ten miles to surrender.The army of the Tang Dynasty has arrived. Seeing Wang Zang's monarch and his ministers prostrated, the people of the country greeted him with fragrant flowers, lanterns and candles. They drove into the city by car.Wang Zang was still ordered to be the lord of Goryeo, enshrined in Tang Zhengshuo, paid tribute every year, and came to the court every year, and dared not invade.The emperor ordered Xue Wanche and others to summon all the tribes, and the chiefs were all happy, and they bowed their heads and invited them to enter the court.There is a poem from later generations that says: Emperor Taizong himself led the expedition on that day and led a million soldiers of Pixiu.

Benevolence and noble meritorious deeds all look up to virtue, who dares to be as famous as Maogong.

In the shadow of Liao smoke, banners appear, and drums and music are singing in the city of Liguo.

Naturally, Yafang was frightened, and it made people speak heroically through the ages.

The emperor's general Koryo responded to the affairs and entrusted Wang Zang to his fullest.Changsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty has personally raised people and horses to come across the sea to recover Goryeo. Since you want to surrender, why don't you set up officials and officials to guard it with the king." Soldiers, if you stay in the army, you will have nothing to eat. Today, there are many injuries and injuries in the soldiers, and the death of father and brother. If you keep outsiders but don't keep soldiers, it will be a disaster. , Foreigners still don’t believe it, and now we don’t keep people, don’t keep soldiers, and don’t transport food, so we will be safe.” The emperor said: “Your words are very appropriate.” Liao people all use gold, jewelry, goods, cattle and horses to worship, and the emperor said that It is used by the military, paid tribute in the next year, and never rebelled for life.

Goryeo has been appointed, the emperor ordered the class teacher, Wang Zang led the officials of all sizes, and the Liao soldiers paid homage to him.

After driving away from Koryo, he returned to Yingzhou. He ordered the bones of the soldiers who died in the war to be buried in Liaocheng.At the sacrifice, weep loudly, and the three armies are moved by emotion, and those who know will weep.

But it is said that the former army sentry horse reported that the prince led all the civil and military officials to meet the holy driver, and it is now approaching.The emperor heard that he rode 3000 people from Feiqi to Linyu Pass first, and met the prince on the way. The father and son met each other, and they were very happy.The prince then bought a new set of clothes and put them on with the emperor.It turns out that when the emperor first left Chang'an and sent to Dingzhou, he personally pointed to the brown robe and said to the prince: "When I return to the east from the expedition, I will change the ears of this robe when I see you." Therefore, the emperor was in the left of Liao. refused to change.As a result, the prince puts on new clothes, and the emperor changes them.At that time, the armies captured the people of Goryeo.

Fourteen thousand people will gather in Youzhou and will reward the army.Emperor Minqi's father and son and his wife were separated, but he ordered Si Pingqizhi to redeem him with money for the people, so the cheers continued for three days.Driving into Chang'an, civil and military affairs are a hundred miles away.When the emperor returned to the court, he set up a Taiping banquet, rewarded the three armies for their labor, and those who made meritorious service in the expedition were granted titles.

On that day, when the emperor and his ministers were drinking, they suddenly saw a star in the west, which was as big as a bucket, and its light shot through people.The emperor was shocked and said: "It's sad and painful! It's a big disaster." The officials asked the reason in a panic, and the emperor said: "This Taibai star is also. My former Wude nine years, Taibai Jingtian, made my brothers compete , I saw it again today, and I know it is a bad omen, and I don’t know what the alarm will be." Urgently order the Taishi to order Li Chunfeng to predict it, and Chunfeng said: "I am in charge of the sky, but there are disasters and blessings, so I dare not not play it. This divination should be It is an unfavorable omen for the heroine Changmin. In the past, Gengchen got the secrets taught by a different person, which contained the past and the future, yin and yang, misfortunes and blessings, all of which are not true. It is said that after the third generation of the Tang Dynasty, the heroine King Wu will rule the world." The emperor said: "The fruit of yin and yang, you are deeply aware of the way of civilization, and you can predict the success and nearness of good and bad, and I will tell you clearly." In less than 30 years, I will rule the world and kill all the descendants of the Tang Dynasty." The emperor said: "Everyone who is suspicious will be killed, how about it?

" Chunfeng said: "What is ordered by heaven cannot be disobeyed.The king does not die, but many disciples kill innocents; and since now, if 30 years have passed, he will be old, and the concubine is quite compassionate, and the misfortune may be superficial.

Today, if you kill them by making use of them, those who are born strong in the sky will let go of their grievances, and your majesty's descendants will leave nothing behind.

The emperor said: "I have a plan to make the violent people unable to do harm without any effort."

" Chunfeng asked about his plan, and the emperor said, "I'll see you soon. "

The next day, a banquet was held in the palace, and all the ministers were assembled.The wine shop made several rounds, and the emperor said: "The people who are close to conquer Liao depend on the strength of all of you. Although you have given rewards, I know that there are many officials with the same name. They are not perfect because they are abused. Today, Siyan, It is specially designed for rewards, and you and other ministers will give each other their nicknames so that I will know them and reward them separately." At one time, Li Junxian, the general of Zuo Wuwei, didn't know what to do, and said that his minister's name was "Wu Niang", but his official title and title Every city has the word "Wu".The emperor laughed and said: "What kind of woman is she who is brave and healthy?"Gai Di doubts what the secret notes say.The historian has a poem that says: The secret record is rumored that the heroine Chang, Taizong Xiaomai is careful to guard against it.

I don't know that Chen Mi gave birth to Gongye, and killed the general Li Wuniang empty-handed.

It turns out that Wu Meiniang, a palace maid of the emperor, was fourteen years old.In the 11th year of Zhenguan, the emperor had already accepted him as a talented person. He didn't know what to do with this person. He only suspected that the secret record of Yun's female protagonist, King Wu, had the words of the world.

But he said Wu Meiniang's name, and a native of Wenshui in Bingzhou.The daughter of the governor.His mother, Mengyaohu, was born from the belly, and her color is beautiful, so she is called Mei Niang in small characters.Smart and defensive, complex and restrained.When I was young, a monk Hu saw it and said differently: "This girl will be the king of the world in the future." Parents love her secretly.On the twelfth and thirteenth year of the year, Emperor Taizong chose him as a palace man, and he was very pleased with his beauty.Jiji, who was promoted to a talented person, was extremely favored and ranked first in the harem.

General comment: Fusang rescued the army and was defeated. Su Wenyan did not abandon the city and left, but begged for another army to fight, so he didn't know the way to advance and retreat.It is too late for the monarchs and ministers of Koryo to come and surrender.

When I went to the class teacher and met the prince on the way to change into new clothes, he still didn't forget the words of holding the brown robe in his hand in the past.

The expedition to the Liao Dynasty has been decided, although there is Taibai's scriptures and secret records, it is said that there is no need to doubt it.

(End of this chapter)

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