Chapter 85

On the night when Emperor Ruizong ascended the throne after punishing Wei, Longji led troops into the Xuanwu Gate, and all the guards responded.Longji was fully attired and pointed forward with his sword straight.Empress Wei was in the apse when a maid came to report: "There is a lot of shouting, Longji soldiers have arrived.

Surprised, he walked into the flying cavalry camp. When he met a flying cavalry, he shouted sharply: "What's the benefit of keeping this wild woman!" With a sword in his hand, he beheaded Wei and went underground, holding his head to present. Longji led the troops to the post-officials, Princess Anle Fang looked at the mirror and thrushed her eyebrows, and the sergeant chopped it off. When it was dawn, both inside and outside were determined. Longji went out to see Ruizong and said : "An unworthy son who has never obeyed orders, and secretly reined in soldiers, is guilty of ten thousand deaths. Ruizong said: "My son will quell the civil strife, revive the Tang Dynasty, and the ancestral temple of Sheji will not fall to the ground. It all depends on your strength." "Longji said: "One is the spirit of the ancestors; "Therefore, all the ministers welcomed Ruizong to assist the young emperor. At that time, the four gates were firmly closed, and the relatives of Wei, Zong Chuke, Ye Jingneng, etc., and Zhu Wei's infant children were all beheaded. After the civil strife was settled, Liu Youqiu said to Longji: "I saw the young emperor, and I hope that he does not look like a king, and I don't see anything to be afraid of. This is the appearance of no king. It is advisable to ask the emperor to take the throne as soon as possible, so as to rule the world. This is a perfect strategy. and also. "Longji said: "Your words are very appropriate, so you can act quickly if you make any calculations. " Youqiu discussed with all the ministers, and then he called the young monarchy and passed on the throne to Ruizong.

When Emperor Shao ascended to the palace, he was still on the throne. Princess Taiping came in and said, "The heart of the world has already belonged to Ruizong. This is not a seat. What virtue do you have that dare to live here?" So she took it down with her hand.All the ministers supported Ruizong and ascended to the throne.After congratulations, worship and dancing, the emperor reappointed Shaodi as King Wen, placed him in the inner house, established Longji as the prince, and named Liu Youqiu as servant She.On this day, the world was amnesty, and the Yuan was changed to the first year of Taiji.

However, Princess Taiping's secret envoy guard said to Yu Ruizong: "I play the innate hexagram, but there are disasters and blessings, so I dare not not tell it. There are hundreds of birds flying from the south, and they will die when thrown into the Sishui. This is an unfavorable omen. When I observe astronomy at night, comets are entangled in Taibai, and they are also responsible for removing the old and bringing forth the new; in front of and behind the throne, the stars have changed. From this point of view, the crown prince should be the son of heaven." Ruizong said: "It is my determination to pass on the throne and avoid disasters. It's over." Therefore, all the civil and military officials had a proposal to pass on the throne.When the crown prince heard about this, he refused to obey.Rong Zong said: "I am tired of listening to the government now. You are a filial son. Why do you have to wait in front of the coffin and then ascend the throne?" The prince burst into tears.

The next day, Princess Taiping persuaded Ruizong to be the general manager, but Ruizong said to the prince: "You think the world wants me to be reasonable? In the past, I still patrolled and hunted. Although I passed on the throne, how could I forget my family and country? ? Its military country and imports should be combined with the province." So, in October, Jiazi Shuodan was selected, and Longji received the title of Emperor Xuanzong Ming.Respecting Ruizong as the Supreme Emperor, he called himself Zhen, and his order was Gao, and he was courted by all civil and military officials in the Taiji Hall once every five days.Xuanzong called himself Yu, and his order was Zhichi, and the Japanese courtiers were in the Hall of Wude.Amnesty the world, change the Yuan Kaiyuan.

At that time, Princess Taiping acted on the authority of the emperor and used her power arbitrarily. At that time, there were seven prime ministers, five of whom went out of her family, and most of the ministers of civil and military affairs were attached to her.Japan and Dou Huaizhen, Cen Yi, Xiao Zhizhong, Cui Zhuo, Xue Ji, Seng Huifan and others conspired to abolish the establishment.He also conspired with the palace man Yuanshi to poison the red arrow powder to advance.Wang Ju, the servant of Zhongshu, said to Xuanzong: "What I have seen in the palace has the secret intention of murdering your majesty. The situation is urgent and at stake. Why don't you make a plan early, and you will have no regrets." Xuanzong said: "If there is such a thing, Wait for me to think about it." Suddenly it was reported that Shi Cui Riyong, the governor of Jingzhou, entered the court to make a statement, and said to the emperor: "I see that Princess Taiping is planning to rebel one day. Your Majesty lives in the East Palace. You are still a subject. If you want to ask for it, you must Use your strength. What you do today is only to make a book. Who dares not to follow. If the traitor gets his ambition, what is the point of regret!" Xuanzong said: "As you said, I am afraid that I will alarm the emperor and recruit unfilial people. Sin." Riyong said: "Your Majesty's holy lesson is wrong! The filial piety of the emperor lies in the safety of the four seas. If the traitors succeed, the country will be the hills and ruins. Is it filial piety? Please order the Northern Army first, and then accept the rebellious party. Then the emperor will not be disturbed." The emperor said deeply.

The next day, with Qi Wangjie, Xue Wangye, Guo Yuanzhen, Wang Maozhong, Jiang Jiao, Li Lingwen and Wang Shouding, more than [-] soldiers entered the Qianhua gate one after another.Guo Yuanzhen, fully clothed and armed with a sharp knife, went forward to capture them himself.At the same time, Cen Yi led his relatives out of the harem and killed Yuan Zhensi.Yuan Zhen raised his sword and went straight to Cen Yi, Yi fled in a panic, Yuan Zhen rushed into the imperial garden under the shade of flowers, turned around to serve Gao Litu, chopped Cen Yi over with a single knife, beheaded him, and all the forbidden troops he led surrendered Shun.Yuan Zhen said to King Qi and King Xue, "Xiao Zhizhong and others formed a party, and they can be punished." Zhizhong and other governors were in a hurry, and rushed in to report to the emperor, saying: "At the beginning, it was Cen Yi who planned to frame the Holy One, and he was not killed. Don't interfere with the ministers and others. Now the kings believe in Guo Yuanzhen's words, and do everything they can to punish the ministers and others, begging the emperor for mercy." After speaking, wept bitterly.The emperor said: "Don't worry about Qing, I will protect it." In Russia, the soldiers were in a turmoil, Huaizhen panicked and hanged herself, and Zhizhong was killed.Guo Yuanzhen came to see him and said: "Dou Huaizhen and others plotted to harm the Holy One, and they have been killed now, and the rest of the ministers will not be killed." After hearing the report, the emperor issued an imperial edict and said: "Since the imperial party has been killed, major events have been decided. All your soldiers Don't disturb the palace ban.

From now on, my son, the emperor, will be punished by the military and state administration and punishment. "It turned out that the prime minister Wei Zhigu told Princess Taiping that he wanted to cause chaos on the fourth day of the first month, and the emperor decided to punish her. The party was wiped out, and the princess was given to die at home. There is a poem by the historian: Although the Tang Dynasty is in danger, it is not yet in danger. In the end, Special Secretary Yuan Zhen supported Weixiong.

The Princess Taiping, the queen, and the princess will inevitably suffer from the sword in the palace.

At that time, Xuanzong favored him as an eunuch, often as a general of the third rank, and his door was decorated with a halberd.Every time the envoys pass through the states, the officials will serve them, fearing that they will not be able to catch up, and those who get less will not lose a thousand coins. From the mansions in the capital to the countryside in the suburbs, they are all mixed with eunuchs.Yang Sixu and Gao Lishi were particularly fortunate.Sixu repeatedly sent troops to conquer, and the powerful warriors often stayed in the middle to guard him. In all four directions, he had to present the powerful warriors first, and then played the imperial guards.For small things, the strongman will decide on his own, and his power will be turned inside and outside.

For a long time, he was feared both at home and abroad, the crown prince also called him his elder brother, all the princes and princes called him his father-in-law, and the son-in-law called him his father, since Li Linfu and others all chose him because of him.However, he is gentle and cautious, has few faults, and does not dare to be arrogant, so the emperor will always be in charge of him, and the scholar-bureaucrats will not hate evil.

However, it is said that in April of the first year of Taiji, the emperor missed Concubine Wuhui because of the death. Although there are thousands of people in the harem, there is no one who cares.Some people say that Princess Shou Yang's family is enough, please accept it.

The Yang family is too true, the son-in-law of Xuanzong, and the concubine of Shouwang Mao.The body is beautiful and the color is unbelievable. The King of Shou gave the ceremony for three days.Suddenly, an eunuch was by his side, who knew the emperor's heart well, and said: "Your Majesty, who is a body of ten thousand gold, still loves himself, so why do you regret nothing?" : "Could it be that you are in love with the wife of the lord?" The emperor said: "The fruit is like this. I think about it carefully, and there is good ethics, what can I do?" Then the two will be harmless." Xuanzong Dawu immediately sent eunuchs to ridicule Yang's begging as a female official, calling it too true.Over a month later, it was King Shou who married the daughter of Zuo Weilang General Wei Zhaoxun, and took her into Taizhen Palace.The emperor saw that Taizhen had a plump body, good temperament, intelligent nature, and good reception. The emperor favored concubine Hui more than concubine Hui.Li Weizhong, the imperial censor at that time, remonstrated, "How can the world laugh when a father marries a son?
"The emperor was furious when he heard that, and he was about to depose Weizhong as the Sihu of Chenzhou. Since then, there has been no one who dares to speak out.

A scholar wrote a poem by the side of the road and said: "Greedy and prostitute, I suddenly become a concubine, and I don't cultivate myself, and my family is not neat."

Don't laugh at Wu Mencius back then, and Xuanzong willingly attacked Wu Zhao to ridicule him.

After the emperor accepted the son's room, he was fascinated by sex, and he did not go out to listen to the government for more than a month.Taizhen is all about rain and clouds on the mat in front of the pillow.The Tang Dynasty was in chaos, and the emperor was naturally obsessed with it. The Japanese Yan Fang rose, and all opportunities were wasted.There is a poem ridiculed: the wind blows the poplar flowers into the phoenix's embrace, and Saburo wanders intoxicated.

Snuggle up to the red and lean on the emerald green to sleep in the spring, regardless of the rooster's announcement of dawn.

The Yang family became a noble concubine from Jieyu, and she was extremely gracious.It was the end of spring, and the concubine woke up after sleeping. When Xuanzong returned to court, he saw that his cloud temples were half-shattered, his willow eyebrows were frowning, and he looked weak. While enjoying the banquet at the Baihua Pavilion, it was reported that Khitan had sent someone into the country as an envoy to send an imperial edict.The emperor urgently announced that He Neigan would take over the accompanying envoy, and he would stay in the post court and choose an auspicious day to go to the pilgrimage to see the saint.Gemen Sheren received the fan books and entered them, and Xuanzong An was in the imperial case, that is, Xuan Hanlin's bachelor started reading, and regarded them as absolutely ignorant.All the ministers said: "This is a book of bird traces. The ministers and others have little knowledge. If they can understand this, they don't know what is good or bad.

"The emperor said angrily: "You are all court ministers, wearing purple robes and gold belts around your waist in vain. Why don't you share your worries with me when you have something to do today?If you don't know this book, why should you let it go?What if we make people laugh, deceive the ignorant people in China, and raise troops to invade the country? "

Before the words were over, I saw a person from the next step come in and said: "I give you a man who has a splendid article in his chest, and writes the traces of dragons, snakes and birds. If you answer the book, you will be a great talent in the country." Everyone regards it as Hanlin scholar He Nei dry too.The emperor said: "Who do you recommend? Try to talk to me." Neigan said: "There is a man named Li Mingbai, who is from Jinzhou, Xichuan. First, because the maid of He Zhizhang's family, the magistrate of Jinzhu County, was named Xiuchun, she tasted it in Jinjiang. Washing vegetables, suddenly jumped a carp into the basket. His daughter took the fish home and ate it, so she became pregnant. She gave birth to a son with a strange appearance and a strict bow. Talent and learning are invincible. Because he came to the election, he was dismissed by the grand master Yang Guozhong, Taiwei, and Gao Lishi. Now the family is settled. The minister looks at this person, the writing is world-class, and the pen is amazing. You must know this book. I beg for it Baoguan, there is nothing wrong with answering the letter." The emperor said: "Since there are Si people, why didn't you call them for me earlier?" Neigan was ordered to go to the house for three announcements, and Li Bai entered the court and worshiped under the palace.The emperor said: "I was urged by the envoy to write a letter, but I couldn't answer it. The internal officials recommended you to have economic talents and the policy of Anbang. I specially announced that Qing would answer the letter and share my worries with me. What is your intention?" Bai said to him: " The minister came to the election, because of his lack of knowledge and talent, he failed to approve the papers for Yang Taishi and Gao Taiwei, and rushed out of the gate. What talent do you have, can you read the handwriting to answer the book?"

General approval: Longji waved a sword, beheaded Wei and left him underground, the Tang Dynasty revived, and the ancestral temple of Sheji was not destroyed, all because of his strength.And when Ruizong ascended the throne, he became the prince, and he also thought that he could quell Webster's chaotic ears.Longji received Zen, and it is said that the concubine Yang of Shou Wang is enough to satisfy her. When the emperor saw it, he was fascinated.How is it as good as ethics?

(End of this chapter)

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