Chapter 86

Li Taibai set up a sweep of the Fanshu Emperor and said: "It's good to be a good candidate for internal affairs. You have great talents, how can you be modest?" The emperor ordered his courtiers to read the book with Li Bai, who opened the book in the hall and said: I think of Khitan, a country that lives in the barbarians, a land where the sky is cold and where everything is rare.I have recently heard that China is a land of rites and music, warm in winter and cool in summer, with spring flowers and autumn moon, luxury and wealth.Since ancient times, there have been no two days in the sky, and there have been no two masters in the country. For this reason, I sent envoys to write letters to reach China as soon as possible.The general of Yulinchi will drink horses, and Shanglinyuan will temporarily borrow soldiers to sit in the inner hall and want to rest.If you are willing or not, you will return to Huiwen as soon as possible. If you don’t follow suit, you will be published in the newspaper as soon as possible, and you will choose a day to raise troops and conquer Tang.Hastily, unannounced, Shangqi Southern Dynasty Emperor Xuanzong opened the demolition.

After Li Bai read it, his words were like running water, and his voice was like a bronze bell. There was not a single word wrong.The emperor was shocked and pondered for a while.All the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, saying that it was rare and curious.Bai said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. In the coming day, when the envoy is announced to enter the court, the minister will answer his book face-to-face, and make sure that the words are in general. The words contained in the book are really shameful and disgusting. The Khitan must surrender and proclaim themselves as ministers, and they will never violate each other." Emperor Hearing this, he was overjoyed, and arranged a royal banquet according to the order, and took care of Li Bai.But see the master's banquet, accompanied by the prince and prime minister, the palace and merchants' rhyme, and the sound of the qin and zither.The concubine pours the wine, and the colorful girl passes the cup.

After drinking until noon, Bai would chant poems to the saints at the banquet, and the poem said: "The sacred heart is strong in the Jinluan Hall, and the imperial banquet is noisy for Zai Gong."

Cai Ying Xiang Guangming Emperor Que, the king and ministers have the most fun together.

It is also the same saying: the emperor's favored and loyal ministers hold an imperial banquet, and the golden flower is passed down from generation to generation.

A chant, a chant, a cup of wine, a cup of wine, a drunken dance, like a wine fairy.

Fu Yun: Glass cup, thick amber, and pearl red poured out of a gold bottle.Cooking dragons, cannons, phoenixes and jade fat marrow, Luo Wei embroidered curtains surrounded by fragrant wind.Playing the dragon flute, beating the phoenix drum, singing songs with bright teeth, and dancing with thin waists, it is the king's revisiting Gu, and golden flowers are planted all over the dragon court.Huang Fengman drank the real nectar, and got drunk today, showing the will of peace and stability.

Li Bai had finished composing Fu and reciting poems, and he felt very drunk.All the officials were scattered, and the emperor ordered the eunuch to help Bai into the back palace to rest in a side room.By the dawn of the day, the eunuch was already visiting, and he confessed: "The emperor gave me a strong wine at night, and I can't lift my head up. If you get a spoon from the imperial hand, you can wake up from the alcohol." The eunuch hurriedly came to tell the emperor, but the emperor was helpless at this time , So he came to the imperial kitchen, made a spoon for himself, and gave it to Li Bai to eat.Bai was startled and hurried to the front hall to thank him.On that day, the emperor gathered civil and military officials and summoned envoys to the court to meet the saints with their squad.

Li Baizuo said: "Recently, Yang Guozhong and Gao Lishi, the ministers of the country, are both great talents. They came to the examination room and rejected the papers of the ministers. They rushed out of the field. Today, they wrote back and held inkstones together with the ministers. Mo, put on your boots and take off your boots, if you don't follow, I will die under the gate, and I swear not to reply to the letter." The emperor said: "This matter can be followed." Urgently called the two men and told them what Bai said.

Gao Lishi said: "Li Bai's land has not made any great achievements. It seems unreasonable for Your Majesty to favor him so much. Besides, since ancient times, there has been no reason for prime ministers and scholars to wear ink and wear boots. Isn't it ridiculous?" Foreign countries? I hope Your Majesty will check it out." The emperor said: "If you are not willing to serve Li Bai, why don't you reply to the letter?" The two were not blamed, so they had to swallow their anger and obey him. They were extremely ashamed.

At that time, Li Bai was wearing a brocade embroidered gown from Shu, with a golden jade belt around his waist. He sat on the embroidered pier in front of the hall, raised his dragon brush high, and lightly dyed the fine hair. .Shuyun: I sit in China, and I have heard from afar that the Northern Kingdom is a land of grass and trees on the frontiers. In the rivers and lakes, there are many animals and animals, but few human relationships.In dangerous and cold places, in countries where the grains are not cooked, and in places where people suffer from hunger and cold, there will always be strong generals seeking soldiers, who will only come to receive a lot of money.I know that you are cowardly, but you always have a heart of compassion. You don't think about the country's poverty and fate, but you want to sin against our country. Isn't it shameful?Wei Wang dared to speak nonsense, and was anxious to annoy the Holy Lord of the Tang Dynasty!When Fan Shu arrives in Japan, civil and military talents are viewed like fire, and anger is like thunder on the ground. When the envoys come, they want to be turned into beasts.The emperor of this dynasty has a vast and far-reaching territory, abundant grains, and heavy officials and bureaucrats.The delicacy of the food is the color of the brocade robe.There are eight hundred civil servants, everyone is safe and secure; three thousand generals, all of them are brave enough to cross the sea.Soldiers are like flood waves in thousands of hectares, guarding the universe, as strong as an iron wall; generals are like stars in the sky, protecting the universe, and solidifying the city of copper.In the teaching field of the world, there are as many soldiers as ants, and their potential can overwhelm Mount Tai.There are thousands of generals, all of them are as powerful as tigers; there are thousands of brave soldiers, and everyone is as powerful as dragons.All the nations of the world, hand in hand in all directions, and all nations convert.I think the lord of the state is weak, and the power is coming to conquer, how dare he come here for no reason and offend each other?How dare a little dog compete with a fierce tiger; how dare a little snake win a battle with a black dragon.Come early to bow down and surrender, and forgive the bloody troubles. If the words don't go well, we will send troops to wipe out the Fan family.

Another poem was presented: Wancheng Chinese emperor is of high virtue, and the monarch and his ministers are happy and happy.

Wenqing Universe Shun Zhuzhou, Wuzhen Qiankun Wan Guochao.

How can ravines allow dragons to fetch water, and pits and pools cannot accommodate tigers as their nests.

The small country of the barbarians is like being destroyed, and the shadow of the sun will disappear completely.

The national books of the Tang Dynasty and the poems are the same, and you Yang Weibang knows it.

Li Bai had finished his writing and inscribing poems in the hall, and when he came to hear it, he didn't dare to look up.Thinking about the real good people in China, such a genius.Then he took the book and left.

Emperor Xi wanted to confer the post of Li Baibai, Bai Zou said: "My minister, a rough man in the mountains, is deeply blessed, and does not want to be an official, but it is enough to enjoy leisure and leisure." The emperor said: "I Lai Qing wrote back and won You have done so much to make people ashamed of dogs and dogs, and there is no way to add it." So he gave ten beds of strange treasures, ten thousand taels of gold, to show the distinction between the emperor and his ministers.Bai said: "The kindness is very important, and I dare not disobey it. I look forward to your Majesty's pity, so that I can use my position as I like, and visit the rivers and lakes. This is my wish." Emperor Xi, follow it.That is to say, one side of the gold medal is given, and the official is sealed with an imperial pen. The name is: "The world is rampant, a worry-free bachelor, a free and unrestrained ancestor, and a talented person. Drinking at every occasion, and paying money at the treasury. The government will give you a thousand guan, and the county will give you five hundred. Disrespect for the army and the people If the prefectures and counties do not comply, all violators will be executed."Emperor and Gold Book Title.He also gave brocade robes and jade belts, Luosanlonglongju, and more than [-] envoys, Li Bai thanked him for his kindness.On that day, the emperor led the civil and military forces to send Bai out of the city, and wrote a poem to say goodbye: the flags waved and the shadows were reflected, and the stalls were stopped, and the chaomen was half drunk.

Returning home in brocade, Qing Mojiu, Hugh scattered the spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

After the emperor wrote the poem, he gave wine and sent him to the horse.Bai Xie'en also recited a poem to bid farewell to the emperor's stone: Thank you for the emperor's kindness to leave the imperial capital, and send the golden flower and wine to the journey.

The king's righteous thoughts are in harmony with the sky, and the four seas are peaceful and peaceful.

I am proud of Cheng Enjun who dotes on me, and I am drunk in the golden palace several times.

The brocade clothes and jade belt return to the hometown, and the Luosan and silver saddle go out for a turn.

After Li Bai finished singing, he said goodbye and left.Xuanzong drove back, and Bai Zi prepared to move forward on the pommel horse.The prefectures and counties pay money, drink at every occasion, and return to their hometown after carnival.Not a day later, I arrived in Jinzhou, dismounted and entered the hall. I met He Zhizhang. The family was very happy.What happened after all?
General comment: While the emperor and the noble concubine were enjoying the banquet, they occasionally received a series of books, and competed with the ignorant, but Li Bai read it, every word was correct, and he answered the book in one stroke.When Khitan rulers and ministers see it, how dare they look up?I know that it is not an exaggeration to say that the royal hand holds the spoon and the minister holds the inkstone.

(End of this chapter)

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