Chapter 93

The day after Yang's death at Mawei Station, Xuanzong traveled to Mawei Station. The soldiers were hungry and sick, unable to move, all full of anger.

Chen Xuanli and all the generals said that Yang Guozhong was the cause of this misfortune, and to this day, he was hesitant to plan to punish him.Suddenly, more than [-] Tubo envoys blocked the way, cried to each other, knelt in front of Guozhong's horse, and complained that there was no food.Before Guozhong could meet him, the sergeant shouted, "Guozhong conspired against the Hulu. If the thief is not killed, what will happen?" Come back and kill the two wives of South Korea and Qin, both sisters of noble concubines.

When the emperor was in the post court, he heard the commotion outside and the noise shook the ground, so he went out of the sun gate with his staff to comfort the soldiers, pardoned him for the crime of killing without authorization, and ordered the troops to be sent back.All the sergeants responded silently.The emperor asked Gao Lishi, and Xuanli said to him: "The loyalty of the country is rebellious, and noble concubines are not suitable for worship. May your majesty cut off love and righteousness." The emperor said: "I will deal with it myself."The six armies made a joint speech and said: "The one who raises the chaos is loyal to the country, and the one who invites the chaos is the noble concubine. The ministers and others will kill the Guozhong, and the noble concubine should not serve the side. If your majesty punishes them together, the ministers and others will do their best to hunt down the thieves.

"The emperor said: "The noble concubine often lives in the deep palace, and the loyalty of the country is in chaos. How does the noble concubine know it?" "Gao Lishi said: "The noble concubine is sincerely innocent, but since the six armies killed the loyalists of the country, and the noble concubine is still serving your majesty, how dare you feel at ease?"May your Majesty consider it, and the soldiers will be safe, and the country will be safe. "The emperor still couldn't bear it, and the six armies cheered endlessly. The emperor was afraid of sudden changes, so he had to hang and kill him. harm me? " Li Tu scolded and said: "The Supreme Being was harmed by you, so he wants to kill you. "The concubine died silently, and her body was placed in the post court. The emperor summoned Xuanli and others to watch it, and Xuanli was exempted from the armor, and apologized.

The sergeants all shouted "long live".So he started the whole team, thinking it would be a plan.There is a poem chanted by later generations, saying: "The autumn wind rides across Yuyang, and the son of heaven patrols the deserted land in the west."

Favor is not cherished because of rare goods, right and wrong are not for Lu'er's defense.

Half a square is practiced with fragrance and soul, and three feet of Huangquan is hidden.

A thought of arrogance and extravagance will bring disaster, and the king would rather not quit Baosang.

At that time, the emperor mourned so much that he forgot to sleep and eat, and ordered to bury the noble concubine at the foot of Mawei slope.The next day when he was about to leave Mawei, all the officers and men said: "The loyal generals and officials of the country are all in the middle of Shu. We must guard against their revenge and do not go there." Wei Er, the censor Zhongcheng, said, "It's better to go to Fufeng and Xu Tu to make progress."

Everyone thinks so, and the emperor follows it.When he didn't move, all the elders came to cover the way and said: "Your Majesty is running far away, and the people have no masters. We would rather be Tang ghosts than captives. Your Majesty, please go back to the palace, guard the ancestral temple mausoleum, and work together with the king's teachers soon. Will be able to break the thief. Where do you want to go now?

"The people's wailing was heard for dozens of miles. The emperor pressed his bridle and pondered for a long time, but ordered the prince to announce to the elders behind. In Chang'an, if His Royal Highness and His Majesty both enter Shu, who will be the master of the people in the Central Plains? Thousands of people gathered in a short time. The prince can't do it, and said: "The emperor is far away from the place where the adventure is blocked. As the prince, how can I bear to be away from my side day and night?"And I haven't resigned face to face, I should tell the Supreme, and I will stop. "Because of weeping, tears fell like rain, so I returned to my horse and wanted to go west. Jianning Wang Tan, the son of the prince, and Li Fuguo held a remonstrance and said: "If you violate the Hu and violate the que, the world will fall apart. If it is not because of human feelings, how can you recover?Now Your Highness enters Shu from the supreme, if the bandits burn down the plank road, the Central Plains will be handed over to the bandits.Now Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi are resisting the rebels in Hebei. It is better to send people to call them back, take back the soldiers guarding the northwest border, and join them in fighting against the rebels in the east. Destroy and survive.Sweeping the palace ban to welcome the Supreme Being, isn't it the greatest filial piety?Why is it necessary to be gentle and pure, to be the love of children?
"Wang Chu of Guangping, the second son of the prince, also advised the prince to stay. So the elders hugged the horse of the prince together, but they couldn't go. The prince sent Chu Feima to sue the emperor.

At this time, the emperor was not far away, and was waiting for the prince to come by the bridle. Suddenly, he saw the arrival and told him about the accident. , And told the generals: "The prince is benevolent and filial, you can serve the ancestral temple, and you can help him." He also told the prince: "You should encourage him, and don't think of me. The Hus in the northwest, I care for you. It must be used." Hearing the words, the crown prince just wept to Nan Xiang.All the people on the left and right shed tears.The prince said: "Father is good at protecting the dragon's body, and he barely eats. I don't know when the flesh and blood will be reunited!" The emperor also sobbed, so the father and son parted.

The prince has gone, and Wei Erli asks the emperor to help the wind.The next day, the emperor arrived in Fufeng with chariots and horses, but there were no tall houses, so the emperor and his ministers discussed matters in the thatched hut.The sergeants watched and suppressed each other, thinking they were laughing.Gongqing offended the emperor a little, beat and scolded the soldiers, and the rumors of the soldiers were so disrespectful that Chen Xuanli couldn't subdue them.At that time, Chengdu sent envoys to contribute more than [-] horses of spring color to the county. The emperor ordered the court to summon all the generals to say: "I am old now, and I have lost people in my entrustment. It will lead to chaos and chaos, although I stay away from it. Feng, Qing and others havetily left me, not to be separated from their parents and wives, trekking here, hard work, I am very ashamed of it. Moreover, the road to Shu is long, the counties are small, there are many people and horses, and they may not be able to provide. Now listen to each of you. Returning home, I went to Shu alone with my descendants and all the officials, and I will be able to achieve it. I will say goodbye to you today, and I can share this lottery to prepare for the food. If you return to see your parents and the elders of Chang'an, pay tribute to me, and love each other. Yes." After the emperor said, his lapel was covered with tears.All the people wept and bowed to the ground and said: "The ministers are willing to obey your Majesty in life and death, and dare not have two.

"The emperor pondered for a long time, and said: "If you want to go and stay, you can follow your will. "So the rumors stopped.

After traveling for several days, they arrived in Chengdu, and there were only 300 people from the officials and the Sixth Army.At that time, An Lushan didn't expect that the emperor suddenly got lucky, so he sent an envoy to Cui Qianyou and stayed in Tongguan.

On the tenth day, Sun Xiaozhe was sent to lead the troops into Chang'an, where he killed dozens of concubines and emperor's grandsons, and sacrificed their hearts.Qingxu, the son of Lushan, drove all the officials and court ladies to Luoyang.Lushan appointed Chen Xilie, Zhang Jun, and Zhang Zhao as ministers, and the rest of the court officials were all appointed officials.As a result, the thieves became powerful, threatening Qianlong in the west, invading Jianghan in the south, and cutting half of Heshuo in the north.However, the thieves and generals are all rough and fierce men, without any profound strategy. Once trapped in Chang'an, they think they have achieved their ambitions. Entering Shu is safe and sound.

The prince went north, and there was no danger of being pursued.

But he said that since the crown prince stayed, he did not know what to do. King Jianning said: "Your Highness used to be the ambassador of Shuofang Jiedu, and he often communicated with the generals and officials in Cambodia. He knew his name. Now the people in Hexi and Longyou are all defeated. Thieves, father, brother and son are all among the thieves, for fear of accidents, this road must not be taken. Dushuofang is close to the road, and the scholars and horses are in full bloom. Sima Peimian is there now. He is a well-dressed family. This is the best policy." Everyone said: "This is a very good statement, Your Highness can follow it." So, starry night galloped for more than three hundred miles, and arrived at Pengyuan.The prefect Li Zun went out to meet him, offered food and clothing, and then went to Pingliang.

However, when the crown prince arrived in Pingliang, Du Hongjian, the empress of Shuofang, Wei Shaoyou, the envoy of water and land transportation, Cui Yi, Lu Jian, and Li Han, the judges, conspired with each other and said: "Pingliang is a scattered place, not a place for troops. There is enough food for Lingwu soldiers. If you welcome the crown prince to that place, take the soldiers from the cities in the north, send out the river and dragon cavalry in the west, and settle the Central Plains in the south, this will be the foundation of all generations, and it will be done at this moment."

Lu Jian said: "It's just what I want, and the theory of gold and stone is also. It is better to persuade the prince to go to Shuofang as soon as possible to follow Mawei's order." The discussion has been decided, so Li Han will be sent to the prince with a letter, and he will be a scholar of Shuofang. , Jiabing, grain and silk, and military resources are offered.The crown prince said: "Father is in Shu, so this matter can be dealt with slowly." Hung-chien said to the crown prince: "Shuofang, the place where the world's troops are mobilized. Today Tushan invites peace, Huihe is attached, and most of the counties and counties in Sifang have strong soldiers to resist the bandits. , in order to revive. If Your Highness manages soldiers and martial arts, takes the bridle and drives forward, moves to the four directions, and recruits loyal people, then the rebels will not be enough to kill." The prince said: "I have my father, the emperor, and this matter is safe. feasible?

"All said: "It is true to leave behind.Your Highness can be a great position, to inherit the Tang Dynasty, to reassure the hearts of the people, and the ministers are fortunate. "The prince said: "This is absolutely impossible. "Pei Mianjin said: "Today's officers and men are all from Guanzhong, and they think about returning day and night.May your Highness encourage everyone to think of it as a plan for the community. "Jian Fan went up five times, and the prince promised it.

As a result, Hung-chien and others entrusted the crown prince to Lingwu, who ascended the throne on that day, known as Emperor Suzong.

Yao respected Xuanzong as the emperor of heaven.Amnesty the world, change Yuan Zhide.Du Hongjian and Cui Yi both knew the personnel affairs of Zhongshushe, and Pei Mian, the assistant minister of Zhongshushe, had the same affairs.At that time, all the elite soldiers on the frontier were selected to beg for thieves, but Yu, the old and the weak, guarded the border. There were less than 30 civil and military officials, and the court was established in grass.The system was first established, and the warriors were arrogant and fierce. The general Guan Chongsi sat in the court hall with his back, talking and laughing freely.Li Mian, the supervisory censor, played and played it, which was tied to Yousi.The emperor pardoned him, sighed and said: "I have Li Mian, and the court has respected it."

(End of this chapter)

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