Chapter 94

It was the first year of Zhide when Zhang Xuxie guarded Juyang City.But it is said that Zhang Xun fought against Linghu Chao's bandit generals in Yongqiu, and won a complete victory. He captured 14 bandit generals and beheaded more than [-] ranks.Naturally, the thieves panicked and fled in the starry night. They retreated into Chenliu and dared not come back.A detailed report has long been reported to Juyang.But it is said that the prefect of Juyang is also a supervisor of Hangzhou.The surname is Xu, the name is Yuan, and the word is Lingwei.He is the great-grandson of Xu Jingzong, the prime minister of the right.That day in Suiyang, I heard that the thieves had fallen into Chang'an, and their momentum was intensifying. The school captain Tao Zhao recommended a person who could break the group of thieves.Yuan asked Yu Zhao, saying: "The important place is not a hero of the world, so it can be occupied. Today, there are a lot of Hu thieves, who can be safe?" Zhao said: "To break the group of thieves, you must have Zhang Xun." Yuan said: "Where are you now?" Zhao said: "First, as the magistrate of Zhenyuan County, he recruited troops to defeat the bandits. He met Linghu Chao and Yongqiu, and won one or two hundred battles. The bandits have fled far away. Now lead the troops. Yu Yongqiu, why don't you send people to come and help defend the city to break the bandits, and it will be settled in a few days." Xu Yuan was overjoyed, and sent people to Yongqiu with letters and gifts in the starry night.When Xun got the book, he readily agreed.When I arrived in Juyang in a few days, I connected it from far away, and led me to the public hall to sit down.After the tea was finished, all the generals on the patrol called to come and see, Nan and Lei stood beside the patrol.Yuan Wen said: "I have heard about your great name for a long time, and now I am fortunate to meet you. I want to teach you." How about the thieves deciding the outcome together?" Xun said: "The disease of ringworm and scabies, don't care, I have already broken it." Yuan said: "A certain guard in Juyang, the throat of the land, is alone and has no neighbors. Ashamed of being ignorant and incompetent, it is hard to resist. The school captain Tao Zhaolei said that his talents are superb, and he has the ambition to fight against thieves, so he does not avoid the axe, so he is here to invite you. Contribute to the country, and save the lives of this county. I really feel Great virtue under your feet." Xun said: "Someone is also a bandit, but it is my original ambition to protect the Jianghuai. Now that I have been called, I dare not follow. May I ask how many soldiers and horses are here?" Yuan said: "Although there are military horses , There are very few generals in battle. Today, I have to help each other to achieve good things together; and a certain person who has never been familiar with the art of war, has both wisdom and courage, and the strategy of the battle formation is all for the public. Far away, it is only an indirect response. "Xun said: "It's so wonderful." Xunnian is only one year old, and he is called by his younger brother.On that day, all the generals got drunk in the back hall. The next day they gathered to discuss and patrolled and said: "I heard that the bandit general Yang Chaozong led the army, not only at one end, but there are still powerful people behind him. The day is coming, what's your strategy? Lei Wanchun said, "the commander-in-chief doesn't have to worry about it. We two will lead the troops to fight with him. What are we afraid of?" Xun said, "we will be outnumbered in the end, so we should stick to it. General Lei leads the troops to fight, so let's go." In Linhuai, Xu Shuji and Beihai Helan Jinming are two guards. It is best for General Nan to quickly borrow troops to rescue them. If a rescue army arrives, it will be a perfect strategy." Nan Jiyun said: "I am willing to go." After the inspection tour, the book was repaired and Jiyun secretly stored it. After eating a full meal, he got on his horse and threw himself into Linhuai from the middle road. Zhang and many generals guarded the city together.But it is said that He Lan Jinming, since the fifteenth year of Tianbao, will cross the river on foot and five thousand horses, and attack Xindu, and he will not be able to overcome it for a long time.Joining the army, the fifth Qi persuaded Jin Minghou to recruit warriors with gold and silk, which was to overcome him. Therefore, Xuanzong appointed him a prefect and made him stay in Beihai.Hearing that he was patrolling Suiyang, he said that the poet Li Kan said: "Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan are guarding Juyang together. There are very few people and horses. Today, Nan Jiyun is sent to Linhuai. If I don't accept the scolding, I must come here to ask for soldiers. I heard that this man is brave, and I want to keep him to help me. I don't know what he wants to do. I want to stay in the army for a long time, but the situation is terrible. Xu borrowed soldiers, Zhang Le ate and drank to his heart's content, and he seduced him with sweet words in the middle, and he will return to me." Li Kan said: "This plan is very clever." During the discussion, Nan Jiyun was suddenly reported, so please come in ask.Ji Yun said: "Commander Zhang sent here to ask for elite soldiers to assist in defending Suiyang and protect the residents. It is a blessing that you don't stop begging." Jin Mingri: "Zhang Zhenyuan is all for the imperial court, and I will pay for the army. General on the way The pommel horse is tired, take a rest overnight, and leave early tomorrow." Ji Yun said: "If this is the case, the emperor can be protected at the top, and the common people at the bottom. It is really a great fortune for the country." Enter the Ming Dynasty and hold a feast for him.After several rounds of drinking, the musicians are called to sing and dance as a play.Jiyun said: "The military situation is urgent, why do you feel happy?" Jinming said: "Today Suiyang does not know how to live or die. Even if the soldiers go, it will be futile." Please thank Qiu with death. After Juyang was pulled out, he came to Linhuai, and his lips were not dead and his teeth were not cold. How can you bear with your feet?" Jinming said: "I also know this. The building will fall, and it cannot be supported by a single tree. It has been the same since ancient times when the flames turn cold. Now when the court matters, I will accompany you with the court; when the court affairs go, I will also accompany you with everyone. Hearing the words, Ji Yun was furious, drew his sword and cut off a finger, ate it with his mouth, sighed and said: "Huer is not enough to plan, the big thing is gone, what a pity! After I wiped out the bandits, I swear to kill this thief in order to avenge today's hatred." So he pulled the bamboo sheet full, shot an arrow on the tower to show that he would come, and then got on his horse and left angrily.Seeing that Jinming refused to borrow troops, Jiyun went back to Juyang overnight and met Zhang and Xu and said he knew about it.Xun Nai cried and said, "What can you do like this?" Lei Wanchun said, "Don't worry, commander. If you have a plan, you will destroy the bandits." Xun said: "You are known as a brave general. The former Yongqiu killed Linghu , If there is a clever plan, what is the plan now?" Wan Chun said: "If the bandit soldiers come from far away, they will be tired. How about dividing up the troops to rob him that night before they go down to the stronghold?" Xun said: "You also follow the law of war, which is very good. If bandits arrive, they will definitely do this." The discussion has been decided.But it is said that An Qingen, the second son of Lushan, led the thieves to throw Yin Ziqi and others to Suiyang first.As they were walking, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, and there was a sound in front of An Qingen's horse, and one side of the flag was blown down.Qing En said something strange, so he asked the soldiers to stay and call the counselors to ask good or bad luck.Qing En said that the wind blows the flag and Gao Shang said: "Where does the wind come from? What is the color of the flag when it blows?" Qing En said: "The wind comes from the southeast, blowing the upper tooth flag at the folded corner. The flag is blue and red. " Gao Shang said: "I don't want to do anything else, but I just want to patrol tonight to take advantage of the void and come to rob the stronghold." Qing En nodded.Suddenly Cai Xide came to see him and said: "It's time for the southeast tooth flag to break, and someone will rob the village tonight." There is a poem in Jingxuan sighing: "Zhang Xun Xu Yuanshi is lonely and poor, and his contribution to protecting the Jianghuai River is in vain."

There are signs of the division of troops in Jiezhai, why does God indulge the traitors?

Qing En said: "God will repay you, and I will defend myself." At that time, nine teams were divided, and only one team was left to rob and set up a camp, and the rest were in ambush in all directions.It was night when the moon was twilight, Nan Jiyun was on the left, and Lei Wanchun was on the right. They marched in two teams, and Zhang and Xu stayed behind in Suiyang.But Lei Wanchun thought it was a wonderful strategy, so he ordered Qingqi to rush into the bandit camp.But seeing scattered, not many soldiers and horses, flames shining all around, and shouting with one move, Wan Chun knew it was a trick, so he went out of the camp. Li Guiren from the north came to kill, Cai Xide from the southeast, Niu Yanjie from the southwest, Neng Yuanhao from the northeast, Tian Ganzhen from the northwest, and the Eighth Route Army horses surrounded them.Wan Chun rushed left and right in his heart, only screaming bitterly.It turned out that An Qing'en's army and horses had all come to resist the enemy, and more than half of Wan Chun's army had gone. Wan Chun was flustered, and met Cai Xide. Go, only a dozen or so riders will follow.Wanting to return to Juyang, the army stopped the way, thinking nothing of it, hoping to fly to the mountain and leave.But he said that Nan Jiyun was robbing the village, and when he was approaching the gate of the camp, he shouted loudly, and rushed into an army from behind, cutting off half of the troops first.Neng Yuanhao came ahead, and Jiyun led more than a hundred cavalry to break out.Tian Qianzhen and two came later, Jiyun looked back and only had twenty or thirty riders behind him, looking at the army and horses coming all over the mountains and plains, Jiyun fled to Taniguchi, just as Niu Yanxue blocked the road, Jiyun's horses fell into the wasteland and left.Niu Yanxun will ride away.The next morning, both Wanchun and Jiyun came to meet each other. They abandoned their armor and horses and joined the militia. They went into Suiyang city and closed the gate.It is the first month of spring in the second year of Zhide.Let's say that Anlu Mountain's eyes have gradually dimmed since the rise of the army, so that he no longer sees things.The back is gangrene again, the sex becomes more irritable, and the person who manipulates people around is not as good as he wants, so he will beat and tart when he moves.The eunuch Li Zhuer was attacked a lot, and every time the poet did not protect himself, he felt resentful.At the same time, Qingen, the son of Lushan's concubine, wants to replace his eldest son Qingxu. Qingxu is terrified when he hears about it, so he seeks advice from Yanzhuang.Zhuang said: "If something has to be done, the time must not be lost. It is better to make a plan and do it early." Before the words were finished, Li Zhu'er came suddenly, and Zhu'er said: "You two want to murder Emperor Yan, I have heard, so go Come out first." Qingxu said: "If you do not do great things, you will die forever." Zhu'er said: "If Your Highness does this, I dare not follow you! I want to help and kill your father together." Zhuang said: "Yan The emperor is not benevolent, the wife is adulterous, the rules are disordered, and the heaven and man are angry together. If you have this heart, it is a great fortune for the country." So Zhuang and Qingxu stood outside the tent with soldiers at night, and the pig went straight into the tent with a knife. Lu Shan was lying on his back on the dragon couch. When he saw the pig coming, he wanted to ask about it. The knife had already been cut, and it hit Lu Shan's belly. His intestines rolled out and he bled several liters to death.The next day, Yan Zhuang declared that Lushan was ill, and urgently made Qingxu the crown prince, taking over the fake Yan name.Zunlu Mountain is the Supreme Emperor.Then mourn.Qingxu was timid and cowardly, his speech was disorderly, and he was not easy to see.Qingxu indulged in drinking day and night for pleasure, and made Yan Zhuang the official censor. All matters, big or small, depended on Yan.General comment: Yan Zhuang not only betrayed the emperor with Lushan, but also taught Qingxu to kill his father.Later, Emperor Suzong accepted his surrender again, and the officials thought that it was an act of agriculture, and it was almost like pushing the waves and helping the flames?

(End of this chapter)

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