Chapter 95

When Zhang Xu died in Suiyang City, Qingxu was in power, so he sent someone to hold his brother Qing'en as the king of Beiping. He raised 500 soldiers and ordered him to attack Juyang and other counties.But he said that the thieves will besiege Juyang for a long time, eat up all the food in the city, and discuss that they want to abandon the city and go east.Xun and Yuan conspired and said: "Suiyang is the protection of Jianghuai. If you abandon it, the thieves will come to take advantage of the victory. There is no Jianghuai. This place is lost and cannot be regained. It is better to hold on to it." At that time, the imperial court Rescue soldiers did not arrive, and the food was exhausted. There were only four to five hundred people under the patrol, and most of them were wounded.Xun discussed with Xu Yuan: "How about this?" Rats; sparrows are exhausted, there is nothing to do.Xun Nai's concubine Aunt Lu said: "A certain person came to help defend the city. The soldiers have been short of food for several days. Most of the soldiers and horses have starved to death. The cattle, sheep, and tea paper have been boiled. Change, what should I do? I have something to tell you, but I can't say it." Aunt said: "What hinders the relationship between husband and wife?" Xun said: "It's actually hard to say!" Aunt said: "A man should be a good man. If you don't say anything, it's stupid. If you have anything to say, why are you so hesitant?" Xun said: "I'm afraid you are a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so it's hard to say." Aunt said: "I understand! Today the city is full of old and weak Do you want to cook a lowly concubine to pay a sergeant?" Xun said: "The result is so, you have guessed it! I am only doing it for the great affairs of the country, and I have nothing to do!" My aunt said: "My husband has received great favor from the court. I am afraid that my concubine will die when I am appointed to a major court event. I am controlled by my husband, but I am ordered by him. It is not right to die at the hands of others. I would like to ask the sword in my waist to kill myself with my concubine!" Xun said: "The strong woman is really my wife Also!" Then he drew his sword and gave it to him.Lu went in with a sword, and after a long time, people reported in panic, "Little madam has killed herself!" Everyone was shocked and burst into tears.The patrol cried and said: "How can you give up the kindness of the couple! For the sake of the court, it is a last resort." Then an old woman was ordered to come to the kitchen to cook and pay for the army.Later generations have a poem that sighs: "Jade muscles and beautiful appearance are beautiful, and you must know that you will lighten Mount Tai when you die."

The gentleman, righteousness, husband and grace are both perfect, and the name is eternal in the world.

On the same day, the concubine was patrolled and killed, and one person was stirred up, who was the slave of Xu Yuan's family and entered Qiaoye.When Jin Qiao saw that Xu Yuan said he knew about it, Yuan sighed and said: "A real strong woman! There is such a hard-hearted husband and such a woman who is not afraid of death. It is rare in ancient and modern times to become a husband." Jin Qiao said: "A woman still knows the righteousness of respecting the king and obeying her husband. I am a man, and I am not as good as her! If the villain wants to cook." Yuan said: "The army is very hungry, and it is good to add a bite or two. Just follow When I come, there will always be many sufferings and few happy places, and I will bear you to death!" Jin Qiao said: "My lord is the king at the top, and the people at the bottom. The soldiers have been besieged for a long time, the city is empty, and most of the army starved to death. , there are three or 400 people left. Although a servant is small, he can't help the mouths of all the troops. He can fill the hunger of dozens of people and last for a day and a half. If foreign aid arrives, it will not be a big deal? Mr. Zhang loves his concubine Still don't hesitate, why would my lord spare a servant: "Yuan said: "Every time I see servants try their best to seduce the master, you are trying your best to concentrate now, and you have not cheated in the slightest. If you kill me now, I will fail you. . ” Far away, tears fell like rain.Jin Qiao said: "My lord wipes away tears, don't worry, and take care of yourself. What a pity for a villain. Even though he is dead, his soul is only at the side of my lord. Please do it early." Yuan Shang hesitated, and Jin Qiao Then he drew his knife and slashed at his neck, and fell down the steps.Xu Yuan held his head and cried: "My son's loyal heart is awe-inspiring and lovely, and his thighs and arms will be useless for a while!" He ordered to cook it.The official historian has a poem that says: The master is loyal and the servants are all sages, and they would rather give up their bodies and go to Jiuquan.

One life is as light as a wild goose feather, and her fame will be passed on for thousands of years.

Distribute the cooked meat from distant friends to the armies, each with a shin.Nan Jiyun said: "I am deeply impressed by the two commanders who cooked their concubines and servants, and we all couldn't bear to eat them with tears in our eyes." Xun said: "The army has been starved of food for days, and their loyalty is getting stronger and stronger, and they hate themselves. You can't cut off my flesh to eat your people, why would you want to have a concubine and a servant, and sit and watch the army starve?" At that time, Zhang and Xu didn't see the rescuers, and they didn't know what to do.Yuan said Jiyun said: "I regret not using the words of the army, which caused today's suffering." Jiyun cried and said to him: "Today's affairs are extremely serious. Although Zhuge Kongming is resurrected, there is nothing we can do." Lei Wanchun said: "Why not?" It’s not too late to abandon this lonely city, and rush to Lingwu, and then reorganize our troops to recover Suiyang.” Zhang Xun said: “We will not go far when we are hungry. In ancient times, the princes of the Warring States still rescued each other, let alone Are you close and handsome? Why don't you just wait and see." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the shouts of people and horses outside the city, shaking the world.Suspecting that rescuers were coming, Xu Yuan panicked and went to the city with a gun. He looked at the gates and saw that the bandits had already entered the city.Yin Shu rode down to the city to fight to the death. He was facing the thief and captured Yin Ziqi alive on his horse and tied him with ropes.All the soldiers were sick and unable to fight, and the patrolling generals were temporarily detained.Ziqi sent someone to Anqing'en to report the victory.The thief general Xunjie saw Ziqi, Ziqi said: "I heard that the general will have his teeth broken every time he fights. Why is he so evil today?" Ziqi said with a smile: "The villagers are still self-sufficient when they come here!" Then Xu Yuan was summoned, and Ziqi said: "You have assisted in guarding this city, and you are more than resourceful. How are you doing now?" Yuan said: "I am the king. Death, you assist the thief, and your apprentice is a big pig, how can it be safe for a long time?" Ziqi said: "If you are willing to serve the new master with me, you will be spared from death, and you can be rich and honored." Xun Da scolded: "Men from the heavenly dynasty, To die is to die, and Anken is an injustice, and he is a righteous man!" Ziqi saw that the patrol was full of curses, and called the warrior to cut off his teeth and tongue with a knife.Patrol to the west and pay homage, saying: "I'm exhausted! I can't use the entire city. You can't repay your majesty by life, and you should be a ghost to kill thieves by death!" Ziqi was furious, and hurriedly pushed out and beheaded him.In the middle of October of that year, Zhang and Xu died in Suiyang, and 36 people including Nan Jiyun and Lei Wanchun were killed temporarily.The official historian has a poem that says: "One point of loneliness and loyalty will keep dying, and Jianghuai will break his throat from then on."

Lone pines and tall cypresses are all buildings, but old iron and strong steel do not make hooks.

Another historian praised Zhang Xumiao and said: "The general of the Tang Dynasty is fierce and powerful, and he has made great achievements throughout the ages."

In the three hundred battles of the wind and cloud, the heaven and the earth are loyal.

Jianghuai has many guarantees, and Gangji Lai Haoxiong.

The days in Suiyang are numbered, and Zhang Xu spreads the heroic wind.

When Xunchu was defending Suiyang, there were only ten thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of people living in the city.When I visited and asked my name, I knew everyone thereafter.There were more than 12 battles before and after, and 12 soldiers were killed.Patrolling soldiers do not follow the ancient methods, and the battle order will teach them according to their own ideas.When people asked why, Xun said: "Today we are fighting with the Hulu. The clouds merged and the clouds dispersed. The abnormality is not normal. There are similarities and differences between a few steps. When the opportunity is sudden, it lies in the breath. If you move to ask the general, nothing will happen. Similar to each other, it is not one who knows the changes of soldiers. Therefore, I make soldiers understand the will of the generals, and the generals understand the sentiments of the soldiers, and serve them, just like the fingers of the hand. Soldiers and generals learn from each other, and people fight for themselves. "Since the Dianbing period, all the weapons, armour, and staff have been taken from the enemy, and they have not been self-cultivated.In every battle, the soldiers may retreat and stand on patrol in the battle station, saying: "I will not leave here, you will fight for me!"He also treats people with sincerity, without any doubts.Responding to the enemy, there are endless surprises, orders are clear, rewards and punishments are faithful, and we share the joys and sorrows with everyone, so we will fight to the death.After Zhang Xun's death, Yin Ziqi welcomed An Qingen into the city, and he had all the land of Suiyang.In less than three days, Zhang Hao, the Jiedu envoy of Henan Province, heard that Suiyang was in dire straits, and led [-] soldiers. He came to rescue them at night, and when they reached Suiyang, the city had already fallen.As a result, the thieves ran rampant across the counties again, especially looting.Suddenly it was reported that the Uighurs surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, and together with the generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, they came to meet the enemy.When Qingen heard that the Uyghurs were mobilizing troops, he asked the generals who would dare to be in this army. Yin Ziqi and Yang Chaozong came out and said, "Someone is willing to go." Qingen said, "Although you two are going, the route is not familiar." Qingen Enhuo Linghu Chao said: "You are a minister of the Tang Dynasty. You have lived here for a long time. You can serve as a guide for the village and send [-] soldiers to go with you." First, Yin Ziqi led his troops forward and met Tang soldiers early.When Ziqi led more than a hundred riders up the hillside to look, he saw Uighur soldiers mixed with Tang soldiers, all over the mountains and fields, with villages everywhere, lined up with bows, arrows, guns and knives, just like a city.Ziqi has no strategy in mind to defeat the enemy, so he returns to the village to discuss with Yang Chaozong and Linghuchao.Ziqi said: "I don't know if Tang's soldiers are true or not. We will see them in battle someday." The next morning, the army was divided into three groups, Ziqi was in the middle, Chaozong was on the left, and Linghu Chao was on the right.The three-way soldiers marched at any time, but when they saw the Zao Diao flag covering the sky and blocking the sun, they were all horse troops first.Going to the mouth of the horses, a Uighur general, named the King of Heaven, came riding an elephant with a copper bell in his hand and two swords in his belt.Ziqi recruited soldiers from the three routes to compete, and saw Tang soldiers divided into two groups, Tuotian Wang was in the middle, chanting some incantations, shaking the copper bell, the wind was strong, sand and stones were flying, and the sound of horns was heard in the distance , tigers, leopards, wolves, poisonous snakes and beasts came out in the wind, baring their teeth and claws, rushing across the formation.The thieves were defeated, Yang Chaozong and Linghu Chao retreated first, Ziqi was surrounded by Tang soldiers in the army, and went straight to the northwest corner.Ziqi rushed from left to right in the formation of Tang soldiers, but he couldn't figure it out. Tigers, leopards and wolves came rushing in. The bandits and soldiers didn't care about each other. Ziqi looked in the valley to find his way.Look at the night, but see the Zao Diao flag coming in a gust of wind, the one who was in front of him shouted with his hand wheel sword: "The thief will stop! I am the king of heaven." Stay, gallop the horse to look into the stream and flee.Walking to the front, when the river broke down, he had to rein in his horse, but was rushed by King Tuotian and chopped him down with a knife.Ziqi dodged himself, stabbed the knife behind his horse, and the horse looked into the stream and fell down.Ziqi fell into the water, and when he got up to look, he saw people on the shore, and he clearly recognized Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan.The chief general rushed forward and killed him in front of him. Ziqi was caught off guard, and was caught up and beheaded by King Tuotian, and he rode out on his horse.When Tang Bing looked at it, the team was still chasing and killing the bandits.King Tuotian raised his head and saw Zhang Xun pointing to the southeast with his hand: "Tang soldiers can go here. I will protect you to destroy the bandits and avenge me."Tang Bing then concealed the killing, defeated the bandits and returned to the village.It is unknown what happened next.General comment: Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan can be described as strong husbands!Resisting Fang Zhang's captives with exhausted soldiers, more than [-] battles before and after, killing [-] thieves, and even dying of exhaustion.It took three days to save them, and ten days to kill the thief, and the sky paid the two of them with the end of the festival.Can the viewers not point their fingers!

(End of this chapter)

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