Chapter 96

Luo Yue's murderer, Shi Siming, An Qing'en, was shocked when he saw that Yin Ziqi had been beaten, and had a plan in mind. He called Yang Chaozong to carry out a plan of feigned surrender, and he must capture Li and Guo Yi.Chao Zong took the lead and took thousands of bandit soldiers with him to Tangzhai.First let people report, Guo Ziyi said with a smile: "If he comes to pretend to surrender, I will plan to ask about it." Then he called Chao Zongren and asked him why he surrendered. The officers and men are resentful and rebellious, and they are sincerely afraid of disaster, so they surrender, and they have no other intentions." Ziyi said: "You have no other intentions, and you are here to use them." But Li Di was told to treat the envoys, bragging, and drinking to the brim. drunk.Drugs are added to the wine, and the drunk is like a clay figurine.There are those who are awake, but they just smile.Knowing that it was a trick, Qingen called for help urgently, led all the generals and 1 people but waited out of the stronghold, only to see shouts from all sides, flames soaring into the sky, and the thieves and soldiers fled separately.I saw Uighur entrusting the King of Heaven to block the way, Qing En rushed to Zuozhai, the flames burst into flames, bumping into Lei Qing to kill General and come back.Then he ran to the right village, bumped into Li Bo and killed him for a while. There was no way around, Qing En abandoned the army and fled in the flat water.Seeing a boat on the water, the thief hurriedly called to the shore, and the men and horses disembarked, and they all seized it with a sound of horns. However, Li Guangbi sent a general to wait here pretending to be a Hu soldier, and captured Qingen and came to the stronghold.Ziyi handed in all the recruits to secure the bandits, and they were not allowed to kill. Countless people surrendered.After extinguishing the remaining fire, Li Guangbi captured Anqingenzhi, entrusted the king of heaven to capture Yangchao Zongzhi, and the rest Linghu Chao and Niu Yanjie were all captured.Ziyi said with a smile: "How did you deceive me by swindling your surrender? What's the point of saying that I have captured him by tricks?" Qingen said: "It has been the case since ancient times that the king's hegemony has been achieved. It is impossible to do things. It's just a death." Ziyi wanted to order all the generals to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, and played it for the sake of performance.Li Guangbi said: "No. Although these people have human faces, their hearts are like wild animals, and they are hard to be virtuous. If they are kept, they will cause harm later." Ziyi bowed her head and said, "That's true." Yang Chaozong, Linghu Chao and others were all beheaded.Ziyi Anmin is gone, and Li Guangbi moved troops all the way from Heyang to meet the enemy.But it is said that An Qingxu and Shi Siming have never been in harmony since he started his army.Siming is brave and powerful, but Qingxu is hesitant to plan for him.Someone informed Siming early on, and Siming was terrified, so he brought the thirteen prefectures under his command to descend to the Tang Dynasty.Emperor Suzong wanted to let him go. Zhang Haojin said: "No. Siming is a dangerous person. He steals the position because of chaos. If the power is strong, the crowd will follow. The intention stopped.As for Ma Sigui, the reinstater, he didn't know Qingxu well, but he freely trained soldiers in the army.Qingxu found out that he was shocked and didn't know what to do, so he proclaimed himself a minister to Siming and led three hundred horses to worship Siming in the camp, but they were all killed by Siming. Siming.Siming became powerful, so he called himself Emperor Dayan.But it is said that Shi Siming led [-] troops to attack Heyang, met Li Guangbi, and each set up camp.Siming estimates that there are more than a thousand good horses, which come out of the river and bathe in them every day, and the cycle is endless to show their prosperity.Guangbi wanted to take them, so he made a plan with the generals, and ordered them to get [-] mares from the army and tie them to the city.The horses roared and neighed at each other, Hou Siming's horses came to the water's edge, and the soldiers drove them out.Hearing the neighing of the horses, Siming's horses floated across the river, and they were all driven into the city by Tang soldiers.Siming was furious, so he stationed troops in Heqing, wanting to give up the light and help the grain road.When Guangbi heard about it, he moved his troops to Yeshuidu and ordered all the generals to attack them to death.The thieves were defeated, Si Xingxing fled at night.After two days, Luo Yue was murdered for his ministry.His son Shi Chaoyi led hundreds of Qingqi to Mozhou, and Pu Gu Dang, the son of Deputy Marshal Pu Gu Huai'en, chased him and surrounded him.Chaoyi was defeated in many battles, so he chose fifty fine riders to go out from the north gate criminals.Li Huaixian sent troops to catch up with him, and the soldiers of Chaoyi were poor, so they hanged themselves in the forest.Huaixian took his head and offered it.An Qingxu and the thieves were all killed, and the rest of the party were all peaceful.Pugu Wynn and all the troops returned.The emperor was overjoyed when he received the wind, and added rewards and punishments.There is a poem in Liquan that goes: Three arrows set the Tianshan Mountains, and the victory will be returned.

It is only in a moment to appease the new land.

Since the recovery of the bandits, the court has nothing to do, calling He Shengping.

But it is said that the emperor returned to Chang'an from Shu, and often wanted to live in Xingqing Palace, and often used Changqing Tower.Those who have passed away in Chang'an often pay homage and say long live.Sima Fuguo, who was marching, slandered Suzong and said: "The emperor lives in Xingqing Palace, and he communicates with outsiders every day. Today, Chen Xuanli and Gao Lishi conspired to harm His Majesty; and Xingqing Palace is connected with Lupi, and the walls are shallow. It is suitable for the supreme being to live in. The interior is deep and strict, and it is different from others to welcome you to live in it; and you must put an end to the small people who confuse the saints." The emperor wept but did not respond.It was the seventh month of autumn in the first year of Shangyuan, when Xiao Zong was in a hurry, so Fuguo pretended to be Emperor's Language, and went to welcome the emperor to live in the Ganlu Palace in the west. The guards left behind were only dozens of old and weak.So Gao Lishi was exiled to Wuzhou, and Chen Xuanli ordered him to retire.The emperor was displeased, but he didn't eat meat, and he refused to eat, which constituted a disease.At the beginning of the emperor, he still went to greet him, because the emperor was also sick, but he sent someone to greet him on his behalf.Later, the emperor knew that Fuguo was acting behind his back, and wanted to punish him. He was afraid of his power, so he hesitated to make a decision.It was Jiayin in the middle of the month, and the emperor died in the Dragon Hall at the age of 78.At that time, the emperor was sick and had not recovered, and it was the time of the emperor's funeral. He danced and wept, mourning and destroying the ceremony, because his illness became heavier and heavier.The ministers asked the emperor to recuperate from his illness and set up a funeral ceremony. The emperor sighed and said: "Death and life have fate, why pray for it." So they refused to set up a funeral ceremony.The next day, I feel my qi rushing up, and I can't see anything.The emperor called the generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi.Before the near-lying injury, tell the funeral.The emperor said: "I am seriously ill now, and it is expected that I will not escape. Now I ask you two important things: the prince is honest and respectful, and he can take on important things. You should assist him. Each has a loyal heart and plans for a long-term future. Don't forget Benedict." After saying this, he let out a long sigh and burst into tears like rain.He was 52 years old, in late September of the first year of Baoying.The official historian has a poem that says: The crisis of the Tang Dynasty is not yet over, why is the Emperor Ming going west and east?

Suzong was titled the wise lord, and restored Shenjing for thousands of years.

Historians commented on Xuanzong's cloud: at the beginning of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, Xuanzong was strict in political affairs, almost leading to peace, which can be described as prosperous.After Tianbao, treacherous ministers took power, Yan concubines messed up the government, and even fled and lost the country without regret.There is no beginning for extravagance, and there is an end for freshness, as Xuanzong said.After the collapse of Emperor Suzong, all the officials sent out the funeral cauldron and stopped the coffin in the side hall.The prince and all the officials mourned and wept bitterly, and the sound of mourning shook the ground.Suddenly a man stepped forward and said, "The prince, please rest in mourning. All officials are temporarily suspended. Why don't you discuss major issues?"At that time, he said sharply: "The holy man is driving, and the world is shaking. The heir has long been in power, and he will control all countries. Why cry evil!" The first year of Guangde.Cheng Yuanzhen and Yu Chaoen were awarded the title of equal, Guo Ziyi was the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, and all other civil and military officials were promoted.Xuanzong was buried in Tailing, and Xiaozong was buried in Jianling.However, he said that the detailed report was sent to the north, and the near officials reported to Tubo Khan, and they were overjoyed when they heard it, saying: "Ming Emperor and his son are dead, so I have no worries. Why not attack him because there is no master in the country." His minister Han Shuang remonstrated: "Even though Emperor Ming and Suzong are dead, they will be left alone to Guo Ziyi. Civil servants and military generals are very strategic, and they will do their best to help the young master succeed him. Don't cut him down." Suddenly a person came out of the class and laughed and said: "I heard that Guo Ziyi I've lived at home for a long time, so if I don't enter the army at this time, when will I wait?" Nai Tuzhu, a counselor, was surnamed Yelu, named Yi, styled Zhongcai, and is now a school lieutenant.Khan was overjoyed, so he asked Yeluyi, "If I want to enter China, what strategy should I use?" Yi said, "If only the Tubo soldiers are raised, it will be difficult to win in a hurry. We must use internal and external attacks, so that the Tang soldiers cannot rescue them from head to toe. The ingenious strategy cannot be used. If you want to achieve great things, you must raise soldiers from the three routes, and you can achieve great things." Khan asked: "What are the three routes?" Yi replied: "You can write a book, and send The mission was to go to Khitan, to see the king Han Hulu, to present gold and silk, and to bribe his heart, so that 20 Khitan soldiers were raised, and Wuyi was taken early. Neighbor, order [-] troops to attack Anping, this is the second route. Then order Xiao Nianhan to personally raise an army of [-], and go out of Bingzhou to take Taiyuan, this is the third route. The total number of troops from this three routes is [-], divided into three routes Come in, Guo Ziyi has the talent of Zhuge Kongming, how can he be worthy of it." The Khan was overjoyed when he heard that, so he sent two envoys to choose the one who could speak quickly to make an appointment with the two army horses, and then ordered Xiao Nianhan to be his The generalissimo and the generals were transferred to the generals, and [-] troops were raised to take the state.It is unknown how the outcome will be.General comment: Li Fuguo threatened the emperor, moved to the emperor, and robbed the mother of the country, which is a serious crime.There is more than one person to die, why don't you show more slaughter?

(End of this chapter)

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