Chapter 97

Guo Ziyi broke Tubo, but said that since Emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty ascended the throne, all his old and old ministers have given him awards, and many of them died of diseases, so it is too late to elaborate.Let's say that Daizong will listen to Cheng Yuanzhen's judgment on matters such as the court's selection of laws, money and food, utensils, and lawsuits.Shuofang caused chaos, and the border generals were in a hurry, but Yuan Zhen didn't hear of it.In the winter and October of the first year of Guangde, the ministers said: "The calamity has come." Daizong asked the reason, and the ministers said: "Today, the Tubo Kingdom dispatched three armies to take the Central Plains: the first route is Khitan Han Hulu Qifan The soldiers attacked Wuyi; the second route was that the Tuyuhun party sent troops to attack Anping; the third route was that Xiao Nianhan was the marshal and led [-] troops to take Bingzhou and Taiyuan. Sitting idle for a long time, the parts are scattered, and there is no one to fight against." After hearing this, Daizong was shocked, sweating, and asked the ministers for help.Yang Wan, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, said: "It is necessary to use the imperial chariot to conquer in person, and you can gather the princes, and everyone obeys orders." Xin Yunjing, the governor's envoy, said: "Anyone who is a general is wiser than others and can only control others. If you don't know yourself or the enemy, you will be defeated in a hundred battles. My ministers are not Tubo's opponents. If you raise one person, you can defeat the Tibetan soldiers. I don't know what the holy will is?" The emperor said: "Who are you promoting?" Yun Jing said : "Yesterday, the barbarians wanted to revive the army, but they were afraid of this man. If they were to be used again, the Fan soldiers would naturally retreat. This is the great general Guo Ziyi." The emperor immediately sent someone to call Ziyi into the court.Ziyi came in and paid homage to the que.The emperor was overjoyed and said: "I didn't understand it for a while, and I missed the plan of asking questions. I regret it." Ziyi said: "Although I live at leisure, I always feel worried when I have something to do in the court. Now Tubo is wanton and invaders, and I have broken it like grass." The emperor said: "You are more talented than Sun and Wu. When you return to your old post, you will be given a pair of axes and axe. There is no need to play for the latter." "The emperor said: "Who is your honor?" Ziyi said: "I am a man from Jingzhao. The surname is Changsun and the name is Quanxu. He is now the right general." The emperor said: "I just want to use this person as a pioneer. . " So he ordered Ziyi to hold it, and went out of the town of Xianyang to control it.Shi Ziyi has been idle for a long time, and his parts are scattered. Only when he is recruited can he ride on twenty horses.Fang Xianyang reported that there were more than [-] people in Tubo, all over the mountains and wilds, covering dozens of miles, and they were here.When Ziyi heard this, she panicked and sent the judge Wang Yanchang to enter the court to ask for soldiers.Cheng Yuanzhen is jealous of it, and if he doesn't hear about it, he can't face the king.Ziyi paused and said: "The big thing is gone! There is nothing I can do. With this slanderous minister by my side, how can I make a contribution to others? I swear to kill this thief and thank the world." After saying that, I had no choice but to talk to the two Ten riders rushed to Xianyang to finish.At that time, the emperor was dispatching troops, and suddenly reported that Fanbing had crossed the bridge. The emperor was shocked, and did not know what to do in a hurry, so he rode Qingqi and dozens of people from the north gate to Shanzhou.In a short time, Tubo invaded Chang'an, and the soldiers raped their wives and daughters, robbed people of food, plundered the treasury, and took their gold and treasures. They set fire to all the houses and burned the houses of the residents.Guo Ziyi asked Sun Quanxu, the leader of the vanguard, to come to the tent and said: "It is no small matter to retreat from the army today. Han Hulu and Xiao Nianhan are all good at using troops. Their power is so great that it is difficult to be an enemy. Most of the soldiers of the Sixth Army who fled today are in the Shang Dynasty. State, hurry to collect them, and we can defeat the enemy.” Then he and Wang Tingchang led thirty horsemen from Yusuchuan along the mountain road, and went east to Shangzhou, where they gathered more than [-] soldiers.Ziyi sobbed and told the soldiers to destroy the thieves and shame the country.When the soldiers heard the words, they all shed tears of gratitude, and listened and were restrained.Quanxu asked, "Where do the general's soldiers want to go now?" Ziyi said, "I have always known that there is a way to go. The place is called Lantian, and there is a fort in front of it, named Han Gongpo. This is the throat of Tubo. Han Hulu will definitely bully them. We are unprepared from other places, and we took Han Gongpo, looking at Chang'an is not far away. If the Fanren know that I have cut off the main road and cut off the food road. Now the city of Chang'an is empty, can it be guarded? Tubo will return overnight, use it The strange soldiers chased them all along the trails, and they won the whole victory. All the trails were cut off, and the soldiers guarded them. There was no food for a month, and all the soldiers starved to death. I will kill them all." Quan Xu said: "This is a good fortune. "Ziyi said: "Even so, don't enter lightly. You can tell the generals to enter without ambush, and don't take it lightly. Don't be tricked by the Chinese." Quan Xu followed the plan and went to Han Gongpo.During the day, drums and flags are played; at night, fireworks are burned to doubt Tubo.He also said to himself: "Guo Linggong led an army from Shangzhou, I don't know the number, so I'll come here soon." The captive thought so, and all the people fled.Let's say that Han Hulu came to Han Gongpo first, but when he didn't see Tang soldiers, he was suspicious and dared not move lightly.I saw the Tugu soldiers arriving, but the soldiers said where the Tang soldiers were, and Xiao Nianhan did not come behind.Only a sound of cannon was heard, and fire and drums burst out from all directions, surrounding the two of them, and they couldn't get rid of them.Suddenly Xiao Nianhan's first army arrived, rescued the two generals, and went straight to Beicheng.Sometimes a big army horse came to Yibian, and the banner read "Tang General Li Huaixian".After negotiating with Li Guangbi, I am afraid that Ziyi will get all the merits, so he divides Li Huaixian's army and horses to take Han Gongpo.Hearing that Ziyi and Quanxu had made great achievements, they led the army to attack Beicheng, where they met the three generals.These soldiers were all killed by Tang soldiers, most of them were wounded, how could they fight, so they were killed by Li Huaixian for a while, Han Hulu and Tugu Wangbei fled.Huaixian was overjoyed and came to meet Ziyi.Ziyi said: "Now Han Gongpo, Tubo and others have escaped. You should chase and kill Wang Yanchang starry night, and you can capture Xiao Nianhan and others." Then he called his eldest grandson Quanxu to order: "You can go from behind the mountain, and don't hide them. The road will be cut off in the middle, and all the food, grass, and horses will be obtained." Quanxu led the army and went, and Ziyi led the army to advance in two routes.But when Tubo went north, he saw Tang soldiers coming from behind in two groups, so the rear army became the front army, and the rear army became the front army, and came back to meet the enemy.All of a sudden, the sound of drums came from the back of the mountain, shouting and killing all over the sky. Everyone saw that it was Li Huaixian.When Huaixian killed Tubo, he didn't know how many Tang soldiers were. The soldiers were suspicious, so they all abandoned their armor and defected, abandoning all their belongings and leaving.Ziyi has all been recovered and appeased, before returning to the court, please drive back to Chang'an.Ziyi brought general Tu to the emperor, and the emperor said: "Today, all the prefectures in Chang'an have been regained. It is all thanks to you." Ziyi said: "Your Majesty is blessed, and how can I have it. Now all the soldiers have been wiped out, and the minister I would like to raise the soldiers of the world, and try my best to collect the thieves to repay Your Majesty." The emperor was overjoyed, and ordered Ziyi to raise the army in a hurry.The Jiedu envoy Li Baochen said: "I have a strategy to break the captives and bring peace to the world, and offer it to Your Majesty." I don't know what the strategy is.General comment: The righteousness of a minister is that there is no self, east, west, north, south, obeying orders, running through dangers, life and death, what is the meaning of his son?
(End of this chapter)

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