Chapter 98

Tubo Huihe even joined Kou Baochen and said: "When Emperor Taizong received Jieli in the past, he was in danger and recovered. He tried to say to the officials: "The barren land, the birds are ignorant, and it is difficult to use force." It is necessary to think deeply about it. It is not enough to use the current army and order the general to defend the dangerous point first, which is enough to calm down. The people will be fine. In a few years, China has gradually prospered, and the barbarians have Peace. This is the foundation of the country. I beg your Majesty to learn from you." The emperor asked Guo Ziyi what he thought of this theory, and he said, "This is a public theory." The emperor followed it.Ziyi assigned the generals to defend the dangerous areas, and still sent Li Guangbi and Changsun Quanxu to guard the important county of Chang'an, and rewarded the three armies.But he said that Tubo returned to his country.Call the chiefs of the various ministries to come one after another.There were more than [-] soldiers arrested and returned. They all said that Han Hulu and Tugu would also return to their homeland. The Khan sent people to invite them, but they refused to come.The Tubo Khan gathered all the generals to have a banquet in the palace. There was no couch in the palace, and they all sat on the ground.Gold and silver vessels, put them in front.Khan said at the table: "I have lost my army and lost my general. I vow to take revenge. What's your opinion?" If you are defeated, if you want to get revenge, if you use wisdom, you will be hard to beat. There are tens of thousands of soldiers going back to Hehe, and they are very mighty. Wherever they go, they can conquer everything. Your Majesty can write a book and prepare a gift. Somebody will go and get this branch in person. Army horses, go and defeat the Tang soldiers, and you will definitely win." Khan followed him, prepared rites and books, asked his uncle to take them, and went back to Huihe to borrow troops to finish.However, it is said that the soldiers of Huiji are more familiar with bows and crossbows. One crossbow can fire ten arrows. There are poisonous arrows on the arrows.On that day, people reported that King Huihe had arrived, and Khan greeted him. He saw that he was sitting on a lion elephant, with gold beads as tassels on his body, and two knives on each waist.There is a group of unkempt people in the army.Tubo accesses, complains about the past.Huihe promised revenge, so more than [-] soldiers joined the bandits.At that time, the flags covered the fields, and the swords and halberds were like silver, reaching Jingyang directly.When the scout horse reported to the Tang camp, Guo Ziyi ordered the generals to set up strict defenses and not to go out to fight.It turned out that Pingzhang's servant Gu Huai'en married Huihe Khan with his daughter. In September of that year, he lured hundreds of thousands of Huihe soldiers into bandits, and they cooperated against each other.When Huihe heard that Huai'en was dead, he fought with his son and lived in separate camps without harmony.Ziyi inquired and found out that when he returned to the west of the city, Ziyi envoy Li Guangzan to tell him that he wanted to join forces with him to attack Tubo.Huihe didn't believe it, and said: "Is Guo Linggong here? You deceived me. If it is here, we want to see it." Guangzan also reported the matter, and Ziyi laughed and said: "The captives are really afraid of my ears. Today We are outnumbered, and it is difficult to win. I have a very strong contract with Huihe in the past. If I go forward and say it, I can go down without a fight." Guangzan said: "The barbarians have no father and no king, and they destroy human relations. It is difficult to win trust. Go lightly. If you make a mistake, how can you regret it?" Ziyi said: "I deal with it with righteousness, why not." Then he got on his horse, opened the door with several riders, and someone called out: "Your Majesty is here. Here, do you see it?" Before he finished speaking, he saw the Uighur soldiers coming out from the left and right in the confrontation, each holding a weapon, standing on both sides.After the second time, a pair of them was listed in the shadow of the gate flag, and a general came out of the center, with a black face, red beard, disheveled head and feet, who was the younger brother of Yaogeluo Khan.Hold the bow and shoot the arrow, and immediately go to the front of the battle. When you see the opponent Ziyi, you remove your armor, release your armor and throw your spear.All the chiefs were afraid, and they looked at each other and said, "It's really Ling Gong!" Then they all got off their horses and worshiped Luo.Ziyi also dismounted from his horse, ran forward and took Ge Luo's hand and blamed him, saying: "You Huihe once made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty rewarded you well; but why did you break the promise, go deep into my land, invade and force Ji County, Abandoning previous achievements, betraying righteousness and grievances, and helping traitors, how stupid is it? And servant Gu Huaien rebelled against the king and abandoned his mother, what is there in your country? Now I stand up and let you kill me, my soldiers will surely I will fight you to the death." Ge Luo said: "We are here because Huai'en deceived me, saying that the emperor has collapsed, the prince is also dead, and China has no master. I dare to come with him. Now I know the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. In Shangdu, Linggong is here with his army, and Huai En was killed by the Tang Dynasty, how can we fight with Linggong?" Ziyi listened, and said: "Tubo has no way, take advantage of our country's Chaos, disregarding the relatives of my nephew and uncle, devouring my borders and burning my capital. The wealth he plundered is unbearable, and it is bestowed on you by this day, and you must not lose it." Ge Luo said: "I was wronged by Huai En, and I owe it to you. Your sincerity is deep, now please do your best to apologize for your sins." After saying this, the left and right observers of Huihe suddenly fought for two wings, and they seemed to be moving forward.Sergeants under Ziyi's command also rushed in.Ziyi immediately yelled and said: "We are talking to each other with kind words, why are you officers and men so rude!" Then he waved it with his hand, and the people in the two groups retreated.Ziyi ordered the soldiers to take wine to enter, and had a good time drinking with the chiefs. He gave [-] pieces of silk as a gift, and made an agreement with Huihe to return it.The next day, Huitong packed up and withdrew.Someone came to report, Tushan was shocked, and hurriedly asked Huihe: "Before the battle today, what did Guo Ziyi say?" Huihe said: "Ziyi doesn't say anything, how can I say it?" Tubo knew that Huihe had a drinking agreement with Ziyi, and doubted it, so he sneaked into the night and led his troops to flee first. By dawn, he had traveled more than fifty li. .Yaogeluo led the crowd to chase after him, and Ziyi envoy Bai Yuanguang led his fine cavalry to catch up with him. He fought with him at Xiyuan of Lingtai, defeated Tubo, and beheaded more than [-] ranks.Huihe and Ziyi returned home, and Ziyi also led troops into the court to meet the emperor.Ziyi said: "I can't pacify the barbarians quickly, and make your majesty worry about it day and night. It's my crime."Since there were more than two hundred tributes from foreign barbarians, he was rich and prosperous, and he was born in He Shengping.What is the unknown after all?General comment: Guo Ziyi saw the captives on a light ride, not only because the captives did not dare to harm them, but also after listening to his words and explanations.

(End of this chapter)

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