Chapter 1004

Bai Jiujiu can't do it for the time being if he directly admits that he is hard of hearing in front of everyone.

Secretary Wu paused, then said, "I hope you all get along well."

Bai Jiujiu maintained a smile at the corner of his mouth, everyone just glanced and continued to work.

Secretary Wu coughed twice and said, "Your desk is over there. I still have things to do. You can do whatever you want."

Bai Jiujiu nodded, it seemed to be different from what she had imagined, but that was fine, as she didn't like a few people gossiping together.

After Secretary Wu left, someone came to Bai Jiujiu: "Your name is Bai Jiujiu, right? I'm thirsty. Make me a cup of coffee, thank you."

"And I!"

"I also want!"

"I'll have a drink too."


Bai Jiujiu counted, and basically wanted all of them, and there were a few that he didn't want. Bai Jiujiu thought that he still needed to maintain a friendly relationship on the first day of work, so he wasted all of them.

Some are polite and say thank you, some just take it for granted and don't look at it for a long time.

Bai Jiujiu made the last cup and planned to send it to the last colleague. She just wanted to put down the coffee cup, but she didn't expect him to stand up directly.

Touched the coffee cup, and the coffee spilled all over her.

"What are you doing!" The other party was very angry.

Bai Jiujiu immediately apologized: "I'm sorry."

"Do you know how expensive the clothes on me are? And did I ask you to make coffee? Are you looking for something to do?" The other party looked Bai Jiujiu up and down: "You don't look like you just graduated. Use your brains more!"

Bai Jiujiu was silent.

The other party looked at her colleagues and said, "The cleaning fee for the clothes is at least 5000 yuan. I will let you figure it out!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect it to be so expensive, "I, can I give it to you tomorrow?"

The other party smiled contemptuously, ignored Bai Jiujiu and left directly.

As soon as Bai Jiujiu sat on the table, someone pointed at her and called, "Come here."

Bai Jiujiu stepped forward.

"You print these materials and send them to the meeting room in Area A on the third floor, the meeting room in Area C on the eighth floor, and the meeting room in Area D on the ninth floor."

This male colleague spoke so fast that Bai Jiujiu didn't react at all.

Looking at Bai Jiujiu's motionless frown, he said, "Why are you still standing there, hurry up!"

Bai Jiujiu looked a little embarrassed, "You, can you say it again?"

The other party repeated it quickly.

Bai Jiujiu still didn't hear clearly: "Can you speak slowly?"

The other party got a little impatient: "You are deaf, I told you several times and you still didn't hear clearly, you are playing me!"

"No, no, my ears are not very good."

"It's none of my business that your ears are bad? Since you have bad ears, why did you get in for an interview? If you can't do this job, don't do it, what trouble are you here for! Really!" The male colleague directly snatched the documents from Bai Jiujiu's hand , did it myself.

The voice of the male colleague was very loud, and everyone was pointing at Bai Jiujiu. Their voices were not soft, but Bai Jiujiu could hear the voice but couldn't hear what they said clearly, but looking at their eyes, Very uncomfortable.

It's as shameful as being stripped naked!
Bai Jiujiu bit his lips tightly, trying not to let his tears fall down.

Is there really nothing she can do.

Bai Jiujiu was a little lost and walked out directly, she didn't want to stay here for a second, she felt almost suffocated!

Bai Jiujiu went directly to the roof, but he didn't expect the scenery on the roof to be very good.

(End of this chapter)

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