Chapter 1005

There is also the garden, where Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but sit there, just as he sat down, tears rolled down his cheeks drop by drop.

She needs to vent, and vent hard.

She really wanted to stand on the railing and shout down, but Bai Jiujiu held back.

Just looking into the distance, I suddenly saw a familiar figure at a large TV advertisement on a building.

If it weren't for the familiar swastika tattoo on her forehead, she would never have recognized it.

Gu Xiuyi, he has become a star, and he is one of the four most beautiful men.

"Sister, long time no see."

Bai Jiujiu thought that she had auditory hallucinations, but when she turned around, she found that the figure on the TV was standing behind her, looking at her with a smile, his facial features were fully mature, and his bronzed skin was handsome and striking.

"Gu Xiuyi, it's really you!" Bai Jiujiu's mood improved slightly, she didn't expect that he had become a famous person after not seeing him for several years.

Sure enough, everyone has made progress in the past few years, but she...

"Sister, who made you cry?" Gu Xiuyi directly wiped away Bai Jiujiu's tears with his fingers.

Bai Jiujiu shook his head and smiled, "No, why are you here?"

"I was going to cooperate with New World to talk to Lu Sichen, but I just happened to see my sister, I have the strength to protect you now." Gu Xiuyi said in a rather smug tone.

Gu Xiuyi thumped his shoulder with his fist and said, "I can rely on you."

Bai Jiujiu's mood was infected by Gu Xiuyi's smile, and his gloom dissipated in an instant: "Who can rely on, besides, I already have one."

"Yes, is he willing to let you cry?"

Facing Gu Xiuyi's question, Bai Jiujiu was silent for a while, then said in a muffled voice, "Can we talk about something else?"

Gu Xiuyi raised his eyebrows: "If you are unhappy staying here, how about coming to my studio and being my assistant?"

"Huh? Assistant?"

"That's right, I'm currently in need of an assistant. Sister, you have acted before and know exactly what I need, and it's easier to adapt to an environment you are familiar with than an unfamiliar environment."

Bai Jiujiu was silent, his words made some sense.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu was wavering, Gu Xiuyi immediately hit the iron while it was hot: "Sister, don't hesitate, I just want to go to a film crew tomorrow to film, sister, don't you like filming? You can try it, it's useless to think, and you will know that you are suitable for thinking through action." What do you want!"

Bai Jiujiu's heart was moved. She really couldn't rely too much on Lu Sichen. Lu Sichen was right. She wanted to come out. Instead of staying in such a depressing environment, she might as well just leave and find another suitable place. There is no need to wrong herself. !

"it is good."

Gu Xiuyi happily wants to hug Bai Jiujiu, but Bai Jiujiu directly avoids her. Her uncle is jealous!
"But uncle..."

"pass it to me."

Bai Jiujiu didn't know what method Gu Xiuyi had used to convince Lu Sichen, but she was slightly relieved, because she really didn't want to work in that kind of big group, and it wasn't suitable for her at all.

The atmosphere and interpersonal relationship are too complicated, which will make her feel depressed now. More money is not important to her at the moment. The important thing is to regain confidence, and she knows that this process is not easy.

In fact, Lu Sichen knows every move of Bai Jiujiu and what happened, and he also listens to the conversation between Gu Xiuyi and Bai Jiujiu. As long as he wants to, he can call up the surveillance camera to check the whole building. .

If he hadn't seen that Gu Xiuyi could persuade Bai Jiujiu, Lu Sichen would never let the two of them get along alone.

(End of this chapter)

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