Chapter 1006

What reassured Lu Sichen was Bai Jiujiu's attitude towards Gu Xiuyi.

Acting in the presence of no one is the most authentic.

There is another reason, that is, he is hiding things from her, and there is always an excuse to recover. It is good intentions to deceive her, and there is no need to delay it now.

on the plane.

Gu Xiuyi and Bai Jiujiu sat in the first class cabin, which was relatively quiet.

"Sister, can you understand what I'm talking to you now?" Gu Xiuyi spoke cautiously, he already knew about Bai Jiujiu's situation from Lu Sichen.

Bai Jiujiu nodded and said: "In a quiet environment, you can hear more clearly. If the environment is too noisy, the other party's voice is too low, or the words are not clear, and the speed is too fast. it is good."

Gu Xiuyi put his hands on the back of his head: "That's okay, it's not a big problem. Sister, if you can't hear clearly, ask the other party to speak louder, and if it's too fast, let him slow down. If the other party ignores you, Just ignore him!
I really can’t hear you clearly, so it’s a little more troublesome than normal to convert voice to text, but it’s not a big problem, sister, are you right? "

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the problem she was troubled by was not a problem in Gu Xiuyi's eyes at all, it made sense to hear what he said, maybe it was because he took it too seriously and was too entangled, that's why it happened.

"you're right."

Gu Xiuyi patted Bai Jiujiu on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you are my assistant, no one dares to bully you, you can boldly bully others, and I will take responsibility for any accident."

"Hehe, good, you are tough enough now!"

Gu Xiuyi whistled: "Pure man!"

Bai Jiujiu was amused by Gu Xiuyi, and she felt much better. She knew he meant it.

"Sister, take a good rest, I will go straight to the theater to act later."

"Yeah." Bai Jiujiu took a nap for a while, she was a little worried about Lu Sichen and Lele, so let's make a video call with them at night.

As soon as they got off the plane, as Gu Xiuyi said, the manager came to pick them up and rushed to the shooting location.

Bai Jiujiu arrived at the Hengdian filming location, which made her feel like she hadn’t seen her for a long time. She likes filming, and she likes it from the bottom of her heart. Playing characters to life, making the audience like it and getting some positive insights from it, is more important to her than winning an award. A lot of achievements.

"Why are you standing still? Why don't you hurry up and have a match." The manager looked at Bai Jiujiu standing still and said dissatisfied.

Gu Xiuyi immediately said: "You go, sister is a newcomer and has no experience. In the future, she will not be responsible for other things except my personal affairs. Remember that she is hired by me personally, not an employee of the studio."

When the manager heard that Gu Xiuyi called her sister, she turned out to be a relative, so he couldn't offend him, so he apologized to Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu just smiled, at least the attitude of the people here is pretty good, she can accept it.

"Sister, just sit here and watch, and then I'll just take care of me a little while I'm resting." After Gu Xiuyi left this sentence, he immediately went to the dressing room, and when he came out, he seemed to be a completely different person.

Bai Jiujiu watched Gu Xiuyi's acting, and was deeply moved. It seems that he has grown a lot in the past few years, but she doesn't understand why he suddenly changed his career to become an actor, but he is quite talented.

No wonder it became so popular in such a short period of time.

An actor, how should I put it, not only must he have acting skills, but also his appearance must be online, which is why so many people go for plastic surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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