Chapter 1014

Gu Xiuyi's sharp eyes swept away, and the complaints disappeared.

Lu Sichen glanced at the slightly tired Bai Jiujiu, and said coldly, "Tired?"

Bai Jiujiu rubbed the area between his eyebrows: "A little bit."

Every cell and every nerve in her body can be completely relaxed only in front of Lu Sichen.

"This movie has just finished, so you can take a good rest and spend more time with Lele. That guy doesn't say anything, but misses you in his heart."

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu also felt that he was busy with filming recently and didn't have time to accompany Lele.

"Did you encounter any difficulties during the filming?" Lu Sichen's voice was low and gentle, which made people sound very comfortable.

Bai Jiujiu leaned on Lu Sichen's shoulder: "No, through your previous training, my listening ability has improved a lot, more precisely, my ability to distinguish languages, and now I can basically communicate with them normally. Hearing aids in the ears will basically not affect the shooting."

Lu Sichen controlled the direction with one hand, and stroked Bai Jiujiu's head with the other: "Just be happy."

"Happy, I'm so happy. Husband, don't you know that I have a special sense of accomplishment now, more than any drama I've ever filmed before." Bai Jiujiu's eyes are full of smiles. She hadn't been this happy in a long time.

Moreover, the successful completion of this drama gave her a lot of encouragement, and made her self-confidence recover bit by bit.

In fact, Lu Sichen saw farther than her. He just saw her happy and didn't say too much. He knew that it would be more and more difficult in the future, but now it's not the time to say it. How difficult it is, remember, I am with you."

Lu Sichen's kiss landed on the back of Bai Jiujiu's hand. The back of his hand was a little itchy, but it made Bai Jiujiu feel very warm in his heart.

Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen's hand tightly: "If you didn't accompany me so patiently, I really wouldn't be able to support myself."

Even if it is supported, it may not be so beautiful.

I have to admit that love is magical, and only the power of love can make people better.

What Bai Jiujiu didn't expect was that she would be featured on the trending searches after just sleeping for one night, not because of the drama, but because of the scandal.

The scandal between her and Gu Xiuyi was accompanied by a clear picture. Bai Jiujiu lowered his eyebrows and smiled lowly. Gu Xiuyi looked at her affectionately. From the perspective of the photo, the two behaved ambiguously.

"Who is this woman? Stolen Gu Gu from our family?"

"It's just a means of publicity for newcomers. It's probably a trending search bought with money, to rub off on my family's Gu Gu's popularity!"

"This girl looks good, as long as Gu Gu likes it, I will support her idol!"

"Who is this girl?"

"The answer from downstairs!"

"The one downstairs is under investigation!"

After a while, someone picked up Bai Jiujiu's information, but the strange thing is, Bai Jiujiu's information is very little at all, and nothing can be picked up.

"Can't find out!"

"As a hacker, I can't find out!"

So directly followed by a question.

"Who is this woman?"

Bai Jiujiu swiped his phone and saw this question, with a smile on his lips, there was only one reason why he couldn't find out, Bai Jiujiu squinted at Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen wiped his mouth elegantly and said, "Don't play with your phone while eating, it's indigestion."

Bai Jiujiu waved his hand: "I'm on the hot search again, and they don't seem to be able to find me." Bai Jiujiu winked, as if to say, it must be you, you must have done it.

(End of this chapter)

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