Chapter 1015

Lu Sichen saw Bai Jiujiu's thoughts at a glance, "In the days when you left, I avoided thinking of you and asked people to delete all relevant information."

Bai Jiujiu was silent for a while, the originally happy mood was somewhat embarrassed at the moment.

Bai Jiujiu originally wanted to say don't worry, I won't leave you in the future, but after thinking about it, let's forget it, so as not to make him feel that his words are meaningless.

"Lele, mom is free today, so I'll take you to school." Bai Jiujiu changed the subject directly, looking at his son who was eating breakfast by himself, the more he looked at him, the more pleased he was, but sometimes being sensible made her feel distressed.

Lele didn't speak, but after eating, she directly held Bai Jiujiu's finger, expressing her willingness.

"I send you?"

"No, your company has urgent matters."

Lu Sichen did have something to do, but...

"No matter how urgent things are, they can't compare with your mother and son."

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu didn't refuse, she really enjoyed the time when the family of three was together.

As soon as he was delivered to Lu Sichen, he received a call from Secretary Wu.

"There's something wrong with the boss's investigation, it's inconvenient to talk over the phone."

Lu Sichen frowned. He had been investigating the car accident before. Although Jiang Guojun was dead, the matter was not over yet. According to his people, someone attacked earlier than them and almost entrapped them, but luckily slipped away Quick, there is no handle left.

Judging from the layout, the other party is cautious and not an ordinary character. If he is not caught, it may bring harm to his family.

"I'll come over now."

Lu Sichen hung up the phone, then called Ai Yehe and asked him to come over.

Ai Yehe is having a headache at the company: "I can't go, I will deal with Bai Jiujiu's affairs, but she has already passed, it should be fine with her here"

Lu Sichen was relieved when he saw her word, and left a message for Bai Jiujiu.

Lu: I have to leave in advance, it has been arranged.

Bai Jiujiu was puzzled when he received the WeChat message, what do you mean it has been arranged?What did he arrange?
Bai Jiujiu watched Lele go in. He didn't want to leave for a moment, so he secretly hid outside the classroom to see how he was doing at school.

But Bai Jiujiu found that all the children deliberately isolated him, not only the children, but also the teachers.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, seeing Lele standing aside and watching the children having fun, Bai Jiujiu's heart burst into anger, regardless of whether he was in class or not, he rushed into the classroom, and said coldly: "Teacher, this is how you teach Children, let my son stand aside and watch others play?"

The teacher didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu didn't leave, but hid behind the window to watch.

The teacher smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not that we don't let the children play with him, but that the children don't play with him, and he doesn't cry himself. Maybe he likes it."

Bai Jiujiu was about to explode when he heard this: "He likes this? Teacher, which eye do you see that he likes this? Children don't play with him. You are a teacher. Shouldn't you be counseling? Shouldn't you be educating?" ?You just let him watch?

My son is good, he doesn't cry or make trouble, but it doesn't mean he can be bullied by you like this!

"Well, can you blame us for your son's personality like this? Besides, the other children are very good, but he is different. This should be your family's problem and has nothing to do with us!"

A sneer appeared from the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth: "My son has a different personality?"

(End of this chapter)

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