Chapter 1016

"Apart from not being very talkative, he is the best at doing everything seriously. You say he doesn't fit in? I just saw that it was those children who deliberately alienated him!

Don't you have any responsibility as teachers?Instead, let it go?
Shouldn't the teacher's responsibility be to teach well?Even if something goes wrong, it is wrong for you not to ask and not to seek a solution! "

The teacher was stunned speechless.

Bai Jiujiu wasn't aggressive at all. If the other party apologized, she would also like to make the big issue into a minor one. Just pay attention next time.

But when the other party heard what Bai Jiujiu said, he was not happy at all, and said directly: "You are not satisfied with me, just change the shift."

The smile on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth became even colder: "It's only because of your attitude that you change it naturally, let alone changing classes, I don't even want to study in school!"

Bai Jiujiu directly pulled Lele away!

What kind of bullshit public school, just such an attitude, as if I asked her to teach!

Such a teacher, her own attitude is not correct, can she teach good students?
Don't poison your own children by mistake.

However, Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that some people would point at her when she went downstairs. Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but lowered his hat, wouldn't someone come out?
She realizes that the Internet is scary, so she wears glasses and a hat today, so she shouldn't be recognized.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiujiu hugged Lele directly in his arms and left quickly.

There were more and more people gathered, and suddenly a figure ran past and grabbed her hand. She didn't hear what the other party said clearly, but she was instinctively afraid, and directly shook off the other party's hand.

After being splashed with sulfuric acid by those people before, Bai Jiujiu was nervous, her tinnitus increased, and she was in a noisy environment, so she couldn't hear clearly. She just wanted to leave quickly. She was running, and people behind her were chasing her.

A car suddenly stopped at the door, and the other party directly opened the door of the passenger car and said, "Get in the car."

Bai Jiujiu didn't even think about getting into the car directly. Sitting in the co-pilot, she found that her body was shaking. She wasn't afraid of getting hurt, but she was just afraid of hurting Lele.

"Who is chasing you?"

After Bai Jiujiu took a breather, he realized that Gu Xiuyi was beside him.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Xiuyi was happy: "Sister, don't you just get into other people's cars without looking at who they are? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Bai Jiujiu, who was questioned, realized his mistake, and said in a muffled voice, "I thought it was someone sent by uncle, so I got into the car without thinking much."

"Then who is chasing you?"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "I, I don't know."

Gu Xiuyi: " don't know what you are running for?"

"It's not because of you!" Bai Jiujiu complained and glanced at him: "Who knows if it's your fan, what if I love you so much that I hurt my Lele?"

Lele?It was only then that Gu Xiuyi noticed that Bai Jiujiu was holding a little boy in his arms, Yuandudu was snuggling in Bai Jiujiu's arms, very cute.

Seeing Gu Xiuyi's smiling eyes, Lele hugged Bai Jiujiu's neck tightly with both hands, as if afraid that he would snatch Bai Jiujiu away.

Gu Xiuyi was happy: "I will be your godfather from now on, if anyone bullies you, tell godfather, godfather will kill him!"

"...Do you teach children like this! Don't teach my family Lele to be ruined!" After Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, he coaxed Lele: "Don't listen to this uncle's nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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