Chapter 1036

If you want to save him from coming to this place, remember that you are only allowed to come by yourself, otherwise don't want the antidote.

It seems that the person who has been hiding behind did it.

Bai Jiujiu held the note tightly, and when he heard movement behind him, he put the note into his pocket without making a sound.

"What's the matter?" Lu Sichen hugged her from behind, looked at her frowning expression, put his chin against her forehead and said, "Don't worry, I have asked the doctor to guard Lele 24 hours a day, nothing will happen .”

Bai Jiujiu hummed lightly, she was never worried about what uncle did, but it seemed difficult to hide it from him, but for Lele, she had to do it.

When Bai Jiujiu was thinking about what to do, Lu Sichen received a call from Secretary Wu. Lu's mother suddenly passed out and asked him to watch.

Lu Sichen glanced at Bai Jiujiu hesitantly, and Bai Jiujiu said, "Husband, go and see Mom, I'll accompany Lele." It happened that there was no need to lie to Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen said worriedly: "You are alone..."

"It's okay, I'm not a child."

Lu Sichen frowned slightly.

Bai Jiujiu looked at him hesitating and said: "Mom is alone now. If she is sick, she needs someone to accompany her. I can handle it here. Believe me, Mom will explain to me."

Lu Sichen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be so reasonable and said: "Don't worry, I'm with Mom."

Bai Jiujiu smacked Lu Sichen's face and said, "Go."

After the two parted reluctantly, Lu Sichen asked Ai Yehe: "Is she here yet?"

"It should be here, don't worry brother, Phantom is a professional, since she promised brother she will take good care of my sister-in-law."

Only then did Lu Sichen feel relieved to leave.

As soon as Bai Jiujiu took advantage of Lu Sichen's front foot to leave, she immediately left on the back foot. Time was running out, and she was worried that the other party would change his mind.

Originally, Bai Jiujiu didn't believe it based on a note, but Lele held the bottle in her hand. She asked the doctor, but the doctor had no impression. Obviously, Lele's fever reduction had something to do with the unknown liquid in the bottle.

Who is it?What is the purpose?
Bai Jiujiu put up all his energy and waited. The time passed by every minute. It was very difficult for Bai Jiujiu. He didn't know how long it had passed. Bai Jiujiu was going to leave directly, but when he took out his phone, he found that the signal was blocked. , what the hell is this place?

In desperation, Bai Jiujiu could only go back along the road, hoping to meet a wild car, the place is too remote, he called the network car and waited all the time.

After finally thinking that I had waited, I found out that the other party had canceled it.


Bai Jiujiu was a little puzzled, obviously he asked her to come here, but why didn't the other party show up, and what purpose did he have to transfer her away?
Not good, uncle!
Bai Jiujiu wanted to call Lu Sichen when he realized that there was no signal, damn it.

Only then did Bai Jiujiu realize that their goal was uncle!

"Ha ha……"

"Who?" Bai Jiujiu asked when he heard laughter.

"You don't need to know who I am, Bai Jiujiu is your death date today."

Bai Jiujiu heard this voice, "Are you Zhen?"

The other party didn't expect to hear it just by listening to the voice, no, I can't go on like this, I have to let Bai Jiujiu die, only when she dies can I vent my anger.

Finally, when that person and Lu Sichen were restraining each other, she had the chance to come and deal with Bai Jiujiu.

"Quick, kill her to me."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, people poured out from all directions, to be more precise, they were not people, they were like puppets without souls.

(End of this chapter)

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