Chapter 1037

This kind of situation seemed to bring back memories deep in Bai Jiujiu's mind, but she couldn't remember it no matter how she thought about it, she just felt very familiar.

Bai Jiujiu dealt with it, although there were not many people, but it took a long time for Bai Jiujiu to deal with it. Those people didn't seem to know the pain, so they just attacked blindly, and Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear it.

Her movements became more and more sluggish.

The other party seems to have been paying attention to her every move, and the voice is full of joy: "Don't kill her, catch her directly."

In the end, Bai Jiujiu was caught, and the person hiding behind finally came out.

When Bai Jiujiu saw the person, he wasn't too surprised: "It's you."

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's appearance, Tian Rou smiled and said, "It's me, you seem to have already thought it was me."

"I'm just guessing, but I didn't know for sure until I saw you. After all, you have targeted me inexplicably from the very beginning, and your voice is familiar to me. Although it was disguised, I always feel that I heard it somewhere. Until just now I just remembered that I heard the news that you, Jane, had escaped, and I boldly guessed whether you two are the same person, and I didn't realize it until you stopped pretending your voice."

"Hehe, it's just a cripple, but you can hear it from the voice, who would believe it?" Tian Rou said disapprovingly.

"I'm disabled, maybe I can't hear the sound clearly, but it doesn't mean I can't hear the sound, on the contrary, I remember the pitch of the sound, even if the pitch from the hearing aid is different, but this unique The voice can only be heard by disabled people like us." Bai Jiujiu retorted not to be outdone.

Tian Rou just can't understand Bai Jiujiu's high-ranking appearance. He is obviously a prisoner, but he doesn't humble himself and begs for mercy.
Tian Rou didn't expect to slap her across the face: "Make you proud, let you look at me like this!"

After the words fell, he slapped again.

Bai Jiujiu's face suddenly became red and swollen, and due to the force, Bai Jiujiu threw out a hearing aid from his ear.

"Oh, why did I forget?" Tian Rou stepped on the hearing aid resentfully.

"Stop!" Bai Jiujiu said angrily.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu, who has always been calm, getting angry, Tian Rou was quite proud: "Hehehe, angry? Angry? I just like to see you angry!"

Every time Tian Rou said a word, she trampled on the hearing aid.

For the disabled, hearing aids are equivalent to their ears, and the importance is self-evident.

"Aren't you afraid of retribution, Azhen?"

Tian Rou trembled all over when she heard the word retribution, and then laughed wildly: "Retribution, my retribution? Bai Jiujiu, how do you think I survived? In prison, I'm not like a human or a ghost, It’s not thanks to you! If you hadn’t sent me to prison, how could I have lived that kind of life? I’ll let you taste retribution now!”

When Tian Rou destroyed Bai Jiujiu's hearing aid on the other side, she ordered someone to tear her clothes off.

Bai Jiujiu struggled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Tian Rou smiled distortedly: "What do you want to do? What do you think I want to do? These are all experimental people. What kind of children will I produce if I let these mutated experimental people combine with humans?"

"What did you say?" Bai Jiujiu said angrily, "You said you were experimenting with human bodies, but who is behind you?"

Tian Rou dodged her eyes for a moment: "You don't need to know who it is, you just need to know, I will make life worse than death."

(End of this chapter)

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