Chapter 1046

Are you afraid that Lu Sichen will leave her?

But after a while, Ai Yehe came back, of course he was not the only one who came back, Lu Sichen was also there.

Bai Jiujiu kept a smile on his face: "I'm back."

Lu Sichen glanced at Ai Yehe: "Jiu Jiu, what do you want to know, just ask me."

Bai Jiujiu was startled for a moment, he didn't expect Lu Sichen to be so straightforward.

"I..." Bai Jiujiu paused, and finally shook his head, "No, it's nothing."

Lu Sichen frowned and took Bai Jiujiu's hands, making her look at him squarely: "Look into my eyes and say it again."

Bai Jiujiu looked away from Lu Sichen's eyes, bowed her head in silence, for some reason she was a little afraid to ask.

"Do you want to leave without saying a word again?" Lu Sichen's voice was low and faintly tinged with anger.

Bai Jiujiu raised his eyes: "What?" Leave?Why is she leaving?

"Every time you have something on your mind, you won't tell me. Are you planning to leave me without saying a word when I'm not paying attention?" Lu Sichen's voice was trembling.

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, she obviously felt something strange about Lu Sichen, he, is he afraid?
"No, no!" Bai Jiujiu shook Lu Sichen's hand and said, "I won't leave you, really!"

She was only afraid that he would leave her!
Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu looking at him sincerely, and finally sighed. Forget it, she didn't want to ask him and he agreed, whether it was true or not, she couldn't be given a chance to escape.

"That woman..." Lu Sichen intentionally paused, and then saw Bai Jiujiu sitting up straight, and leaning slightly to his side.

Lu Sichen: ...

Women are really duplicity, forget it, don't care about these.

"That woman, woman..." I don't know why Lu Sichen couldn't say it, or he didn't know how to say it.

This made Bai Jiujiu extremely anxious, what are you talking about, what happened to that woman!Don't wait for such a stupid taste!

"Come on!" Lu Sichen pointed at Ai Ye and said.

Ai Yehe, who was among the crowd eating melons, did not expect to be called by Lu Sichen, so he let out an ah, his eyes blank.

"Explain clearly my relationship with that woman!"

The corner of Ai Yehe's mouth twitched slightly, really, he is always the one to blame in every quarrel, isn't it enough to bully him as a single dog?

Although Ai Yehe was so slanderous in his heart, he still explained obediently.

"In fact, there is something that you may not know. In the three years since you left, the boss has lost his memory for a while."

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Lu Sichen in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's all in the past." Lu Sichen spoke lightly about the past. Only Ai Yehe knew that the boss was very tired.

Bai Jiujiu grabbed him even tighter, and knew that he was sorry for him at that time, so he remained silent.

Ai Yehe then continued.

"And that woman is the woman the boss dated when he lost his memory, but after the boss regained his memory, he left that woman, broke up with that woman, and had no relationship with that woman. Today, that woman suddenly came to the door, and the person who came may be not good. "

It doesn't matter what Ai Yehe said, Bai Jiujiu also knew that if he didn't come sooner or later, he would appear at this time.

"What is her purpose?"

"Restore the old relationship with the boss."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen and asked, "Do you still like her?" Her eyes avoided Lu Sichen and did not hurry to look him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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