Chapter 1047

When Lu Sichen heard Bai Jiujiu's question, he laughed for some reason, and instead of answering, he asked instead: "Do you think if I like her, there is still a place for you?"

Bai Jiujiu thought so too, but why is the answer so unflattering?

The reasoning is such a reasoning, but it sounds uncomfortable in my heart.

"So this matter is overturned?"

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu walked away and stared at Lu Sichen staring at her, seeming to care about her thoughts.

"Yeah, it's over. Now that it's over, there's no need to mention it again." After all, it was her fault in the past, so what right does she have to pursue it.

"But what if that woman keeps pestering you?" Bai Jiujiu still asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. She doesn't know about my private phone call. I just asked her to make it clear when I responded to her today. I will let them block me later." Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's hair and said, "Don't say no more." Happy."

"I haven't." Bai Jiujiu responded, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The corners of Ai Yehe's mouth twitched slightly, he and Secretary Wu are two single dogs who dare to stand up for the boss!

After this incident, the two were still very sweet, but soon Bai Jiujiu's injury was almost healed, and when he was about to enter the filming crew, the two reluctantly bid farewell.

"You must come and see me when you have time." Bai Jiujiu seemed very reluctant to leave.


Of course, it is very comfortable to be served by others. If you want to drink water, someone pours it. If you want to eat, someone makes it. If it weren't for Ai Yehe's supervision, she might have gained weight again, and she couldn't even wear costumes.

"Okay." Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu, "I'll be with you tonight when I'm free."

After getting in the car, Ai Yehe couldn't help asking: "You are all old couples and still so handsome? What's the secret?"

Bai Jiujiu laughed twice and said, "You'll know if you try it with a girl. No matter how much you talk about it, it's better to experience it yourself."

Ai Yehe: ...

This happy face made Ai Yehe really want to pinch someone.

In fact, after what happened last time, Bai Jiujiu finally realized the fact that she was afraid that Lu Sichen would leave her, and at the same time that Lu Sichen was also afraid that she would leave him.

The two seem to have a good relationship, but in fact there is still a rift, and the culprit of this rift is her.

Thinking that repairing the cracks will not happen overnight, you can only do it slowly.

No matter what happens in the future, she will never leave Lu Sichen's side.

Just a joke, why didn't such a good man keep it for himself, why did he leave by himself to take advantage of other women?

It makes more sense to think about it this way. If you have the right person, you should hold on tightly to your own hands.

After he first joined the crew, Bai Jiujiu realized that he was extremely busy. Because of reshoots, there was basically no rest time.

Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu was in a good state of mind and in a good mood, and the shooting was very successful.

This made the originally angry director face more than half of the gloom, so he proposed to go to a local scenic spot to relax and have fun at night.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect such good benefits for herself, but she still decided to read the script.

Gu Xiuyi was not happy anymore: "Sister, you have to know how to relax. Today is such a long shooting, and tomorrow will continue. Don't let your brain relax at night, and watch out for tomorrow's performance."

Bai Jiujiu gave him a blank look, but she also knew that what Gu Xiuyi said made sense, as soon as she put down the script, tiredness hit her brows.

"Then go relax."

Gu Xiuyi slowed down and looked at Bai Jiujiu's back and murmured: "Sister, don't blame me, I'm all for your own good."

(End of this chapter)

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