Chapter 1048

Bai Jiujiu walked around with everyone, but in fact there was nothing interesting about it. This reminded her of Lu Sichen, and she didn't know what he was doing now?busy or not?
So he took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message to Lu Sichen.

Bai Jiujiu: Husband, what are you doing?

But then I didn't get a reply, maybe I'm busy.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu was a little disappointed. After all, Lu Sichen said that he would come to her, but fortunately, the video with Lele made her very happy.

"Are you good today? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Lele shook her head.

Ying Bao on the side said: "He's fine, don't worry, I guess I just miss you, and I won't talk to you in the video again."

Bai Jiujiu knew that Lele didn't care about his temperament, so he continued to say to Lele: "Lele, do you like having new friends?"

Lele's eyes lit up.

"When the time comes, there will be a few boys at home to play with you, okay?" Bai Jiujiu thought of Phantom, if Lele had more than half, maybe he wouldn't be so introverted.

Lele nodded.

Then Bai Jiujiu said to Ying Bao: "Thank you, I will trouble you to accompany Lele every time I am busy."

Ying Bao waved: "I'll see you after you say thank you. Every time you leave, Young Master Lu's soul also follows you. Pity my family Lele. As his godmother, I won't come to accompany whoever will accompany you. But I can understand both of you, Xiaobie is even newly married, you have to work hard, give Lele a younger brother and sister, come on!"

Bai Jiujiu laughed, and hung up after chatting with Yingbao.

Afterwards, the smile gradually faded away, and she didn't want to have a child with Lu Sichen, she felt that such a life would be perfect.

She really wants, really wants a child, a child of her own. For Bai Jiujiu, a child is the crystallization of the love between her and Lu Sichen, and the continuation of their life and love.

When Bai Jiujiu was in a daze, there was a icy look on her face, which brought her back to her senses.

Gu Xiuyi took a cup of ice cream and stuck it on Bai Jiujiu's face: "Here."

Bai Jiujiu didn't refuse, but just said, "I don't eat ice."

"Oh, then shall I buy you a hot one?"

"No, I can drink it when it melts."

"..." Is that still called ice cream?

Gu Xiuyi glanced at Bai Jiujiu: "Do you have something on your mind?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "No, let's walk again."

Gu Xiuyi did not refuse, and silently followed Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu was a little strange: "You don't usually talk a lot, why don't you talk today?"

"Is there?" Gu Xiuyi walked to the lake and leaned on the railing: "Maybe I'm a little tired today."

Gu Xiuyi's eyes kept falling on Bai Jiujiu, and he couldn't help but think of the good feeling when he first saw her, it seemed that he could never go back.

tired?Bai Jiujiu thought to himself, he only had a few games in a few days, if she was tired, she must be really tired.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't expose it, it was rare to enjoy the quietness of the night.

But at this moment, a child was crying. Bai Jiujiu checked suspiciously, and found a child crying in a corner.

"What's wrong, kid, why are you crying?" For children, Bai Jiujiu has a natural soft heart and love, probably because he can't conceive.

The child looked at the ice cream in Bai Jiujiu's hand and didn't speak.

"Want to eat?"

The kid nodded.

Bai Jiujiu immediately gave the ice cream in his hand to the child.

The child took it and said timidly, "Thank you."

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "You're welcome." It seemed that he was a very polite child, and he looked around, but there was no adult present.

(End of this chapter)

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