Chapter 1049

"Where's your mom?"

I don't know if Bai Jiujiu was careless, but she felt that when she asked this question just now, the boy's body trembled, as if he was afraid.

"Mom is gone, isn't she?"

The child hesitated for a long time before nodding.

Bai Jiujiu stroked the child's back, then stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, Auntie will accompany you to find mother."

The child was startled for a moment, and then timidly put his hand on Bai Jiujiu's palm. For the first time, he felt that the aunt's palm was really warm.

Gu Xiuyi watched Bai Jiujiu bring back a child, he didn't speak, just glanced at the child coldly.

The child probably felt the sharp eyes of the other party, and hid behind Bai Jiujiu in fear.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, brother is very nice."

Gu Xiuyi glanced at Bai Jiujiu meaningfully: "You like picking up children, since you like it, why don't you have one yourself?"

Bai Jiujiu's eyes darkened: "I can't give birth."

Gu Xiuyi was stunned for a moment, then said: "It's okay, I don't mind."

Bai Jiujiu rolled his eyes at him, who cares if you mind or not, as long as her uncle doesn't mind.

But I don’t know why when I said this before, I often felt a tingling in my heart, but now I feel much calmer. This is the so-called letting go.

"The child is lost, please help me find the administrator to broadcast, I will accompany the child."

Gu Xiuyi did not refuse, and before leaving, he couldn't help but said: "This kid looks familiar."

Hearing this, Bai Jiujiu stared at the child for a while, the cute child couldn't help asking, "Is it delicious?"

"En!" The child smiled happily and contentedly, his smile was very bright.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Bai Jiujiu seemed to see Lu Sichen's figure in a child's body for a moment. Thinking about it this way, it seems that the more he looks, the more he looks like him.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but asked, "What are your parents' names?"

"Mom!" The child shouted suddenly, and ran behind Bai Jiujiu. When Bai Jiujiu turned around, he saw a woman hugging the child.

The women's dress is simple, with their hair pulled up, which is relatively neutral.

"Thank you for finding my child. I'm so worried." The woman stepped forward to thank her, lukewarm.

Bai Jiujiu smiled: "You're welcome."

While Bai Jiujiu was looking at the woman, the woman was also looking at her.

The outlines of the two are somewhat similar, but their facial features are different. Bai Jiujiu's facial features are neutral and soft, with a cute and handsome temperament, while the female's facial features seem to be neutral, but they have a very deliberate and unnatural feeling.

The woman didn't say anything, she nodded her thanks and took the child away. When she passed by Bai Jiujiu, she smelled a familiar fragrance, which she had also smelled when she was assassinated.

This made Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu, as if checking his reaction.

Bai Jiujiu came back to his senses and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I'm a little tired, and I want to go back to my room to rest."

Gu Xiuyi nodded, this time he didn't follow Bai Jiujiu, but stood still.

But after a while, the woman went back and said, "Is she the one you like?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xiuyi punched the woman in the abdomen.

"I said that no one is allowed to hurt her. If I find out next time, it will not be as simple as punching her."

The woman clutched her belly, she didn't expect this man to hit him so hard!

(End of this chapter)

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