kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 106 Tell her who I am!

Chapter 106 Tell her who I am!

"No, no, no, this is definitely a misunderstanding! Things are really not what you want to see." Bai Jiujiu shook his head violently, the air-conditioning on the uncle's body dropped by more than one level, Bai Jiujiu almost wanted to cry without tears.

Her heart is so tired!
"Jiujiu, who is he?" Tang Yijuan was taken aback when she first saw it, she had never seen such a handsome and tough boy, completely different from Bai Jiujiu's handsomeness.

He is a bit more manly than Bai Jiujiu handsome, wild and cold, and his aura is too strong, making people dare not look directly at him.

This man is very dangerous, and Bai Jiujiu seems to be very afraid of him.

How long?Are you calling so affectionate?A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth.

This smile is like a snowflake in June, it looks bright and handsome, but in fact it is cold, dangerous and weird.

"Tell her, who am I?"

The voice is as deep as a rainbow, like an order that people cannot refuse, domineering and extremely arrogant.

It was as if Tang Yijuan in front of him was just an ant in his eyes, not worth mentioning at all.

Bai Jiujiu seemed to have a perfect smile on his mouth, but in fact, the clothes on his back were already soaked with sweat, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

"he's mine……"

On the edge of life and death, Bai Jiujiu naturally chose life.

"He is my lover." Lu Sichen should be satisfied with this answer. Besides, the two of them have obtained a marriage certificate, so it is not a problem.

The smile on Bai Jiujiu's face was a bit far-fetched. When the word "lover" was uttered, Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear it, and goosebumps stood up all over his body instantly.

At the same time, she felt sorry for Tang Yijuan for a second, she was really pitiful, and she would definitely not be able to accept it.

Fortunately, she didn't know it. If she knew that she was a girl, she would hate herself to death.

love... lover?
This news was like a bolt from the blue to Tang Yijuan!
"But he's a man...?" Tang Yijuan couldn't accept this reality at all. Before, she thought that Bai Jiujiu just had a girlfriend, but she didn't expect that he had a lover, and the lover was a man?
This man's identity is that of either rich or expensive, it seems that the company's rumors are true.

Tang Yijuan's eyes filled with tears, but she still couldn't accept it. Because of the words Bai Jiujiu, the enthusiasm that had just risen was like being poured with cold water, from head to toe, it was cold to the bone.

This kind of ups and downs like a roller coaster of emotional fluctuations, anyone would break down.

The man she likes actually likes a man, and he is gay!

How could she believe such a reality?

Lu Sichen is quite satisfied with this answer, love?The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

"Let's go!" Lu Sichen stretched out his hand, which was an inviting gesture with a gentleman's demeanor. Bai Jiujiu put his hand on his hand casually, as if the two of them walked out of a fashion cover.

A black suit, restrained and tough, looks mature and stable, a white casual suit, handsome and handsome, looks like a fresh meat.

The two held hands, and the whole scene seemed full of affection.

I have to admit that these two people are really eye-catching when they are together, which arouses many rotten women's hearts.

Some even secretly posted on Moments, and the speed of Internet transmission can be imagined, and it quickly became the top trending article on Weibo.

There are even many rotten girls licking the screen!

Lu Sichen drove Bai Jiujiu home as fast as he could, carried him to his bedroom, and threw him on the bed.

 The next chapter is very sweet, the cutie who wants to see it, hurry up and vote, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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