Chapter 107 The little guy is obedient

The bed was very big and soft, Bai Jiujiu just lay down and his body sank, it was so soft that there was no impact at all.

Lu Sichen untied the tie with one hand, threw it away, and unbuttoned the two front buttons on his chest to breathe.

This makes Bai Jiujiu a little embarrassed, she is definitely not a nympho, but the charm of this cold man with good looks and good family background is simply not a notch improved.

It can make any woman scream and go crazy.

Bai Jiujiu reckoned that he would have a nosebleed if he watched it any longer, so he glanced around.

"I'm your lover?" Lu Sichen stared at Bai Jiujiu and repeated what Bai Jiujiu said before, his voice was low and cold, but unexpectedly touching.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, and he felt uneasy, but luckily he just stared at his own face.

"Can you let me go?" Bai Jiujiu knew that it would never be beneficial to confront Lu Sichen head-on, so he had no choice but to adopt a soft policy.


"Do you really like me? Or do you just treat me like a pet?"

Rejection definitely won't work, Bai Jiujiu can only use rhetoric tactics to delay the time, but also to see if he can persuade him.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu didn't resist, Lu Sichen looked directly at him with those clear eyes, so pure that it seemed impossible to speak.

Does he care about this issue?
Lu Sichen let go of Bai Jiujiu's hand, and put his arms around his waist instead, with a serious and cold expression, "Listen carefully, little guy, I'll just say it once.

Whether you like it or pet it, your person and your heart belong to me, besides, I dote on you, are you unhappy? "

Pampering = pet?

There's nothing wrong with that.

Bai Jiujiu felt that he couldn't keep up with this uncle's thinking. Is she out of date?
It seemed that Lu Sichen's feelings for her were real, and she also had feelings for Lu Sichen.


"Uncle, if... I mean, what would you do if you found out that I lied to you one day?" Bai Jiujiu said carefully, she really wanted to get the answer from Lu Sichen.

When Lu Sichen heard Bai Jiujiu's question, his whole face became extremely heavy, and a haze emerged spontaneously.

Bai Jiujiu seems to have raised this question many times.

"If you have something to hide from me, you'd better choose to confess to me now. I hate any concealment and deception."

Bai Jiujiu seemed to see a trace of sadness in Lu Sichen's cold eyes, which inexplicably made her feel distressed.

The words you want to say come out immediately.

"Actually I'm not..."

"You are my little apple, no matter how much I love you, I will never dislike you..." The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Bai Jiujiu's confession.

The courage I mustered up suddenly drained away.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the caller ID, it was Li Chuzhen calling, he was relieved to see that Lu Sichen didn't stop him.

As soon as she slid her finger, she immediately heard Li Chuzhen angrily say, "Bai Jiujiu's recording time is about to start, where have you gone!

The game has been changed to a live broadcast. If you can't get back to the company within 15 minutes or so, your qualification will be disqualified directly. "

Too bad, I completely forgot the time, Bai Jiujiu had no idea that this match would be temporarily changed to a live broadcast, the pressure is really not normal.

Live broadcasting is completely different from recording. If the stage of recording is not good, it can be modified or modified in the later stage. That is to say, there will be many opportunities and it will be more perfect.

The live broadcast is different, you only have one chance, if you make a mistake, you will be wrong, you cannot do it again, and it is very likely that a small mistake will lead to the loss of the whole game!

This pressure is not a little bit.

"Uncle, I have to hurry back to the company, or I will be directly P out." Bai Jiujiu was a little nervous, she was particularly interested in this competition, after all, she could stay if she won.

 PS: Seeing the question about the cutie, I can only say that I can't reveal the plot, otherwise I will be hunted down by the editor!

(End of this chapter)

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