Chapter 1069

Maybe he was too tired, Bai Jiujiu fell asleep unknowingly.

Lu Sichen came in, saw Bai Jiujiu squatting on the edge of the bed, and wanted to carry her back to the room to sleep, but found that Xiao Si was holding her hand tightly. He couldn't help frowning, and wanted to pull Xiao Si's hand away. The Secretary trembled in fear.

In desperation, she could only hug Bai Jiujiu and sleep next to Xiao Si.

Eggy was crying, hungry.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's sound asleep, Lu Sichen couldn't bear to wake her up.

I had no choice but to take Eggy out and feed her milk powder by myself.

Eggy took a sip, but the taste was not right, so she stopped drinking and continued to cry.

Lu Sichen frowned: "Your mother is too tired to feed you. I will give you two choices. One is to drink, and the other is to continue crying and drink when you are tired."

Eggy didn't understand at all, she blinked and continued to cry.

Lu Sichen ignored it, and gave her a drink when she was tired from crying, wouldn't you?Then keep crying.

Repeatedly like this, Eggy seemed to understand, she was so hungry that she couldn't help but drink milk powder in the end.

So Lu Sichen made Dandan get used to quitting breastfeeding in a very short time.

After feeding, Eggy fell asleep contentedly, and Lu Sichen breathed a sigh of relief, taking care of the baby is really tiring.

Lu Sichen carried Dandan into the room, saw that Bai Jiujiu was still asleep, and kissed her lightly on the head.

The doctor said that she is weak and needs to be supplemented slowly and rest more.

At this time, Bai Jiujiu didn't know that after so many things, her hearing became more serious.

Bai Jiujiu slept for two days and three nights.

When Bai Jiujiu opened it, the first person he saw was Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen looked a little tired, his chin was covered with beard stubble, he looked a little embarrassed, but he was still handsome, a little more unrestrained and wild.

"Wake up." The voice was low and hoarse.

"Huh?" Bai Jiujiu stretched out his hand involuntarily: "Husband, why did you become like this?"

Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly, so tightly that Bai Jiujiu could hardly breathe.

"Just wake up." He almost thought she couldn't wake up, the doctor said it's okay, just get more rest, but he never expected that Bai Jiujiu would sleep for so long.

"My husband, I'm fine. Don't worry, Eggy? How's Eggy?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

"She's fine, eat and sleep well."

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, "I didn't..." Before he finished speaking, Bai Jiujiu's stomach gurgled.

Lu Sichen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "After sleeping for so many days, I must be tired. I have asked someone to prepare porridge. You can try it."

Bai Jiujiu nodded, just about to sit up, but felt dizzy.

Bai Jiujiu felt that her tinnitus sounded a lot louder, and she was inexplicably uneasy.

After drinking something, it was relieved.

"Oh, Jiu Bao, you finally woke up, do you know that you are anxious to kill me!" Ying Bao hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly, and said anxiously: "I didn't expect that woman to be so cruel. Fortunately, you are fine."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Yingbao with a startled smile and said, "I'm fine, by the way, how is You Yao?"

"Dead." Ying Bao said: "She killed herself, but since this incident, Xiao Si doesn't like to talk much. Hey, it's pitiful for this child to have such a mother."

Bai Jiujiu thought that Xiao Si was still a child, so young, but after all, this incident must have brought indelible pain to his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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