Chapter 1070

After all, it's his mother, so she has some affection for her no matter what.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu's mood was badly affected, Yingbao immediately changed the topic, otherwise Lu Sichen would definitely torture her knowing that Bai Jiujiu was unhappy.

"By the way, have you seen Dandan? She is simply an angel, so cute, especially her smile, I feel that I have been fascinated by her and become her fan." Ying Bao said quickly, Bai Jiujiu only heard a few important words.

"What about Eggy?"

"Oh, Eggy, I said Eggy is too cute, you don't know that Lele and Xiao Si Ke spoiled her, hehe, the two have been around her all the time, so happy, two brothers, why don't you think I didn't when I was young?" Where's brother?"

Bai Jiujiu heard Ying Bao crackling, and a wry smile appeared from the corner of his mouth: "Ying Bao, speak slowly, I, I can't hear clearly."

"Huh?" Ying Bao was puzzled, he didn't say how fast, why couldn't he hear clearly?

"Jubao, are you alright?"

Facing Shang Yingbao's concerned eyes, Bai Jiujiu wanted to say it's okay, but he felt that he didn't seem to be okay, so he couldn't help frowning: "There may be something wrong."

As soon as Lu Sichen heard that Bai Jiujiu had something to do with his ears, he immediately took Bai Jiujiu to see it without saying a word. In his heart, he didn't want Bai Jiujiu to make any mistakes.

The audiologist took Bai Jiujiu to test his hearing. After looking at the test results, he couldn't help saying: "Her condition is worse than before. Both ears are below [-] decibels, and one side even reaches [-] decibels." Next, Treble's voice is particularly poor, and the current hearing aids can no longer satisfy her current state, and may need to be replaced, and more likely, a cochlear implant will be required."

Bai Jiujiu was very conflicted: "No, I don't want to be a cochlear implant!"

Once a cochlear implant is made, it is equivalent to putting the machine into the body, and it is very ugly to wear such a large hearing aid hanging behind the ear all the time.

"Even if you don't do it, you must change to a hearing aid with a better effect." The audiologist disagreed: "Otherwise your situation will get worse and worse."

Lu Sichen immediately said: "Then do it."

"No!" Bai Jiujiu resisted all over his body: "You can change me to a hearing aid with the most functional efficiency. I don't want to be a cochlear implant for the time being."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen with pleading eyes.

Lu Sichen's heart softened, and he asked, "Can I not do it?"

The audiologist said: "My suggestion is that it is better to make one, which is beneficial, because her hearing has become very poor now, and it will get worse in the future.

Even if she doesn't do it, she needs to change to a better hearing aid. As long as she can hear clearly, it's not a big problem, and a cochlear implant will be better. "

Bai Jiujiu shook his head at Lu Sichen's cuteness, no, she didn't want to do it, and she didn't want to do it even if she was killed. It's a horrible thing to think about, and Bai Jiujiu couldn't accept it.

Lu Sichen quickly said, "First try changing her to a better hearing aid, and if it doesn't work, then consider the cochlear implant."

Bai Jiujiu immediately followed the audiologist to the listening room for adjustment, but she was not used to the result of the adjustment just now.

The sound seemed to be a lot louder again, and it was still very messy. She knew that it might take a while to get used to it, but she changed to a hearing aid, which was an out-of-the-ear type, the kind that hung on the ear, and anyone could see it.

(End of this chapter)

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