Chapter 1075

"it is good."

Tian Siqi is happy, she is not willing to tell the other party her experience, she taught the apprentice to starve to death the master, besides, this is the experience she has worked out slowly over the years, why should she tell Bai Jiujiu?
Hmph, I want to climb on her head, but there is no door.

Bai Jiujiu didn't care too much about it. After all, she really doesn't have the obligation to teach you, and she still wants to rely on herself, although the speed will be a bit slow if no one teaches you.

When a person really does what he likes and wants to do, the time passes very quickly, and he feels a little tired unconsciously, so Bai Jiujiu lays down on the table and wants to take a rest.

On the opposite desk, Tian Siqi crumpled up the script of the plot she had just conceived, and threw it directly into the trash can in a very irritated manner. The empty buckets are now full of piles.

Tian Siqi saw that none of the full buckets of ideas satisfied her, and she became very irritable. She looked at the clock again, and it was almost eight o'clock, so forget it, let's go back.

Xu wrote too much, her thinking was completely fixed, and she didn't have any new inspiration.

When Tian Siqi packed up and was about to go home, she saw Bai Jiujiu sleeping on the table, and her eyes accidentally fell on Bai Jiujiu's manuscript.

She was a little curious about what Bai Jiujiu, a newcomer, would write, and picked up the manuscript with a bit of disdain, but she was deeply attracted after just one glance.

She has to admit that the setting of this story written by Bai Jiujiu is very novel. Although there are some deficiencies, it is not a big problem. It will be quite perfect after a little modification. She has a hunch that this story will definitely become a hit if she writes it. .

There has been a steady stream of inspiration in her mind, and she can't wait to start writing.

So I turned back to the desktop and turned on the computer to continue writing.

A phone call woke up Bai Jiujiu.

"Where is it?" said a cold but gentle voice.

"In the studio."

"I'm downstairs."

Bai Jiujiu got up immediately, "Ah, you're here, I'm coming down from Mashan now."

Bai Jiujiu immediately tidied up. Looking at Tian Siqi who was still typing, he didn't expect her to work hard. Bai Jiujiu didn't think too much, and left directly.

"Husband!" Seeing Lu Sichen coming to pick her up, she couldn't help but brow up with joy, and hugged her.

A trace of surprise flashed in Lu Sichen's cold eyes, he did not expect her to be so enthusiastic.

"Think of me that much?" Lu Sichen put his mouth close to Bai Jiujiu's ear, and his tone was provocative, which made Bai Jiujiu's face turn red involuntarily.

Xiaofen hit Lu Sichen with his fist.

"What are you thinking about!" Bai Jiujiu hugged the folder and said, "I'm just happy to have completed a task."

Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's head, and kissed her on the forehead: "I'll bring you something to eat."

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu was in a good mood and felt happy in everything he did.

Tian Siqi happened to see this scene, she didn't expect that a cripple like Bai Jiujiu could find such a handsome and rich boyfriend, the car cost at least several million!

So she came out just for fun?

Tian Siqi's eyes are full of jealousy, it's really not fair at all, she can't get all these things with such hard work, she didn't expect a newcomer to have such happiness.

The inexplicable jealousy towards Bai Jiujiu implied a hint of hatred, and he said nonchalantly, "Huh, what's the big deal." Originally, he wanted to go home, but after thinking about it again, he decided to sleep directly in the studio tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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