Chapter 1076

The next day.

When Bai Jiujiu arrived at the studio, she was a little surprised to see Tian Siqi sleeping on the sofa. She didn't expect the girl to work so hard and stay in the studio all night.

Seeing that Tian Siqi hadn't covered anything, she hesitated for a moment and covered her with an air-conditioning quilt.

Ying Bao opened the door and saw this scene, alas, Jiu Bao will always be such a gentleman.

At this moment, Tian Siqi just woke up, saw Ying Bao and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't go back last night because I conceived too late, and slept in the studio.

Ying Bao said disapprovingly: "It's okay, it's okay, by the way, how did you two conceive the script?"

Bai Jiujiu handed over the materials: "Look at what I thought about yesterday."

Tian Siqi smiled and said: "Mine has already been sent to your mailbox."

"Oh good." Ying Bao took the manuscript printed out by Bai Jiujiu, and said, "I'll go and have a look first, and we'll discuss it later."

Tian Siqi cast a sideways glance at Bai Jiujiu and said, "In this day and age, who sends directly to emails, who still uses documents to review manuscripts?"

Bai Jiujiu just smiled lightly and didn't speak.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu felt a little uneasy. After all, it was the first time. She didn't know how she did. She just felt that Yingbao took too long to watch.

About half an hour later, Ying Bao looked a little unnatural, so he called the two into the conference room.

"Are you sure it was written by the two of you? It was not written after discussion?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't know why Ying Bao said that, but there must be something wrong with asking this.

Bai Jiujiu said: "No, I haven't discussed it before, but in the end I couldn't reach a consensus, so I decided to write out my own ideas."

Tian Siqi nodded in agreement.

This made Ying Bao a little embarrassed. In fact, the ideas of the two were very similar, while Tian Siqi's was relatively more commercialized, and Jiu Bao's was a little immature.

Is it really just a coincidence?

Ying Bao thought for a moment and said: "Siqi's idea is better, I will use yours for the time being. Since you wrote it separately, you will be in charge of this script, and Jiu Bao will be your assistant."

Tian Siqi was very happy to hear that she had chosen her own script and asked herself to be responsible, but she didn't expect to let Bai Jiujiu be her assistant. Obviously she wanted to give half of the credit to Bai Jiujiu?
Why?This is totally unfair!

Tian Siqi just smiled and said: "Got it." Then she walked out, hmph, she wrote the script, why should she take advantage of others?Let others share the fruits of their labor?

So I thought about it, hum, anyway, she wrote the script, so how to deal with it is her business!
Bai Jiujiu couldn't help asking: "Where is my difference?"

Ying Bao shook his head: "Your ideas are quite similar, but Tian Siqi's content is more complete."

After talking, Ying Bao showed Bai Jiujiu Tian Siqi's manuscript.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, it looked exactly like her idea!This is too much of a coincidence!
"Do you have a camera here?"

Ying Bao froze for a moment, then understood: "You mean..."

"I don't like wild guesses, I like facts."

Ying Bao shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't pretend, but you reminded me, I will pay attention to pretending next time."

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu unhappy and said, "Forget it, whether she is or not, it's all the result of the studio."

Bai Jiujiu was silent, after all, the other party was indeed desirable in some places.

(End of this chapter)

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