Chapter 1081

Sure enough, as Bai Jiujiu expected, the studio was forced to close and fined.

Ying Bao's heart is crying! ! ! !

Although Bai Jiujiu paid the fine, and in fact it was Lu Sichen who paid the fine, but she still couldn't swallow it!

"Ju Bao, I must find this out!"

Bai Jiujiu said, "I think I know who it is."


"Sweet Siqi."

"What? It's her. How do you know it's her?"

"Heh." A sneer appeared on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth: "Besides her, can you think of another person who has such a big resentment towards the studio?"

What Bai Jiujiu didn't expect was that she would know how to restrain herself after receiving the lesson she deserved, but she still didn't give up.

"It's really her!" Ying Bao held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly and said, "I knew you shouldn't let her go like this, but you are too cruel!"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, she never expected Ying Bao to be so hostile.

"What are you going to do?" Ying Bao asked.

Bai Jiujiu lowered his eyes and glanced at Eggy: "The studio can't be opened again, I don't think she can cause any trouble."

Ying Bao stared at Bai Jiujiu: "Jiu Bao, you have changed."


"If someone bullied you before, you wouldn't have swallowed it like this, don't love me anymore?" Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu with tears in his eyes.

Uh... Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear it.

"Obviously you couldn't see me being bullied before!"

Bai Jiujiu sighed in his heart: "Yingbao, do you know? I didn't believe in the theory of retribution in this world, but now I believe it after I have a child. No matter what, I always think about my child before doing things. I don't want to think about myself. The debt is finally paid by the children. I hate Tian Siqi, she has already received the punishment she deserves, enough is enough.

This kind of petty trouble is just a trivial matter for us. Sometimes money is lost, but it can eliminate disasters, as long as people are fine.

Sometimes not caring, indifference to the other party is also the best way to fight. "

Ying Bao frowned, "But I can't swallow this breath."

Bai Jiujiu naturally knew the reason why Ying Bao couldn't swallow, after all, it was Tian Siqi who plotted against her.

"In this case, you can find Tian Siqi and fight with her directly." Bai Jiujiu said casually with a smile.

"you're right!"

"Hey!" Bai Jiujiu didn't hold Yingbao, thinking in his heart, wouldn't she really hit someone to fight?
Forget it, she will go home temporarily, after all, she hasn't been with Dandan and the others for a long time because of the manuscript.

Dandan has already started to learn how to crawl. Although Bai Jiujiu didn't take her with her, Dandan seems to recognize her mother, and she wants to hug her when she sees Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu's heart softened.

"I heard that your studio has been sealed off?" Lu Sichen walked over and hugged Bai Jiujiu's waist from behind.

"Well, Tian Siqi reported our studio, and now she is going to trouble Tian Siqi, the two must be fighting."

The corner of Lu Sichen's mouth curled up slightly: "You don't need me to take action?"

"No, don't get your hands dirty for this kind of person." Bai Jiujiu leaned against Lu Sichen with his balls in his arms: "I only hope that this kind of time can last for a long time, and then you will always be by my side by my side."

"Brother, Mom and Dad are so loving." Xiao Si couldn't help but said.

Lele hummed.

"Sister is so happy."

Lele hummed again, then looked at Xiao Si's gloomy eyes, and said, "Aren't you happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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