Chapter 1082

Xiao Si smiled and said, "Happiness." It's just that the smile seemed a bit bitter.

Lele frowned, but didn't understand. She always felt that Xiao Si in front of her was not as cute as before.

Not long after, the door was kicked open, yes, it was kicked open.

Ying Bao came in angrily, her hair was obviously scratched, she was a little embarrassed, and her arm was also scratched with nails.

Lu Sichen asked coldly: "You women always fight like this?"

Bai Jiujiu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know, but I should not be so gentle."

As soon as Ying Bao came in, she saw such a loving scene, she was so hot-eyed, she sat down on the sofa, and said in puzzlement: "I didn't expect that woman to go crazy is so scary, she is really crazy, you know Is it? In the end, she bit me hard, her parents pulled her away, do you know how it ended in the end?"

Bai Jiujiu poured Yingbao a glass of water, and asked cheerily, "How's it going?"

"Hehe, I told her parents that she had a mental problem, and then her parents actually sent her to the hospital. Guess what? There was a real problem! That girl was crazy, who made her stay at home all day , I can’t even go out! Tsk tsk tsk, it’s really pitiful to think about this Tian Siqi.” Ying Bao took a sip of water and said with emotion.

Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything, and said, "You have time to meddle in other people's business, why don't you think more about the studio, what should we do next."

Ying Bao couldn't help having a headache and worrying after taking pleasure in misfortune: "That's right, what you said is, what should we do next?"

After saying that, Ying Bao glanced at Lu Sichen, with a malicious smile: "Isn't there an uncle from your family, right, Young Master Lu?"

Where does she need to worry about?
Lu Sichen gracefully took a sip of Bai Jiujiu's brewed coffee and said, "You have to ask her about that."

Ying Bao was shocked, what?Did she hear correctly?

When did Young Master Lu become strict with his wife, and what happened to those affectionate eyes?

Ying Bao shivered uncontrollably, it was more terrifying than seeing a ghost.

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu, blinked suddenly, quick, tell her quickly, this must be a fake Young Master Lu!

"What's wrong with your eyes? Are you in the dust? Is it important?" Bai Jiujiu pretended to be stupid on purpose.

Ying Bao was in her heart, oh, there was no tacit understanding at all, why did she feel that she was stuffed with dog food again?
Aww, why is it always me who gets hurt.

"I don't care, Jiu Bao, if you don't settle this matter, I, I, I will cry for you! Woooooooooo!"

Bai Jiujiu: ...

When Ying Bao cried, Eggy in her arms cried too. Lele and Xiao Si came over to coax Eggy when they heard that their sister was crying.

While coaxing Xiao Si, there seemed to be a trace of fear, but it was not obvious: "Little sister, be good, don't cry."

"Good, good!" Lele took the opportunity to kiss her.

Xiao Si was stunned for a moment, what did he see just now?
Eggy stopped crying suddenly, looked at Lele with a blink of an eye, held Lele's hand tightly, and suddenly laughed.

And all this made Lu Sichen startled, what did he just see?
Lele kissed her daughter?This made him very unhappy.

Maybe it's just comfort, what do children know.

Bai Jiujiu didn't notice these small details. She got a headache from Yingbao's pretend crying. How did she feel that she had raised four children?

"No, we can open it again. This time, I will replace it with mine. I have a certificate. I can receive subsidies and reduce taxes. It is also saving money, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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