Chapter 1087

"Okay, no problem." Bai Jiujiu knew that joining a group was different from joining an actor, and there was still a lot of freedom in time.

Ying Bao kissed the bank card: "This is our first fund, it's great."

"I'm happier than when you got your first draft fee?"

"That's different, it was working for others, and now I'm the boss's wife!" Ying Bao happily kissed the bank card again, and then said: "By the way, Jiu Bao, I have notified a few people who are interviewing, and they will come with me when the time comes. Decide who to hire."

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Okay."

Everything in the studio is slowly getting on the right track, and Bai Jiujiu's confidence is gradually withdrawn.

Bai Jiujiu sat in the conference hall and smiled at Ying Bao. This was their first interview with others, and they had been interviewed by others before. This feeling was very delicate.

Because they are recruiting special personnel, Bai Jiujiu and Yingbao saw many people eager to be recognized, which made them have mixed feelings, and finally chose two slightly better ones among the many.

After all, it is to open a studio, not to do charity. If you have no ability at all, how can you support yourself for nothing?

One looks sweeter, is good at dressing up, and is also very beautiful. Like Bai Jiujiu, he is deaf, but not serious.

The other is that the face was disfigured for a long time. There are no other problems, and everything is OK in communication.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the disfigured face and said, "It's not suitable for you to have long hair like this, try cutting it shorter, and use half of your bangs to cover it.

Bai Jiujiu felt that when he first met the disfigured girl, she seemed a little scared and took a step back.

Bai Jiujiu didn't care, just smiled and said: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

The disfigured girl hummed softly.

Bai Jiujiu said to Ying Bao: "In this way, we each have an assistant, she and I."

Ying Bao glanced at the disfigured girl and nodded, thinking that this is pretty good.

"Well, you take her to the set."

Bai Jiujiu didn't take the disfigured girl directly to the set, but wore it to the barber shop. The half-potted face almost scared the designer to death.

Fortunately, the designer has good skills, using long bangs to cover her up, but it still looks a bit weird, but the whole person is much more refreshing.

"It's much better this way." Bai Jiujiu directly took her hand and walked away.

The other party seemed to shake off in fear.

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Sorry, I didn't know you didn't like it, Aya, follow me closely."

Aya nodded, lowered her head and followed silently.

Bai Jiujiu was a little strange. She could speak quite well before, but because of her hoarse voice and her appearance, she must have been a little autistic.

But no one saw that Aya lowered her head and looked at Bai Jiujiu with a strong hatred and fear in her eyes.

Aya's cell phone vibrated, and she opened it.

"The plan went well?"

Aya replied immediately: "Successful."

"Remember not to hurt her again, you know the consequences."

Aya's whole body trembled, and she replied a word.


"Aya, hurry up." Bai Jiujiu kindly reminded: "You, watch the road more, it's dangerous to look down at your phone like this."

"Yeah." Aya nodded slightly.

When she came to the set, Aya lowered her head, as if she was afraid of so many people.

Bai Jiujiu seemed to see his shadow in Aya, and felt a little distressed.

"Don't be afraid, I'm the same as you." Bai Jiujiu twisted his long hair, revealing the hearing aid, hoping that he could give her some courage.

(End of this chapter)

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