Chapter 1088

"Don't worry, your bangs are just covering your hair. It's the same as my hair. If you don't pay attention, you won't be able to see it."

Aya said nothing.

Bai Jiujiu didn't say any more, so he went to the director to discuss which parts of the script needed to be changed. Because the director spoke too quickly, Bai Jiujiu couldn't hear clearly.

The director frowned: "Is there something wrong with your ears? You can't hear this clearly? Do you know how long it takes to repeat?"

Bai Jiujiu could only smile apologetically: "I'm sorry, I..."

"I've memorized it." Aya handed her notes to Bai Jiujiu to read.

Bai Jiujiu looked at it once, then repeated it and said, "Director, what else do you think other than these?"

The director thought for a while, "It's nothing for now, you can stay and watch the plot later, does it feel that way?"

"it is good."

Bai Jiujiu smiled gratefully at Aya, she didn't expect this girl to be very flexible, and she really did not recruit the wrong person.

But Bai Jiujiu never expected that the actor who played her male lead would be Gu Xiuyi.

"Sister." Gu Xiuyi greeted Bai Jiujiu, "Looking at you like this, I'm surprised and surprised?"

This is what he wants.

Bai Jiujiu nodded: "It's a little bit, you seem to know already?"

"Of course, Sis, your debut work must be performed by me! Besides, who else can take over." Gu Xiuyi smiled happily.

During filming, Gu Xiuyi's manager said to Bai Jiujiu, "Can't you see his heart clearly?"

Bai Jiujiu looked at the manager with a puzzled expression.

The agent didn't say anything, just sighed.

Bai Jiujiu didn't care, staring at the screen, she didn't expect that Gu Xiuyi's acting was really good, he really performed all the feelings of the male lead in her pen.

Gu Xiuyi has a tattoo of the ten thousand word Buddha on his forehead, which seems to be good or evil, as long as he smiles, he will be magnificent, as long as he is angry, he will be ferocious by a hundred ghosts.

No matter what kind of role he plays, he can complete it and shape it extremely well.

"If possible, I am willing to go to hell with you. As long as you are willing, I am willing to go with you even in hell. This heart can no longer accommodate anyone except you and me."

I don't know why when Gu Xiuyi smiled at the camera, her heart skipped a beat for no reason. This line is so emotional, no wonder he is so popular.

However, when writing this line, Bai Jiujiu was thinking of Lu Sichen's figure in his mind. When he thought of Lu Sichen saying this to her, she couldn't help but tremble, it was a bit too nasty, but the audience would definitely like very much.

She had a hunch that this movie would definitely be popular, after all, it was a work of her hard work, especially with such a popular niche like Gu Xiuyi, it would be hard not to think it would be popular.

At this moment, Bai Jiujiu's heart beat violently and felt a slight pain. What's wrong with her?
Her eyes became more and more blurred, and she couldn't see clearly. Before she could think about it, Bai Jiujiu fainted. Before she lost consciousness, she vaguely heard Gu Xiuyi calling her, "Sister, sister!"

Then her body lightened, she seemed to see Lu Sichen's figure, and she wanted to reach out to touch it, but the figure became fainter and fainter, and her heart stabbed sharply again, and then the stabbing pain became more and more obvious, her heart seemed to be gradually Going by, it seems that something has been lost.

The moment he completely closed his eyes, Bai Jiujiu murmured, "Uncle."

Tears slipped from the corners of the eyes, fell to the ground, turned into air and dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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