Chapter 1100

This series of actions was very smooth, without any hindrance or hesitation, as if everything had been planned in advance.

Bai Jiujiu gasped for breath, stared at Gu Xiuyi, a little dissatisfied: "I need you to give me an explanation."

"Sister, I'm just worried that you'll be bored in the room, so I'll take you out to relax. Haven't you started writing now? By the way, I'll take you out to collect inspiration."

Gu Xiuyi's words made Bai Jiujiu very useful, but she never thought that Gu Xiuyi was so well-intentioned.

"Where do we go now?"

"I've arranged it, sister, just have fun."

Bai Jiujiu didn't care too much: "Then thank you."

Gu Xiuyi smiled handsomely at Bai Jiujiu. In fact, he had made countless arrangements in his heart, and this time it was thanks to that person that he was able to fulfill his wish.

Sister, no matter whether you will hate me in the future, I just want to seize every minute and every second with you.

Gu Xiuyi couldn't help gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Bai Jiujiu never expected that Gu Xiuyi would bring her to see Hai. For some reason, she seemed to have no liking for Hai, and even felt disgusted, but she couldn't tell why, it was just a feeling.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Gu Xiuyi noticed.

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "I feel like I've been to this place before, but I can't remember it, but I really dislike this kind of place."

Gu Xiuyi didn't expect that it would be unfavorable for him to become a teacher so he said: "Since you don't like it, let's change places."

Bai Jiujiu took Gu Xiuyi's hand and said, "No, no, it's actually not that annoying."

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu's hand holding him, it was very soft to the touch.

"Sister, can I call you Jiuer?"


"If you didn't refuse, you agreed."

"not me……"

"You want to reject me?" Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu pitifully, like a handsome and cute puppy.

How could Bai Jiujiu refuse to be bleeding when he was cut off?
"Follow, follow you."

"Jiu'er." Gu Xiuyi stared at Bai Jiujiu with affectionate eyes, and Bai Jiujiu felt goose bumps.

She admits that Gu Xiuyi's looks are really good-looking, and it is also the type she likes. She will be happy to see it, and it is very eye-catching, but there is only one thing missing.

is the heart.

There is no feeling of heartbeat, no matter how handsome and good-looking, it is only on the surface.

Bai Jiujiu looked away, and changed the topic: "Look, the sea is quite blue and beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." Gu Xiuyi's eyes never left Bai Jiujiu, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

Bai Jiujiu: ... This kid just chatted to death.

Forget it, ignore it.

Bai Jiujiu took off his shoes and socks and walked into the fine sand. The breeze blows and his hair flutters. It feels very good.

Bai Jiujiu stopped and looked at the endless sea: "The sea can really inspire people infinitely, and it is also the only thing that can make people feel the passage of time. It is romantic and a bit sad. Some people say that the sea is tears from the sky. In order to weep Pity mankind, and some people say that the sea is a place to witness feelings, so there is a legend of the ends of the earth..."

"Some people say that the sea is a suitable place to confess, Jiu'er, I like you, can you consider me." Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu: "I remember when I first met you, you were just talking to me Acting, but I knew it, but I still went deep into it. After that, you didn’t want to act anymore. Jiu’er, tell me what you like? I’m willing to make any changes for you. I just want to be with you and give me a chance OK?"

Bai Jiujiu was extremely embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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