Chapter 1101

She never expected that Gu Xiuyi would confess to him.

"That I have always just treated you as a younger brother."

"Fucking brother!" Gu Xiuyi held Bai Jiujiu's arm tightly: "Jiu'er, look at me, look at me carefully, do you think I'm just your brother now?"

Gu Xiuyi's height is close to 1.8 meters, Bai Jiujiu has to raise his eyes to meet him.

That face didn't look as mature as Lu Sichen's, but there were many emotions hidden in the eyes that people couldn't see through.

More importantly, she could no longer break free from Gu Xiuyi's shackles, and it was indeed a man standing in front of her, not a boy.

"It's still Jiu'er, do you think I will still treat you like before, so that you can't feel my change?" Gu Xiuyi said as he bent down directly, his face was close at hand.

Gu Xiuyi's breathing was very rapid, it could be seen that he was holding back, especially the emotion in his eyes made Bai Jiujiu feel very dangerous.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to break free, but felt he couldn't right now, this would only make the situation worse.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly stretched out his hand, put it on Gu Xiuyi's face, and smiled brightly at Gu Xiuyi: "I know you won't, you won't make me sad, right? You will protect me, right? ?”

Gu Xiuyi was stunned for a moment, the moment Bai Jiujiu smiled at him, his heart was beating fast, but at the same time, he really couldn't make another move.

He would rather Bai Jiujiu be angry at him, angry at him, and scold him!

But he didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu would smile at him and say such words, which made him...unbearable.

He couldn't bear to destroy such a clean smile, but how much he wanted to drag her to hell with her!

He lowered his body and slid his lips past Bai Jiujiu's ears: "Sister, you really...fouled."

Bai Jiujiu was actually very nervous, his rapid breathing lingered in his ears, Gu Xiuyi didn't let go of Bai Jiujiu, just leaned his head on her shoulder, but didn't move any more.

Bai Jiujiu said nothing, let him lean on.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Xiuyi raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, God knows what kind of struggle and forbearance he just did.

"Let's go back." Gu Xiuyi let go of Bai Jiujiu, and walked forward alone.

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing Gu Xiuyi in such a state of despair, he couldn't bear it.

Gu Xiuyi walked a few steps, then suddenly turned around and asked Bai Jiujiu: "If, if next time I meet you before him, will you fall in love with me?"

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, she couldn't answer this question, but with such a hurt expression, she didn't want to be silent.

"If, if so, then you can ask me at that time, okay?"

Gu Xiuyi obviously didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to answer like this, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Gu Xiuyi uttered three good words, each in a lower voice than the last, but everyone knew that there were no ifs in this world.

Bai Jiujiu would not say anything more comforting than her, and not being able to give him any hope is a greater protection for him.

In fact, she didn't hate Gu Xiuyi, but her heart seemed to be filled.

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed in Bai Jiujiu's mind, it was Lu Sichen.

Bai Jiujiu beat his head lightly, forcing himself not to think about this iceberg man, but the more he forced, the more he thought about it, and he didn't know what was going on with him.

(End of this chapter)

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