Chapter 1102

The two ran back, Gu Xiuyi didn't say a word, but the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and Bai Jiujiu's stomach kept churning, but she didn't speak.

Gu Xiuyi was obviously venting his emotions, and she was very worried that if she stopped her, it would be more harm than good if this lovelorn emotion vented on her instead.

Fortunately, the speed of the car gradually slowed down afterwards, and Bai Jiujiu seemed to be able to feel that Gu Xiuyi's heart gradually returned to peace.

When Bai Jiujiu stepped into Lu's house, he saw many people sitting at home, but Lu Sichen was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did Jiu Bao go? Do you know that we are worried about you?" Ying Bao ran over and hugged Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu said: "I just went out for a walk with Gu Xiuyi, it's fine."

"Why are you all right? Do you know that Young Master Lu knew you hadn't seen, so he went crazy to find you!" Ying Bao scolded Bai Jiujiu: "You too, why didn't you tell him before you go out, do you know that he didn't see you for a while?" regardless of……"

"Oh, what a big deal, I just went out for a while." Bai Jiujiu interrupted Ying Bao disapprovingly, yawned and said, "I'm a little sleepy, go back to my room first."

Ying Bao was so anxious that she was about to cry, is she still in the mood to sleep now?She thought of Lu Sichen's cold breath after he knew the news of Bai Jiujiu's disappearance, which made her shiver uncontrollably, and she still has lingering fears in her heart.

"Bai, for a long time, for a long time..." There was a cold voice at the door, as if broken glass and ice slag, making people feel extremely uncomfortable listening to being stuck in the throat.

Bai Jiujiu turned his head and was stunned to see Lu Sichen's body stained with blood, "Why are you injured again!"

Strange, why did she say again?

Suddenly, some similar images appeared in Bai Jiujiu's mind, intermittent and fleeting, but when she thought about it deeply, her head hurt again.

The next second, Lu Sichen grabbed Bai Jiujiu's arm tightly, as if trying to crush her bones.

"It's not that I won't let you leave, why? Why don't you listen to me? Why do you always want to run away?"

Lu Sichen's eyes were cold and without any warmth, his tone was full of hatred, and his body exuded a bloodthirsty hostility, as if he had crawled out of hell.

The icy cold made Bai Jiujiu unable to adapt for a while, and he didn't understand that he had only left for such a short time, how could he be so angry?
"Let go of me, it hurts." Bai Jiujiu frowned and struggled away.

"What? Still thinking of leaving me?" Lu Sichen ruthlessly pulled Bai Jiujiu upstairs: "It seems that I must teach you a lesson, otherwise you won't have a long memory at all."

Ying Bao wanted to stop it, but she was scared.

Gu Xiuyi couldn't stand it anymore, grabbed Bai Jiujiu's other arm and said, "I didn't see that she was afraid, so let her go."

Lu Sichen cast a cold glance at Gu Xiuyi, and increased his strength. Bai Jiujiu felt that his arm was about to fail.

"What if I don't let go?"

Gu Xiuyi looked at Bai Jiujiu in pain and said, "If you want to blame, blame me. I took her out. She is innocent."

The corners of Lu Sichen's mouth were full, with a murderous smile that made people tremble, "Do you think I'll let you go again?"

After finishing speaking, he kicked Gu Xiuyi's stomach neatly.

Gu Xiuyi dodged, Lu Sichen carried Bai Jiujiu directly and walked upstairs to the bedroom.

Bai Jiujiu stretched out his hand towards Yingbao, hoping that someone would take her away.

(End of this chapter)

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