Chapter 1119

What's the matter with the two of them?

How to lead them, in fact, they are just children.

The test results came out, and the doctor said that she was indeed pregnant.

Wu Qiu was stunned. In fact, she just said it casually, but she didn't expect it to happen?Who is the father of this child?

"I, I, I..." Wu Qiu wanted to explain.

Lu Sichen just said coldly: "Since you have a child, just stay there and don't think about doing other things."

Wu Qiu looked at Lu Sichen with angry eyes, and lowered his head: "Yes."

Bai Jiujiu walked up to Lu Sichen: "Then, is that your child?"

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu, she seemed to be thinner again, couldn't help reaching out to touch her, but Bai Jiujiu took a step back to avoid it.

Lu Sichen withdrew his hand in vain and said, "If I say no, would you believe me?"

Bai Jiujiu was silent for a while, Lu Sichen laughed at himself, and left without looking at Bai Jiujiu's expression.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen's back, feeling a little lonely.

What exactly made them like this?

What kind of curse is Si Yin under?is that true?She is not very convinced.

She only remembered that the two were still together happily and sweetly after the disaster, but she had no memory of why they separated later, the only thing she remembered was Lu Sichen's heartless expression, and every time she thought about it, it hurt her heart .

It may also be due to poor memory after giving birth.

"Eggy, let's go home." Bai Jiujiu didn't want to stay any longer.

Bai Anning didn't expect to let this matter go, so he could only say angrily: "I will never come to this place again in the future!"

Lu Beichen and Lu Ye looked at each other. In fact, they were helpless, but no one could change what Lu Sichen had decided.

They also wished that Bai Jiujiu and Bai Anning could stay, but they both remembered clearly what happened at that time, Bai Anning was still young at that time, so they didn't have much memory.

All this is just for the good of Bai Jiujiu, and only he himself knows how much pain Lu Sichen has endured.

Compared with Bai Jiujiu's attachment, the two expressed more sympathy for Lu Sichen.

"Do you think we should make it clear to An Ning and mother? In fact, Dad has no choice but to do this for the good of the family." Lu Ye asked.

Lu Beichen shook his head. Since it was for the good of the family, then Lu Sichen naturally had his own plans, and there was no need for them to meddle in the affairs of their parents.

Lu Ye glanced at Lu Beichen: "Brother, sometimes I think you are very smart, but sometimes I think you are very pedantic. Obviously I am more like Dad, but in terms of personality, I think you are more like Dad. Hey, whoever likes you in the future You, some are unlucky."

Lu Ye put his hands behind his head and left.

Lu Beichen: ...

Forget it, take him as a good word, but is he pedantic?

Bai Anning went back and looked at Bai Jiujiu, feeling restless and in a daze, and made a bold decision to go on a blind date with her mother. Since her father was unkind, don't blame her for being unrighteous, so Bai Anning made some secrets before starting school. ready!

She must choose a good husband for her mother, so her father is so mad!
And Bai Jiujiu didn't notice Bai Anning's small thoughts at all, but she was relieved when she saw that her daughter was no longer making trouble. Nothing is as important as her daughter. Looking at Bai Anning's smiling face, it seemed that all the troubles in life were not It's important, as long as she's happy.

It never occurred to her that her good girl Bai Anning almost caused such a disaster to her.

(End of this chapter)

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