Chapter 1120

At the beginning of school, after Bai Jiujiu sent Bai Anning to school, Bai Anning said to Bai Jiujiu: "Mom, I know there is a very good coffee shop, I will book the location for you online, here is the number, I will send it to your phone , you just take this number and enjoy it, and don't refuse me!"

Seeing Bai Anning being so cautious, Bai Jiujiu pouted her little face, "Okay, I get it, I can't make it if I go, you should study hard."

Bai Anning kissed Bai Jiujiu's face, and then ordered: "Mom, you must go, don't disappoint your daughter."

When Bai Jiujiu saw Bai Anning's advice, he said, "All right, all right, I'll go right away."

Seeing that Bai Anning had entered the school, she felt relieved. She didn't want to go at first, but Bai Jiujiu thought about Bai Anning's strict instructions, so she went.

After all, it was her daughter's wish. She didn't want to disappoint Bai Anning. After all, Bai Anning had been so well-behaved since she was a child, and being so well-behaved made her feel bad.

It was quite a surprise that Bai Jiujiu entered the place that Bai Anning chose for her, she didn't expect it to be such a romantic place, she liked it very much.

Bai Jiujiu sat at a place by the window casually, and showed the waiter the number given by Bai Anning, and the waiter immediately brought drinks and cakes to Bai Jiujiu.

Just why two copies?
"No mistake?"

The waiter smiled: "No."

Well, it may be that my daughter loves herself too much, so she ordered a double serving, and Bai Jiujiu ate it without thinking too much, um, it tastes good.

"How long?"

Bai Jiujiu heard someone calling himself, looked up, saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face, "You are."

"I'm Han Xu."

"Senior Han, why are you here?" Bai Jiujiu was quite surprised.

Senior Han smiled without answering, "What a coincidence, I thought it was you, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Bai Jiujiu smiled lightly, with a puzzled look on his face, but he didn't understand.

"Are you going to start over now?"

Bai Jiujiu blinked, but didn't understand: "Senior, do you have something to do with me?"

"I, I..." Han Xu hesitated to speak, no, it's not the time yet, he just came to make sure, but he didn't expect it to be true, if it was true, Bai Jiujiu wanted to start looking for a partner again, he had to put his own The housework is handled well.

Bai Jiujiu watched Han Xu take a sip of the drink in front of him, and a trace of ominousness flashed in his heart. He always felt that his daughter did something behind her back that she didn't know.

"I'm sorry, senior, but I actually have something else to do." Bai Jiujiu stood up and wanted to leave, but Han Xu stopped Bai Jiujiu and wanted to chat with her more.

"Jijiu, I want to tell you..."

Bai Jiujiu directly shook his hand away: "Sorry, I don't want to tell you."

When Bai Jiujiu turned around, someone poured a glass of drink, and it happened that she didn't finish it.

"Shameless bitch!" The other party wanted to slap Bai Jiujiu as soon as he finished splashing.

Being held tightly by Bai Jiujiu, Bai Jiujiu directly picked up Han Xu's cup and threw it at the woman.

The other party obviously didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to hit her!

"Is it reasonable for you to seduce a man?" The other party pointed at Bai Jiujiu's nose and said angrily, "Everyone, come and take a look, this woman seduces my husband is a mistress, everyone hurry up and judge me!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at this posture, overlapping with a figure in his mind: "Yu Wei?"

Yu Wei sneered: "Bai Jiujiu, thank you for remembering me, I didn't expect that you would not give up on getting a divorce, and even seduce a married man everywhere, it's really shameless."

Bai Jiujiu sneered: "Keep your mouth clean with me."

(End of this chapter)

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