Chapter 1128

It's rare for Bai Anning to see Lu Beichen being so fierce to her, and she looked at Lu Beichen aggrieved and nodded: "I know, I was wrong, from now on, next time, I won't dare again."

Bai Anning hated this website to death, she had paid for it and was a member.

In fact, Bai Anning can't be blamed, this website was founded by a branch of the Han Group.

The people above give orders, but the people below naturally dare not refuse to do so.

Bai Jiujiu said: "Okay, you just need to remember."

In fact, seeing Bai Anning's aggrieved appearance softened her heart, so there is no lesson for her mood.

"It's so late, Chenchen, you sleep in the guest room."

Bai Anning was a little unhappy, she hadn't slept with Lu Beichen for a long time, before sleeping together Lu Beichen would tell her a lot of stories.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning completely unable to fall asleep, hearing the sound of the bathroom clicking, Bai Anning got up and sneaked to Lu Beichen's guest room, hum, if you don't let me sleep with Brother Beichen, I won't sneak over here.

This is called "There are policies and there are countermeasures."

Seeing that the bed was empty, Bai Anning knew that Lu Beichen must have gone to take a shower, rolled his eyes, and wanted to play a prank.

She secretly covered the quilt to scare him!
When Lu Beichen came back in his pajamas, he found that something was wrong, and one side of the quilt was particularly bulging.

Lu Beichen: ...

He didn't even need to open it to know who was in it, so he sat on the side, propped his head on his hands, his eyes fell on the place where the quilt was agitated, thoughtful.

Bai Anning hid under the quilt and didn't dare to move. She heard the footsteps and was full of anticipation, looking forward to the moment when Lu Beichen lifted the quilt.

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed, more than ten seconds passed, Bai Anning felt like he was about to suffocate, he couldn't take it anymore!

He opened it by himself, panting heavily.

"20 seconds."

Bai Anning:?

"It lasted for 20 seconds this time, not bad." Lu Beichen looked at his watch and said.

Bai Anning understood, he was counting the meter, that's right, but why did he record the meter! ! !

Bai Anning was very angry, but she didn't know why she was angry, but she was angry, her face was full of anger, and her lips were pouted.

The corners of Lu Beichen's eyes and mouth were stained with a smile. Lu Beichen couldn't help but want to tease her because of his cute appearance, but his eyes fell on her slightly puffed chest, and he couldn't help but darken.

"go back."

Bai Anning was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Lu Beichen would attack her instead of comforting her.

Bai Anning was so wronged that she wanted to cry!

Seeing Bai Anning crying, Lu Beichen had a headache: "What do you want?"

Bai Anning sobbed, "I want to hear a story."

Lu Beichen didn't expect Bai Anning to be the same as when he was a child.

"Now you can listen to it on your mobile phone."

Bai Anning was unhappy, and patted the bed: "I want you to lie beside me and tell stories to lull me to sleep, otherwise, otherwise, woo woo woo..."

Bai Anning pretended to sob.

What Lu Beichen was most afraid of was that she cried and immediately said: "Okay, don't cry, let me tell you, can't I tell you?"

Bai Anning immediately smiled, and patted the bed to signal Lu Beichen to sleep on the bed.

Lu Beichen sighed helplessly, he had nothing to do with Bai Anning, he could only let it go.

Lu Beichen half-lyed beside Bai Anning and said, "What story do you want to hear?"

Bai Anning thought for a while and said, "Whatever, I like whatever you say."

In fact, Bai Anning just wanted to hear Lu Beichen's voice.

But what Bai Anning didn't expect was that Lu Beichen could speak fluent English! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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