Chapter 1129

Her English isn't that good yet, and the eyes she looks at Lu Beichen are sparkling, adoring eyes.


Bai Anning shook her head: "I don't quite understand, but I will try my best to understand."

"Well, remember to study hard. Only by studying hard can you be a person who contributes to the country and the people, and you can..."

"Stop!" Bai Anning smiled stiffly: "Brother Beichen, I will study hard, I promise, so don't lecture me at night, I would rather listen to that English story."

Lu Beichen raised his eyebrows, and immediately told the story in English again.

Bai Anning could understand the simplest sentences and words. It seemed to be a love story. Gradually, her eyelids were twitching, and she fell asleep unknowingly.

Lu Beichen covered Bai Anning with the quilt, watched her sleeping soundly, and gently brushed aside the hair that had stained her face.

The finger accidentally touched it, and just for a moment, Lu Beichen felt his heart jerk.

He turned his face away in a bit of embarrassment, and immediately got up.

There seemed to be residues on his fingers, and the roots of his ears were involuntarily reddened.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and Bai Jiujiu walked in and said, "Asleep?"

Lu Beichen was a little cautious, as if he had just done something wrong and was caught on the spot.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "That's good, can Lele come out for a while? I have something to tell you."

Lu Beichen nodded, took a look at Bai Anning and walked out without kicking the quilt.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu's heart at this time is very complicated. She just stood outside the door through a small crack, and she can see the situation inside clearly.

And the way Lu Beichen looked at Bai Anning just now was not the usual way, there were obviously some other emotions.

This is very bad, this is very bad, this is too bad! ! ! ! !
This made her feel uneasy, with a hint of fear, afraid of her own speculation, afraid that her superstitious intentions would be true.

What if it is true?
She may not care, but in the eyes of outsiders, this is unreasonable, how much harm it will bring to her daughter.

Bai Jiujiu was never afraid of getting hurt. What she was most afraid of was getting hurt by the people around her.

She didn't allow Bai Anning to suffer any harm. After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body. Only those who have been mothers can understand that kind of feeling. For her daughter, a mother is willing to do anything.

"Le..." Thinking that Lu Beichen didn't like calling her by her nickname again, Bai Jiujiu immediately changed the address and said, "Chenchen, your third year of high school is also the most important year in your life. If you have any ideas, you can tell your mother." say?"

Lu Beichen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to ask him this question. Before that, Bai Jiujiu never interfered with his studies.

"Mom, do you have something to tell me?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Lu Beichen to be so sensitive. He could guess the essence through the table just by asking.

This made Bai Jiujiu somewhat embarrassed.

"Chenchen, mom just wants to hear your plans for the future, and mom is someone who has been there before, but I just hope you won't make detours. Sometimes hard work is important in a person's life, talent is important, but in the end, choice is more important, a wrong choice It can ruin a person's life.

You are still young, reading is the most important thing at your age, especially for a man.

(End of this chapter)

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