Chapter 1130

Although the academic performance does not represent his ability, it can broaden his horizons, enhance his values, improve his cultivation and connotation, so that he will be able to be responsible for the people he likes in his future growth.

do you understand me? "

In fact, Bai Jiujiu felt that what he said was relatively profound, but whether he could understand what he meant depended on Lu Beichen's personal understanding ability. For the same sentence, a hundred people may have a hundred different thoughts after hearing it.

After being silent for two or three seconds, Lu Beichen said, "Mom, I understand, I will pursue my dream." He who was still hesitating at first, after listening to Bai Jiujiu's words, he had a clear idea of ​​his life plan route.

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment and said, "You, really understand?"

Lu Beichen nodded: "Thank you Mom, I was a little bit confused at first, but now I have found the direction."

Bai Jiujiu was a little relieved, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, what exactly did he understand.

Lu Beichen tapped himself on the shoulder and said, "Responsibility is the most important thing. Only by improving your ability can you bring peace of mind to your family. I will go abroad to improve myself, and I will make myself better. Don't worry, mom. Education is the most important thing to me right now.”

Bai Jiujiu nodded in relief. After all, it's normal to have a love affair in the third year of high school. The important thing is how to control yourself and know what the most important thing is now.

Fortunately, Lu Beichen is a child who knows how to measure.

Children have been together for a long time, and they will naturally develop feelings. What's more, the two have grown up together since childhood. After the two are separated, the relationship will gradually fade. She must kill all possibilities in the cradle .

"But I hope that Mom won't tell An Ning about my going abroad."

Bai Jiujiu nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

Lu Beichen was worried that if Bai Anning found out, she would definitely try her best to keep him, but he was not sure that he would be able to leave.

Bai Jiujiu actually loves Lu Beichen very much, but Bai Anning is her biological daughter, so she will be more or less biased towards Bai Anning, but it doesn't mean that Bai Jiujiu doesn't care about Lu Beichen, it's just that they are children, and most of them are not very mature in thinking. Things are not comprehensive, most of them will go with their feelings, and they are easily impulsive in doing things, but is youth still youthful if it is not impulsive?
Taking a [-]-step back, if, if the two of them agree that each other is right, Bai Jiujiu will naturally support him. Of course, this is just a plan for the worst situation.

The more Bai Jiujiu thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and he couldn't help but think of Lu Sichen. If it was him, what would he choose?

In fact, she forgot the details of getting along with Lu Sichen before, but she has adapted to the current life.

Although it is forgotten, the feeling is still there.

Relatively speaking, Lu Sichen will suffer more, because he remembers clearly, his feelings are relatively deep, and he has suffered the most physically and mentally.

Bai Jiujiu didn't know about all this. Lu Sichen was overdrawing his life to love her. He had to let Bai Jiujiu leave her only to prevent her from suffering the same pain as him. He used Wu Qiu just to make Bai Jiujiu go Jiujiu hated him and hated him.

It was better than losing her.


Han family.

When Han Xu came home, Yu Wei had brought Han Zi back home, and Han Zi had entered the room to do his homework.

Sitting in the living room, Yu Wei saw Han Xu coming home, and said in a strange tone, "What? Are you willing to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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